-_.:�,.....:`. .._.��_ ,.rtii'.�...��ti � ..�.a�Y��YY., 5:� : .y... .}. at3 .
<br /> - -_= u'o�•��a�sf1?Y.4}�f•,2,�i�' " '"yZ.�t ��v�:.'��k3,�Si�' a)'R�a"'� _n;�. _ -..
<br /> _ � �
<br /> � gp.�-= i 00�7�4
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COiIENANTS.Botrower and lender turth�coYentnt ond�yree as toRows:
<br /> 19. ACC�tlnli0�1; Rlmadiil. Lwtd�+r sAtiN yive notice te Bortowar pt{ot to acceferation toltowirt�8t�miQt'S:b�e�, ot arr,�:•
<br /> covenant or r9rexne�i! in tt�is Sewriry Instrument (but not prior to�cederatiot�unda paragraph 13 or 17 u-'ess a�.�.;�"ra�rQ+fdyt�.�aviaws
<br /> otRerwtse). The notke sAat a�ecNy: (a}tha de�ut� (bj the tetion rey�:ked to cure the detau�;(G)i Q3i�R?2 FE5S 1QSIfi',{�f�i�St.(tCRS�
<br /> � date the nottce ia gNen ta Botrowe►, tiy which the deiautt rt�sst be aired: and (dj t1rt [aiture to cura th�dal�tat.G:a x 4et�x'3 fhp��G
<br /> speafied h the notict my rewit b tc�ra�on of tise sumo sac;ured by Uis Security InsVument�d sate o4 the Pcaapert�The nafeC��ri�
<br /> t�rihef�►form Borrow�ot the rlghl to�insiata aR�accef�tian�nd the rtght t�brirsg� �rt�eticn te as�er� Et►n aan-exist�cs �1 � .
<br /> default or any otAer QeHnse W Barowar to ecaderation�nG asle. H the de��t!s rtot curtd�,�a baicca ttfc dat�,sp�dfied in tAti eotioe.
<br /> . ��,�.1 ns opuot,�y r.�,rr.r�+�+.a�.c.pay���n,a a d giJmS SlCUiA�4 by thi3 SCCt�!!f.$i.SL►i1��R�1'{N��tiy,t�(LL'tY7K d!f Wld.na�y
<br /> invoke tAe power ot sai�and any ot{ver nmedw�pemwtted by�,�.�W�taw. Lender ehall bn erE:Ued ta r,sxect a►}ripm=es hpxr�d h
<br /> �, p.irsuin�it�ran�6es pnvid�d b this puayrapt►1S.indudng.but aot imited to.ro�sonabue anxns�rs t�ac1�orast�.oi 6t�evi�u
<br /> � I}Ma power of a�te is(mrokad.Tnute�shal cicord a notice o1 defauit in each cam^p h wt►ictr sny p�rt of tNc PrapMy fs iooted�ne!
<br /> shal ma�eopies o1 such rtofke i�the rwiner pres�r+'�ed by app�i�bie I�w to Borro�wa and to tf:e oit�er pasoa�p�escn'Lted tr�/appiirab�e
<br /> law. After the fime required by�ppYctbie law. Trustee shaY give pu�i'ic notice of aate to the persons and ire tha manrter pras�+ed bry
<br /> appiqbte(sw. Tnistee withaR dwr�r►d on Bcrrow�,shaY seN the PropeRy at pub&c euetion to th�h'grsst b'ddet at tAe fJm��r►�p14�e
<br /> artd under the terms desi�ttted h the nottcQ oi sale in ane or more parcets and iR any order Trustee d�t�r:n�s. Trustee tr,ay post�s��
<br /> saSe of eq vr any pared of the Pioperty by pubGc snnnuncement a!the tkne acsd ptace of eny preiio:csly sct:��:ed sal� L�3et ar its
<br /> �esigrtee may purcttzse the Ptope�ry at�iy sal�
<br /> . Upon�etpt ol ptymait af the peice bid,Tn�stee ahail de6ve►to tfra purchaser Tiustee's d2�1 cor�rea�irt�the Propetty. 71t�r�i�e�
<br /> tha Ttustee's deed sAaf be ptina iade e+ridenc�01 the ttuu+of the statemenis tra�i.U.,,rein.TncitES sh;�a��'.y iha pra�s of the saie�
<br /> in the foffnw(rtg orda: (a)to.a!e�eresee of the aate. �n�f�d'�ng, but oat 6mited io;Ttt�tee's tees as p�rtriY.Ed by app�cabi�lavr w,!re�
<br /> � � , sonabte attameya'fees; (D)ta ati aums secured fiy this Seacriry Ins4�ument; and(cj eny Pxcess ta tA�pason or perso�x le�ty erttiUBd
<br /> to it. .
<br /> 20. Len�f����a Pcaaesaiion. U;�en acceteration under parzqrapM 19 or abandcnmRnt ai th2 Prap�ty. Lender �ui par�.,aa,. bf•
<br /> a,�,en3 cr bY jL�c�aify appoiM�i�eteiver) shall be entitled to enter upon. take possessic:r oi e,�.�R�r�g�ihe Pr�aty art�fo�o4ect tMr .
