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_ ___._ ._-.— <br /> +a ���ss ' ui - 'FK dAa` zt l -•'�''•iS4�. x�`�p�t j..`i.y�. .�->.ift4'ui-..�:::;s'1�EY.; • ��.--. m .2ti�_�;zc.e:.f�i• - _. <br /> � tu;�.l,�ib. 1ti i� iL�c('x.`� ...t �,H�+`'`��Y":�S::i�iCiklrP �t.a.`:r',;.§`'t�.c�« '•`'�tii:zlsY�c,•i,.�..� t ��i�����}r`hll'"'_" ��;��}`�`4t v_.,�y_ <br /> .,. , :u,,•�;; <br /> _- -�`�-'-wy'tfi�C�l9dYc��`���'�s��E,1_ �e� t 1 -- <br /> UARG� l`._— <br /> . _��� .. � ' i � <br /> ,� <br /> UMIFQRM GOVENANTS. 8arrowa and l�nder�venant and aarae�s taRows: 30�1�O I �1 <br /> 1. PaymQnt of Principal and inhr�s� Prepaym�nti and Lat� Charges�. 8orrower 9hal1 pram.ptty pay when dur the <br /> � principai ei artd interest on th�deDt�viaenad by tht Note and any prcpaynxnl�nd late charges due under the Note. <br /> 2. Funds for Tsxsa �cfd I�tstu�tteR. Sub;ect to sppficabte.Iaw oc ta�wdlten ►vaiuer by Lender, Borrower sha(i pa�to(.andet <br /> � on the day man:f�y paym[nts are due tRe Nat�un�i!he Note is paid in fuN,e sum ("Funds") equal to orte-t�etfth oC (a) yreatty <br /> taxes and assessrAents whtcFs mey aibtn prta�j over thia Securtty tnsi�umen� (D) yeery teasehafd payments or ground rents an the <br /> • Property,if and; (c�yeuty hazxd hsuraisce premfums;artd(�yee�ly mutg�ge fnsurartce prerniums,ii�ny.The items sre caQed "escraw <br /> ' it�rass." Lender may estintite tfie Poads d�:e on the iusis oi wrse�t dats and rmsonabie esh',m�tas oi tt�►re escraw Rems. <br /> . T�e FunQs sA�be heid b�hs�tu$orr the deposits or aecounts oi whtch are Fnsured cx quaranteed by a federat nr atate a9ency <br /> M�Y�d'mg Leeckr it Len�ts such an InatitWan�. lender ahaif sppty ths Fucsds to pay the escxox items, lertder rtsay rtot eh�rge for hold- <br /> � tng•and:�ptyhg tha Funds, analy�in�the tccoc4nL a ve�ity(ng t1►�escrow items, uniass Lender pays Borrawx ir►terest ort the Funds�nd <br /> a�sl�a@Itl b4�c�ertnits LMder to mdca aucA a chatge.�8d'f��Band�ar�r:er may ayee in writing that biterest shaD be paid ore tha Furtds. <br /> �� I�FoSS afi�greematt is m�de or apQifcabte ttw requkes intsrcst to be paid, Len�aha8 not be►equired to pay Bortower ury(ntarest or <br /> ;. :. <br /> -., eemin�R.w�the Eunds. Under ahs�p�re to Barawer.wiihait chuge,an annuat accWnting ot the Funds showfng credits anQ tkb�la to <br /> ASU: Funds and the purpose ta wfdch�each dehit to the funds was made. The Furtds are ptedged as addiUonaf securfty br ihe sums <br /> ;,'i sesxired by lhta Se�xrrky insLnunent � . <br /> , . !f the amuurrE ot the Funds htid Oy Lenc�r. together with the tuture mantti[y payments af Funds payabte pdor to the ttue dates of the <br /> �tsow items, shol!exceea the amount requkaQ to pay ihe escrow rtems when due, the excess sha0 be, at Borrower's mptiart. either <br /> - -----�— ..prr�rrpty r�patd to Borrowa�or c¢-�ied to Barower ars m�ssthty paynsents of FunQS. It the amouni of the Fu�ds hetd by Lertder � noi <br /> • suffident to pay the escc�w Etems whm due, BorrsKer shaq pay to Lertder eny amount necessary to make up ihe deficta�cy ie one ar <br /> more Payrt�ents as requfred by Lender. . <br /> Upon payment in fuA of�II sums secured by thia Security(nshument Lender�hali prompty retund to Borrower any Eunds held by <br /> � l�der. !f urtder paragraph 19 the PropeKy fs sofd w acqulred by Lendc�, Lender Eh�rH appty,no later than immediately pdor to the sate <br /> c(:the Property or iis acquisitian by L.ender. arsy Funds h�ld by lender at the Lme afi��lication as a credit against the sums secured 6 f <br /> 1hiS 5e�tit�/Instnrment _ . <br /> ^'' : • 3. AppltcaElan of Payments. unt��ppGaabte law pr��ldes ci!fir.