2� 17��5�3
<br /> of c��erage. Therefar�, such co�erag� sha�I co�er .Lender, hut might �r m�ghf not pr�tect B�rrower, Borrav►�er`s
<br /> equ�ty in the P.ropert}�, or the contents of�he Property, agairis�any risk, hazard ar�iabi�ity arid rn�g��pro��de greater
<br /> or.less�r�o�erage than was pre�ious�}� in effect. Borrower acl�nowle�ges that the c�st of the insurance co��rage so
<br /> obtai.ned migh�sign�f cantly exceed t�ae cost of ir�surance�hat:Borrawer cau�d�a�e�b�ained. Any amounts dis�ursed
<br /> by Lender under�his Sect�on S sha�l became additional debt of Barrawer s�cured by th�s Secur.��y Instrumen�. These
<br /> ama�ur�ts sha�I bear interest at�he No�e rate f.rorn the date of disburseme�t and shal� be payable, wit�h such �n��res�,
<br /> upon natice from Lender to Borrawe�-requesting pay.ment.
<br /> Al� insurar�ce palicies re�uxred by Lender and reriewais of such po��cies sha�l be subject to Lender's r�gh� �o
<br /> disapprove such policies, shall inc�ude a standard mortgage c�aus�, and shall name Lender as mortgagee andlor as
<br /> additiional loss payee. Lender shall ha�e�he right ta hald the polieies and renewal cer�ificates. If Lender requires,
<br /> Borrower shal]prornptiy�i�e t�Lender al�rec�ipts of pa�d premiums and renewa�notices. If Borrower��tains any �
<br /> f�r.m of.inswance co�erage, riot�therwise required b}�Lender, for damage to, or destruction of, the Propert�, su�h
<br /> policy shall �nc]ude a standard mortgage c�ause ar�d sha�l narne Lender as mort�gagee andlor as an addi�iona] loss
<br /> payee.
<br /> In the e�ent of�oss, Borrower shall gi�e prompt natice to the insurance carrier an�Lender. Lender may make
<br /> �proof of loss if not made promptly �by Borr�wer. Ur�less Lender and Borrower atherwise agree in writing, any
<br /> insurance pro�ee�s, vvhether nr not�he under�ying insura�nce was required by Lender, shal�be applied to restora�rori
<br /> or�-epair�f t�he Praperty, if the resto.ra�ion or r�pair is econamica��y feasib�e and Lender's securi�y is not I�ss�ned.
<br /> During such repa�r and restvra��on period, Lender shal�ha�e�he righf to hold such insurance pr�ceeds until Lender
<br /> has had an �pportunity to inspec� such Property to ensure�he work has been c�mpl�ted to Lender's satisfactiori,
<br /> • prov�ded that such inspec�iari shal] be undertal�en promptly. Lender may disburse pr�ceeds for the repairs and
<br /> restoration in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as t�he vWork is comple�ed. Unless an agreement�s
<br /> made in writi.ng or App��cable Lavw requYres interes� to be paid or� such insurance praceeds, Lerider sha�l na� be
<br /> r�quired��pay B�rrower any interest�r earnings vn such praceeds.Fees for pub�ic adjusters, ar other�hird parties,
<br /> retained by Borrower s�hall no�be paid out of the insurance pr�ceeds and shal�be the sale obl�gation of Borrawer. If
<br /> the res�ora�jon ar repair is not ee�nornicaily feasib]e or L�nder's security vvould be lessened, �he�.r�surance proc�eds
<br /> shal�be applted to the sums secured by this Secur��y Tnstrurnent, whether or.not�hen due,with the excess, if any, paid
<br /> to Borrower. Such insurance proceeds shall be app��ed in�he�rder pro��ded for in Sectian�.
<br /> If B�rrov►rer abandons the Prope�ty, Lender may fil�, negotia�e and settle any available insurance claim and
<br /> reIated matters. If Barrower does na�.respond within 3� days�o a notice from Lender that the ansurance car.rier has
<br /> affered to s�tt�e a clatm,then Lender may negotiate and settle the claim. The 3U-day period w�11 begin when the notice
<br /> �s gi�en. I.n either e�ent, or�f Len�er acquires the Property under Secti�n 22�r otherwise, Borrovver hereby assigns
<br /> to Len�er�a}Borrawer's rights�a any:r.nsurance proceeds in an arnoun�nat ta exceed�he amownts unpaid under�he
<br /> Note or this Security �nstrument, arid �b) any other of Bflrrovver's rights �other than fhe righ� ta any refu�nd of
<br /> unearned premiums paid by Bor.r�wer)under all insurance policies coWering the Property, insofar as such rights are
<br /> applicable ta #he ca�e.rage of the P.roperty. Lender may use tihe �risurance proceeds�i�her ta r�pair or .restare the
<br /> Proper�or to pay amounts unpaxd under�he No�e or th�s Security �nstrurnent, whether or riot then due.
<br /> 6. �ccupancy.B�rrovver sha�I occupy,establish,and use the Pr�perty as Barrower's principal resi�ence within
<br /> 6� days af�er �he execu�ion of this Security Instrumen� and sha�� can�inue �a occupy �he Praperty as Borrower's
<br /> pr.incipal residence fvr at�east one year af�er the da�e�f occupanc�, unless Lender deterrni�es t.�a�this requ�rement
<br /> sha��cause undue hatdship for the Bor.r�wer or unless extenuati.ng cir�umstanc�s ex�st which are beyond Barrower's
<br /> can�ro 1.
<br /> 7. Preservat�on, Ma�ntenance and Prot��ti�n of�he Property; inspections. Barrow�r sha�� no� destrvy,
<br /> damage or impair�he Property, a�lovrr the P.roperty to deter�orate o.r commit was#e on the Property. Borrawer shall
<br /> mair��ai.n�he Property in order�o prevent�he Pr�perty fr�m deteriorating or de�reasing�n�a�ue due to i�s condi�ian.
<br /> t]n�ess i��s det�rm�ned pursuant to Section 5 tha�repair or�resta�ation is not econ�m�cally feasible, Borrower sha��
<br /> prompt�y repair �he P.r�per�y if damaged to a��id fur�her deter.iara�ion or damage. If�nsurance or condemna��on
<br /> proceeds are paid in connec�inn with damage to the Pr�perty, Borrower sha�l be respons�ble for repa�ring or res��.rin�
<br /> the Propert� on��if Lender has released proceeds for such purposes. Lender rnay d�sburs�proceeds for the.r�pairs
<br /> N Ea�T��.FHA �91141�5 Page fi of �3 www.dvcmagic.com
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