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2� 17��5�3 <br /> �r�his Securifiy�nstrument is�returned�o Lender unpaid, Lend�r may requ�re that any or ali subsequent payrnents due <br /> un der the Note and th�s S�curity�nstrument be rn ad�in one ar m ore of�he fo��owing forrn s, as sel ected by Lender: <br /> �a}cash; �b}money order; �c�certified check, bank check, �reasurer's check or �ashier's check, pra�xded any such <br /> check is drawn upon an ins�itution whase depasits are insured by a federal agenc}�, instrumentality, or ent�ty; or�d} <br /> Electranic Funds Transfer. <br /> Paymen�s are deemed recei�ed by Lender when received a�the ioca��on desigr�ated in the Nnte or at s�uch other <br /> l�cation as may be designa�ed by Lender:in accordance wi�h the no�ice provisioras in Sect��n 14. Lender may return <br /> any pay.menfi or partial payment if the paymen�or par�ial payments are insufficient to bring the Loan cu�-rent. Lender <br /> may accept any payment or partial paymen�insufficient ta bring �he Loan current, without vvaiver of any rights <br /> her�und�r or prejudice to �ts righ�s t� refus� suc�h payment or par��al paymen�s in the future, but Lend�r is not <br /> ohligated��apply such payments at the�ime suc� payments are ac�ep�ed. If each Periodic Payment is applied as of <br /> ��s scheduled due date,then Lender need nof pay rtnteres�an unapplied funds. Lender may hold such unappl�ed fun�is <br /> unt�l B�rrower makes paymen�to bri�ng the Laan current. If Borrower does nof�i�so wi�hin a reasonable period�f <br /> t�rne, Lender shall either apply such funds or re�urn �hem ta Borrower. �f not applied ear�ier, such funds vvill be <br /> applied to�he�utstanding priricipal�balance under�he Note imrnediate�y prior fio farec�osure.Na affse�or claim which <br /> Borrower migh�ha�e now or in the future against Lender sha1� re�ie�e Borrovrrer from making paymen�s due under <br /> the Note and th�s Security I.nstrument or performing the c��enants and agree�nents secured by�his Securi�y Instrument. <br /> 2. Application of Payments or Praceeds. Excep� as a#herwise described �n �his Section 2, a�� payments <br /> acceptied and applied by Lender shall be applied in�he following o�der�f priarity: <br /> First, to the Mortgag�I.nsurance prem�ums t��e paid by Lender to the Secretar}i�r the monthiy charge by�he <br /> Secretary instead of the mon#h�y mor�gage insurance premiurns; <br /> Second, t�any taxes, special assessrnents, leasehold payments or ground rents, and fire, fl�od and other hazard <br /> �nsuranc�premiums, as required; <br /> T�iird, ta interest due under the Note; <br /> Fourth, t�arnortiza�i�n of the principal of�he No�e; a�nd, ��f�h, to�afe charges due under the No�e. <br /> An� application of pay.ments, insurance proceeds, or Misc�l�ane�us Proceeds t�p.rincrtpal due under the Note <br /> sha1�.nof extend or postpone the due date, or charlge the amount of fhe Periodic Payments. <br /> 3. Fun�s for Escrow Items. Borrawer shall pay�a Lender an�he day Period�c Pa�.ments are due under the <br /> Note, unti� #he Not� is pa�d �n fu�l, a sum �the "Funds"}��pr��ide for paymen� of am�un�s due fvr: �a}�axes and <br /> assessrnents and other i�erns�vh�ch can attain priority a�er�his Security�ns�rumen�as a lien or encu.�ribrance nn the <br /> P.roper�y; �b} I easeh�l d pa�.ments or groun� rents on�he Property, i f any; �c}prem ium s far any and al l insuran�e <br /> re�uireti by Lender under Section 5; and�d}Mortgage�nsurance premiums�o be paid by Lender�o the Secretary or <br /> the monthly charge by �he Secretary ins�ead of the rnonthly M�rtgage Insurance premiums. These i�ems are cal�ed . <br /> "Escrow Items." A� o.r�g�na��an ar at any time during the �erm of�he Loan, Lender may r�quire tha# Commun�ty <br /> Association Dues,Fees,and Assessments, if any,be escrowedby Bti�-�-awer,and such dues, fees and assessmen�s shall <br /> �e an Escraw Item. Borrawer shaYl promp�ly furnish ta Lender a�l notices of arnounfs to be paid under this Sec��on. <br /> Borrower shal�pay Lend�r the Funds for Es�rovv�t�rns un�ess Lender waives B�rrower's obligation to pay the Funds <br /> for�ny or all Escrow lterns. Lender rnay wai�e B�rrower's obligafiion to pay to Lender�unds for an�or all Escrow <br /> Items at any time. Any such wai�er may only be in vv�-it�rig. �n the e�ent of such wai�er, Borrovver shall pa��ire�tly, <br /> vwhen at�d where payable, the amounts due for any Escr�w�tems for which pa}�ment of Funds has been waived�by <br /> Lender and, if Lender reyuires, shali furnish to�.ender rece�pts evidencing such payment within such time period as <br /> Lender may.r�quire. BorrovW�r's obligation ta rnake such payment.s and tio provide receipts sha�l for al]purposes be <br /> deemed t�be a co�enant and agreement�ontained in this Security Instrument, as the p�hrase"covenant and agreement" <br /> is used in S�cti an 9. �f Barr�w�r a s ob�igated ta pa�Es�row Item s directly, pursua�nt��a wair�er, and Borrawer fa�l s <br /> ta pay the amount due for an Escrow Item, Lender may exercise i�s rights under Sect��n 9 and pay such amount arid <br /> Borrower shall then be abligated under Section 9�o repay�o Lender any such a�nount. Lender may re�ake�he vvaiver <br /> as�o any or a�l Escr�w�tems at any time by a notice gi�en in accordanc�vWith Se�tion 14 and, upon such revacat�on, <br /> Bor.rower sha�l pay t�Len�er all Funds, and�n such amoun�s, that are then r�quired und�r this Sectian 3. <br /> NF�RASKA FHA DEF.�]�F TRUST - MERS DoCMagic <br /> � N EDDT�2.FHA 091141�5 Page 4 0� �3 . www.da� <br /> . . . <br /> � <br />