�wlse, aii paymer.:s c�-„cived by Lender under paracyaphs 1 <br /> . and 2 sAail be ap�¢�first,to kte charges�.�e under the Note: se�:-�, to prepayment charges due under the Note;thTrd,to amaunts <br /> , payable under paragraph Z;touRb,to fnteres!d�e:a�d!e�to principal due. <br /> ' , �. Charges; LiQns. Borrowe�shaA p� att�:;�. �ssessments, charges. f�r�and imposittons attributabte to the Froperty whict► <br /> i . may attain prioriiy over thb Sncurity Instn�Rrart. a:1 teasehold paymer�= a;aro�yr�?-::;: �t a:f. 3omawer shall pay these ob6gatlons in - • <br /> ' the manner prw?r��par�graph 2, u If��:�e;4 in that manner,Bo�s•r.�V,t�w+; ,r.z;�}9��s�:�. �rs ti:e�e directly to the persan awed peyme�t. • <br /> ' 6osrower sha(I promptty fumiah to the lenda a�aotc2s .t amounts to be�ir!����ar��is paragraph. If 8orrower makes thsse payments ,. <br /> drectly,6orrower shaN prompSfy lumiah to tr_�-���pt,�-videndng the payme;tr_ <br /> Borrower shail pra�nptty dscharge any Fer.w.�l-,sl,�r tr���ority aver this Security Fr.strument unless BoROVrer. (a) agrees in wdi(ng to the `��`:�. <br /> payment o!the obUgaUon secured by the 6en in a manner acceptable to Lender, (b)conlests in good faiib the lien by, or detends aga�st � <br /> enforcement of Ihe lien in. k�l proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operete to prevent the enforcement of the Iten or torfeiture o1 � � <br /> any part o!the Roperty; or(c} aecures from the holder of the lien an agreemenl sattsfactory to Lender subordinatTng the fien to this Securiry - <br /> in_�i�ament. if Lender detarmk��s that•any paA of the Properry is subJecl to a lien whicb may aitain priorily over tris Secudty Instrument, <br /> L�aer may gtve Borrawa a notice Identiykig the Nen. Borrower shaD satfsy the Nen or take one or more of the aclions aet tarth above ��� <br /> � �..: <br /> Ki�hin 10 days of tha�hrhs ot natice. -= <br /> ' ' S. Hazard Inseranc�. BoROwer ahati keep iha improvemants now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insu�d agehst ?� � <br /> l9,ts by fire, hazards incfutled wNhin the term "extended coverage" and any oiher hazarda for wh(ch Lender requlrea insurance. This <br /> inc�nce st,aA be matntatned in the amounts and tor the periods fhat Lender�equt►es.7he Insurance ca�rler providing the insurance shaq <br /> be Chosen by Borrower subJoct to Lendet'a approvat which shail not be unreasonably wilhhetd, �� <br /> Ali insurance policte�and renewals shaN be acceptebto to the Lender and shall include e slandard mortQage clause. Le�der shaN have <br /> ti�e right to hoid the poY�ee and raie►vsis. If Lender requires, Bortower shaN promptty give to Lender ail receipts of pald premium�and �� <br /> renewat notices. In the event oi b�s, Sorcower ahaU give prompt notice to the insurance carrfer and lender. Lender may make proof of ��r','' .' <br /> loss H not made promptty by Bortower, ' ' <br /> Uniesa lender�nd Barrowe►otherwise agree tn wrlting,insuranca proceeds shatl be applled ta restoratlon ot repair c' t:r,c� 6�operry ,.