<br /> rr�rtfs nt the Preperty hdud'inp thosa past due.Any rents col►ected by Lender or the receiuer sh.�Il be e(s,'�..rEd QtFE to p3ymert af tt►�cos[s
<br /> e!:*�,��:agement¢�tne Ptoperty and coiecUan of rents, incfuding, hN not limited to, receivu'.s tees,p��+rdums o�e recetver's bartds ar�d
<br /> r�ascnabfe atta�neys'tee�,artd then to the sums secured by this Security InsWment
<br /> . �t. Roeonv�y��9C�. Upon payrnent of all sums secured by thFs Security Inswmer�t. lertd::r stcal�rE+�ta.st Frc�st�e to recaavey.Zha ,
<br /> ("-cr���ty and shal suRender tMs Securily Msbumecit usd:sli��otes ev(denr.lr��deb*_e�cured hy.this Securfty tii�trsrr,�rr•to'PrwteG `
<br /> Trri�t�e shaY rt�canrey the Properry vrithout wart�nty an�t+wt;�out charge to the p�an or persnn�ler,ally Fntiti�@ iu 3. Such� p�xsot� vc
<br /> p�..r.°�s shatl�any record�Uon costs. •
<br /> �2. Sub�3i�I.f�t1 T�p:tN. Lende�', sf ita opGon, may from 1tm�r�fa.rme remore Tn:oteo ertB apyalnt a s�cce�sc,r.trr�i�e to eny ;
<br /> Trustee appoK�CsJ:iTerounder by en instrumecrt recorded(n the counry in wbich this Security Instn:ment is rECOr�tA� Withaut conveyartee , ',
<br /> of the Property,s��sessar trustee ahall aucceed to ap the tiUe,powa and duties conterred upan Trustee tu3rea�.�n�sy eppltcabte law.
<br /> 23. Rtqusst for Notie�s. Borrawer requests that eapfes of the notices of default and sate bo sent to Borrowe�a addross •
<br /> . which is the Progerty Addrass. Barower fwthe►requests that copie�ot the notices of defauii and sale Da sent to racb person who is• _
<br /> party hereto at the eddms� of auch perso�►set forth herein. -
<br /> a4. Ridors to thia S�e�urity Inst�umen� It one or mora�iders era executed by Bcrrower and c�cqrded togEthc� with th4 --
<br /> � S�.}2y fnstrument. the cc�xr�nts�nd agreemmis ot�::ts such�ieer shall be inoa�vrated into and shaU amend and supp►ernent the
<br /> covenants and agreerr�.�r►U of this Securily trs:rument as r the dder(s}were e paR ot this Securiry Instrument. �
<br /> [Check appfica�l�box(es)]
<br /> � R��ust�bte Rate Rtder � �andominlum Ride� � 2-4 Family Rider
<br /> � Ciradwted f'ayrtient Rider � P�nnned Unit Deve(opment R:•��
<br /> � qtha(s) Sp�ciy Ackn., VA Civarar�teAd Lo�n Hlder & VA }lame �.�an Assumption Rider `''�� ,
<br /> BY SI�NINO BELOW,Borrower�ccepto an'agreea to the terms and covenants containQd"►;ch;3 Secur�ty Instrument and kt any�iCe�ts) :
<br /> er,a.�utcd by BorrowK and recorded wHb N« '��
<br /> i<<::.
<br /> �
<br /> � ...
<br /> ��l,f_'J-� �va� s�� '
<br /> oTowc. mothy M Waj�atewicz�-�' . .
<br /> \ . .
<br /> �.. r' <'. � sEat
<br /> eo.�o � Kay:y�r�M; ojRal_
<br /> �.
<br /> (Space Bc'cw Thls Unc Foi AcknovACCgmcntJ
<br /> �TATE OF l+�erbraslk�
<br /> COUN7Y 0& K��J � ss.
<br /> �. ,e Nolary Pubiic in and tor sald county anC slate,do hereby ceriify that '--���-`�
<br /> � Timothv M. Woitai�wlez and Kavivn M. Woitalewlcz . husband and wite
<br /> .personalty appeered
<br /> betore me and ts (are)knnwn to me to b�ihe persfln(9)who, being informed ot iho contents ot tha foreqoing tnsUumenf,have executed :�.�,.
<br /> same,and acknowiedyed said inshummt to he thetr tree and voluntary act and deed and that fhey '�
<br /> {n��.hcr.mr•r� {nc.snc.tneYl
<br /> � executed said insUument fa the purposes and uses therein eel toRh.
<br /> Y:�!nes�my hand�nd of9ciU 3eN•Jhls 9t.h__ __ _ ._ day of Feb►uar� . �9 90
<br /> tr-
<br /> �Jty C6rnrnisslan Expites: ������Y'�M� �r G� �j ����� �� � �
<br /> � MAEiGARET M.bii,l�k! �/ ]. (/�,�:�i�v sEAt h�
<br /> Mr A�a E�A 1Ny Z 1!!� •---.._ � " r
<br /> (�:�Llry r.G�i:Y� +' '
<br /> i
<br /> } tn:��r�s�rumer�t�re�preo�ed by. Norwast Bank Nebraska. Nalionat Associatian
<br /> � =.�.�•• e�f e
<br /> C4�a_':'.0 ,. '-?� [•S7^i ';;�7lIA:"'•�l �2t2"�Oit�
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