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<br /> 9
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<br /> � If Lender reQuired moRgage hstirtnce�a�con6t�bn ot mak�ng the laan searred Dy the Securiiy tnsSrurrteni, 8oaower sha8 pay tha
<br /> � premiums rec�uired to m�htdn the inwracece In eff�i until such time as tRe reqtiue►ner►t fo�the insurance terminates In acxo�rdartce wRh
<br /> garrower's and Lender'a wn'tten agreement or eppicab�e taw. �
<br /> � 8. (napectton. Landar or ib�Qent¢s�y m�ice reaaonab[e en7ks u�on�nd hspectians of the Property. Lee►des shafl give Barower �
<br /> notice at the time W or pfkr to en fnspection�pecitying reesonabte�ause fer the inspectian.
<br /> 9. Co�de�nation. The prooe�ds of�ny award qr aafm ta damages. dued or consequential. in ccnnection with any conde�ma-"
<br /> t:ars ar atl:2r t�sq cr!trtiy put at tha P�apeity. ar far caRV�yanee Sn 4eu o}conder►xraGon. ere hereby assigned and shaU be paid to
<br /> I.�tder.
<br /> � [n the eYSnt af�total Lklrtg of the PropMy, the proceeds shak be app�ied to the sums secured by th3s Security fnstrament, whsther
<br /> � or�ot then due,with�ny excess patd to Borrowa. !n the evmt of a pat:al t�l6ng o}the Rope�iy.untess 8orrower and Lender othe�wiae
<br /> agret in writhg, Ue a�ns securod by thFs Securiry InsSrument shal be redueed by the amount ot the proceeds muitipGed by the following
<br /> .� fracUon:(sj tha toLl artio�mt ot sums aacured imrtxdl�tely betora the takhg, divtded Dy(b) the fak martcei vatue of the Properly immediately
<br /> , befc,�e the Wdnq.Arty balance ah�fl be p�fd ta Borrower.
<br /> If the Piroperty Fs ab�ndoned by Borrower, or if. after�otice 6y Lender to Barruwer that the candemnor offers to make an award or
<br /> setUe a clafm tar Q�rrsa�ts, Borrower fais to respond ta Lender withht 3a days after the date the aotice is gnren, t�der is autfiaized to
<br /> cotlect and appy tE�e proceeds, �i its option, efther to restoration ot�epai�at Sfie Property or to ihe sums secured by this Secutilyy
<br /> Inst�umen�wAether or not tt�en du�
<br /> Untess �errder and Bortower otherwise a�ee in wrftirtg, any a��'�ttoR c3 praceeds to p�incipal shall noi ext�d or postpone the due
<br /> date of the monthly payments rde�red to in puagraph 1 and 2 cr cha�ge tbe�e,muunt ot such payments.
<br /> 10. BorrowQr Not R�I�asfd; For�besrance By Lendsr Na�a Wai�$r. Exienslon oi the time for paymeat or mod'iB-
<br /> cation o1 artiorti¢atlan al th�wms saaxsd by this Securiry fnstrument�antr�ef by Lender to any successor In interest ot Bortower shal
<br /> � not operate to rete�se ths Nat�ity of th�origlnal Borrower ar Bc�rewer's successors tn intr-sr�. Lender shall no1 be requked to conmence
<br /> proceeding�a�Jainst�ny successflr in(nterest or refuse to extErtd time for payment or etr�r<+�se modify amaAizaUon ef the sums sacured
<br /> by thts Secu�iry Instrument by reason ot any d�mand rrade tsy�:e original @c�icr:Er ar 6a�wer's successars in i;�t.e� My tor6ev�nce ��
<br /> by lender(n exerdsing any rlyht ac rertsedy sAaB r=C be a w�v�of or preu'��:��'n_exercise of any ri�ht cr reme��: .
<br /> 11. Sueeessor� antl Assigns Bound; �flint and Severa! 6:�s��ity; Ca-signers. �:;2 ccver.�rr:�.c�-d a�reen�ents ot
<br /> , this S��us*'�y tnstrument shaY b�d end benefit the successors�sd�ssigns G Gn.nder and Borrovro.r. subject to ihe F^cvis:ans ot para4paph
<br /> 17. @aer��:es'a covenants artd tgreenents shaA be join!�.�d�r�r^al. A.:�r�zower who co-siqns this Securfty Instr«sneni but does not �
<br /> execute t`e Note: (a) ts co�siyninp this Secudty�n..ttr�^�ant ar:j :�mortga� 5rant, and eonvey t�at Bor�owers interest In tha WC{�uty - �
<br /> under the temis oi this Security Inatrumenk (bf t^,rrct:�te�onalty obllgated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instn�ment; r�tr��{e) •
<br /> agrses t�ai Lender and any other Bortower may ag.•ea ta ext�nd. modity, forbear or make any accommodations witb regard to ter^�s of '
<br /> this Sess�.�'y tnswmertt or ths Nate wNhout that Borrower's cansent. ' •
<br /> 12. �an Charg�f. tt the lan aecured by this Secu�tty Snstrument Is subjecl to a E��N whtch sets maxlmum b;a!:ehargea, and '
<br /> that {aw ts ftna fnt ' �
<br /> fl}t erprded�o tlut the interest or other loa::charges coliected or to be coilected In connection with the taan ex�d fhe
<br /> permitted limits,theo; (a) any aucfi Wan charges shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the ger.r�i;t�d A�r.it; . _-
<br /> end (bj any sums ake�dy coNected trom Borrawer whicb excer.ded pennitted Itmfis wilt be reiunded to Bonower. Lend-x r-nay choose to
<br /> make ttf�:etund by�educJng the prku�ptl owed under the fJate ar by making �direct payment to BoROwer. It e reTur 1�reduces p�incipal, —
<br /> the redacx�3n wiU be tre�ted�a a parltW prepayment withaut any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 13. Legi8lation AHaCtin� Lende�'s Rights. If enactment or expireUon o1 applicabte law has the effect ot renderinp any —
<br /> provlslon ot the No2e a this Securiry Insirument unenforceabte accarding to its terms, Lender,at its optlon,may require tmmedlate payment
<br /> ln tu0 0'.�,1 sums secured by thla Secur(ty Instrvment end may Invoke any reme�ES permfttQd by paragraph 18. 8 le.Rder exerdse�thls
<br /> aptlon, L5�a,1�r shall taka the atep�s�,ecifled(n tha second paragraph o1 paragraph 17.