•�� <br /> damaged, H C���asioratlon pr repak is ecancmically fea�'bte and tenC�s secudty is no! tessened, If the restoretion ac rE�,��, not econ- • <br /> omicalty feasiblo or Lender's security wou{d be iessened, t�e insurance�,-oceeds sra;l be epplied to the sums s?e�red b;/���is Seeudry <br /> tnstrument� whether or nat then due.witA any excess F�:.:d to Borrower. tl Borrow�°abandons tha Property, or d�ss answer wHhin 3� , <br /> days a notica fram Lender tit�t the tnsarance carrter has offered to seC�e a efalm, then Lender may coitect the C:��urance proe�ds, Lendcr <br /> • rnay use the�:u�:a�;g to «pair or restorc the Property or to pay sums We�:ured by this Securify Inotrument,whother or not C�;c�� due.The <br /> � 3aday period w;8 l�zgin when the notice fs r�a��n. <br /> tlnless Lender an�Barrow�otherwise agee In writing,any appiication of proceeCs to principal shail not er.trsd or poslpone the due <br /> d4t,� of tho monthty paymertL�r.�erred to in paragraph 1 and 2 or change tho amawxt cf the payments. If undcr�aragrapb 19 the Pro�e.*h� <br /> is acquirad by LE+ndar. Bor.�'s riqht to any insurence polictes and proc�eds r v,1,:�.�irom damage to the�;;perty pdor t:�ase a;,qvrs- <br /> itton shalt pass tr�bender to the extent ct Uir.aum�by this Security instrument Ir^Trediate(y priar to r,he acquisition. <br /> 6. Pres�rvatlon and Maint�nan�:s of Property; LeeS9h0ldS.BoRawer shal! not�esfroy..damage or sL�v::.:::.b;y change <br /> tho Properly, eMow the Propeity to deterbrete or oommit viaste. If this Security Instn�ment is on a leasehotd.Bcnower s;�a��comply wkh <br /> tt;c•�7rovislons a}the fwse.�na H Bonower aeguires tee titte to the Property,tAe teasehotd and fea titie shall not rrrerg�u2��.;the Lende.* <br /> _ �c�es to the m��-;-,,pr in wri6ng. _ _ _____ <br /> �. Pral�e.t,iryr� of L.�nd�r's R1�Ms in th� Property; Mortgago tnsuranee. c.°i;r,��owet faiis to peAorrr;U��e��avmants ' <br /> �r-�:�a�ree^�enfs ContbMed in this Security fnstrument, or ihere is a legal prweeding Ihat may signi�;x-1h�aftect the Lender's dgfet in the � <br /> (%t'�s�:eRy (sucb as� prxee6nq In bantwptcy,prpbate, for condemnation or to enfoice laws or regulations), tt�Lender may do and pay <br /> for whatever is necessuy to protect tAe valus ot the Property and Lender's rights U the Propeny. lender's acti�ns may tnc�ude psy�n4 eny <br /> sums secured by�Fen whicb h�s priority over this Security Instrument, apyearing in court,paying re�sonabto attorneys'fees an�entering <br /> on tho Property to m�ke rep�irs. Afthough Lender may take action under paregraph 7, Lender does aot havo to do sa. <br /> LMy amounts disbursed by lender ur�der paragraph 7 shnil becomo additional debt o1 gnrrower secured by this Sccurity InsUument. . <br /> t7nte3s Borfawer end l.ender�gree tv othet terms o}paymenf, the5e emounts shal 6ear interest trom da[e ot disbursemeM at th� Note < <br /> ratn and shafl bt payabk, upon aetiee from�ender to Borrawer requestirtg paym�nt n <br /> • d1543 A chug��ssf:s�d by I,�n��r in Con»�ction with 6orrower's enterinc� inta Securlty �i`�i� <br /> Instrumsnt to pay th�cost a� att Ind�pendent tax �eporNng service shall no! be a char�e tor purpose ;� *- <br /> � �y -. , . ,, s �r,� '�;�� e c•e <br /> k' . . .�..Ii 1�S J.d-�_7 . <br /> .((����,jj''{ 1. � <br /> _—:.� ''' ' <br /> r'' . <br /> s ` <br />