<br /> 14. Fioftces. Any notke t���rtower provtded for in this Security Instrument she9;t�r�given by deliver(ng it or bp �aili�g it by ftrst
<br /> class mai!unles�ep��r�bie law requkes use ot another method.Tha noUce sha11 be dire�°8 to the Property Address ar ar�y oihet ed�ess ,
<br /> Borrower designatea by noUce to Lertder. My notice to Lender shaN be givert 6y Tirst�t�:.s mail to Lender's address s;�ied hereSa vr u►y *�`�:
<br /> other address Lender Qesignates�y .r.;,=ice to BoROwer. My nmlce provlded for tn;ii(�Sya,:ity Instrumem shall be�u�-:ed to have been �'�`
<br /> glven to Sorrower or Lender whe�r�c,ti�;as providod tn this paragrapb. '.�,
<br /> 15. tiovernl�g i.avw, S�vsrai'mri��:y. TF;s Security Instrument sh�fl f:�yoyemed Cy tederel�a�� e;��the taw o1 the Judsdlction In ' ,�
<br /> which the PropeRy is located. In the eeert thut r�r�..provision or c(ause of t�,:i�, Security Instrument or ci��= Note con0icts with eppHeabfe � '
<br /> Idw. nuch contlict ahail not attect other provislcns of this Securiiy Instrument _r-�t-o Note which can be given eftect without the con�icttng
<br /> provisian. To thls end ths provisions of thls Security Instrument a.rd the Note ui:�decf�rcd r.n be severable.
<br /> , 16. Barrow�T'i COpy. Borraver shaN be given one caRfarmed ccpy ot t?ie No:e�r.d of thls Security Instrumnnt.
<br /> 17. Transt�r of th� P�op�rty or a B�reficial Interest in Barr�;wer. II all or any pa�t of the Property or eny inte��st in
<br /> ' it ls sotd or transferred(x H i beneficid lnterest In Qorrower is sold or transfc�ra:and Borrower Is not a natural person)without L�tr{,�r'a
<br /> prior written consenf, Lende► rr�y, ai its opticn, repulre immediate payment ;n full o}all��^�s secured by thls Securif,/ir�strumenf.
<br /> Howeve►, t7+;s option shaN not be exerused by Lender il exerdse r's prohibited Ay tederal I�:nr as oi tha date of this ..GesuTty Instrument.
<br /> . If lenc�exerclses th(s opUon, Lc�d��haN give Banower��attr.e o!accet_waUon.The notice shalt pr�si�e a pericd��not i�ss then 30
<br /> days Irom the date the�cUce la dekvar�or mail�d withln whicb the Bona+�ver must pay all sums secure,i��y this Security �nsirurrtent. If
<br /> Borrower taits io pay theae sum�prior to ihm exsJe L�on ollhis period, Lender may invoke any remedios parmitted by this Security InsLtt-
<br /> me�t w;��r�out fuAher notice a dNrw�d on Bortowa.
<br /> 18. 6or�owar's Rlpht to RolnttitY. t}Barrower meets certa(n conditlons. Bonov�er shall have the right to have entorC�f
<br /> of thls Sec�rity Instrument disconfinued�t erry time prior to ths eadier ot: (a) 5 days(or such oiher period as epplicabte law may speciy - -
<br /> for reinstaternenq before sale of th�Rroperty purauant to any power of sale contetned In this Securiry (nstrument: or (b) entry of s '
<br /> judgment entorcing thls Seturiry Irtslrument. Those conditions are that Borrower: (a)pays Lender all sums whlch then woutd bo due under
<br /> this Securiry Instrument�nd the Note had no aeceleration oecuRed:(b) cures any detault of any oth�r co�enant or agreements; (c)pay�
<br /> att expertses incurred M enfaroinp this Security Instrument, inc:uding,but not lirnited to.reasonable ettarneys'teos:nnd(d)takes sucA action ,
<br /> as Eertcer mJy rtasartably reqttife t0 aSSU►@ t11Ai th9 Gen oi this Security(nsin:rnent, Lender's rights in thn Property and Qonower's o61ig- �
<br /> . aliAn lo pay sums aeeurcd by thls SeCUrffy fnstrument shaD conGnue urtehanged.Upon reinstatement by Barr�wer,this Security Instrument 1't
<br /> � and �he obl;gations secured hereby sAaN�etnain futly eftective as it no acceterotion had occuned. Hoti•rc�er, this right to reinstato shap �
<br /> not eppy(n the case ot accekration urtdn paragraph 13 or 17.
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