2� 17��493
<br /> �EE[� C�F TRU�T`
<br /> Loan tVo: 1 D13�'�88� �������tu��� IPage 7
<br /> wa��e any default flr notice flf def�ult under�his De�d a�Trus� or in�alid��� a�y a�t d�ne in respvnse �to
<br /> such de�ault or�ursuan��o such no�tiee v�de�ault; and, n,afiwiths�anding�he c�n�inuance in passession af
<br /> the P�-operty o� the collection, recFipt and applicatian af rents, issues �r pra�i�sr Trustee ar Lender shall
<br /> be en�itled �o exercise every righ� provided for in the [Vot� or�he �elated Dacum�nts or by iaw upon �he
<br /> ❑ccurrence��ar�y even�o�defiau�t, incfud�ng the right t4 exercise�he power a�sal�;
<br /> 4�� �ommence �n action �o foreclas�this Deed ❑�Trust as a m4r�gage, appvin� a receiver ar specifical�y
<br /> en��rce any of the co�enants herer�f; and
<br /> �c� Qeli�er ta Trustee a wri�t�n declaratian ❑�d�faulfi and demand far sale and a writt�n natice a�defaul�
<br /> and elecfiion�o cause Trus�or's inte�es�in �he Proper�y�o be so�d, t�vhich nc�tice Tr�stee shaf[ cause�a be
<br /> duly�iled for record in�he apprapr�a�e af���es v�the Cou�nty in wh'rch th� Proper�y is loca��d; and
<br /> �d� With respecfi�� ail ar any part of�h� Persona� Prop�rty, Lender shall ha�e a11 the rights and r�medies
<br /> of a secured party under�he Nebra�k.� Uni�orm �ommerc�al Cad�.
<br /> Fareclosure by Pawer of Sale. I�Lender�lec�s�v fareclase by exercise o�the 1'�v►rer af�a�e her�ir� can�ained,
<br /> Lender shall notify Trustee and shall deposi� with Trustee �his Deed v�Trust and �he Na�e and such receipts.
<br /> and ��idence ❑�exp�ndi�ures mad� and secured by�his Deed of Trust as Trus�ee may require.
<br /> �a� LJpon receipt❑f su�h natice#rom Le�der, Trustee shai� �ause to b� re�orded� �ublished and deli�ered
<br /> �v Trust�r such Natice ❑� Default and Noti�e o� Sa�� as �h�n requi�red by !aw and �y this ❑eed a�Trus�t.
<br /> Trus�ee sha[1, without demand an Trus�ar, af��r such tim� as may fihen be requiired by law and a�ter
<br /> recordation o�such Notice of De�ar��t and after Natice af Sale haWing b�en giWen as requir�d by iaw, s���
<br /> the Proper�y at the time and p[ace af sa�e �ixed by it in such N�fiice o�F Sal�, eith�r as a rr�rhale, flr in
<br /> separate lo�s �r parcels or items as Trustee shall deem expe�ient, a�d in such arder as it may determin�,
<br /> at public auctivn to �he highest bidder#ar cash in Iaw#ul maney a�the United S�a�es payable at�h� �ime
<br /> �� sale. Trustee shalf deli�er �o such purc�aser or purchasers �hereo� its go�d and su��Ficient dee� ❑r
<br /> deeds con�eying the pr�per�y s❑ svld, but withvu� any cavenant ar warrant�; expr�ss ar implied. The
<br /> reci�als in such deed of any ma�te�s or fiacts sha�l be conclusi�e pr�af o�the �ruthfulness �hereof. Any
<br /> persan, including uvithout limitatian Trustor, Tru�t�e, ar Lender, may purchase a�such sale,
<br /> {b} As may be permit�ed by lavu, af�er deduc�ing all cos�s, fees anal expens�s af Trustee and �� �his
<br /> Trust, including costs of�vidence �f�i�le in cannec�ian with sa[e, Trustee shalf apply the proceeds ❑t sale
<br /> ta payment❑f �i� all sums expen�ed und�r�he terms v��his Deed af Trus�or under th�e�errrtis o�fihe Nate
<br /> na� then repaid, including but not limited �ka accrue� interes� and fate charges, �ii`} al[ v�her sums then
<br /> se�ured hereby, and �iii� the remairider, i�any, to the persan�r persans legally en�ifi�ed th�re�v,
<br /> {c� Trustee r�ay in the manner pr���ided by law p�stpone sale v�all vr any part�an a��the Property.
<br /> Rerriedies Naf Exclusi�e, Trustee and Lender, and each of them� sha[I �e �nti�tfed �ta e���rGe payment and
<br /> perfarman�e af any+ndeb�edn�ss o�obli�ations secured by thi� D�ed af Trust and to ex�rcise alf rights and pvwers
<br /> ur�der this aeed a��`rust, under�he fV�te, ur�der any v��h� Rela�ed C7ocumenits, ar under any ❑ther a�reemen� or
<br /> any laws nvw ❑r hereaf�er �n �orce; no�wi�hs�tanding, �ame or all v��uch indebtedness and ❑biiga�ions secured by
<br /> this Deed o�Trus� may now or herea#ter be ❑the�wise sect�red, v+�he�her by mc�rtgaget deed v��rus�, pledge� Ci�en,
<br /> assignmen� or o�herwise. Neither the acceptance of fhis Deed �� Trus� nt�r its enf�r�emen�, whe�her by c�ur�
<br /> aGtion or pursuan� to the powe� of sale ar ather paw�rs Gon�ained in �his Deed of�"rust� shal� prejudice or �n any
<br /> manner affect Truste�'s or �ender's right t❑ realize upon or enforce any� �th�r se�uri�y narnr or he�eafter held by
<br /> Truste� or Lender, i��eir�g agreed that Trus�ee and Lend�r; and e�rch o;f�hem, shall be entitled to enforce�his Deed
<br /> ofi Trust and any ❑fiher �ecur�ty nvuv ❑r hereaf�er held by Lender ar T�ustee in such �rder and manner as they or
<br /> ei�her �f them rxiay in �heir absalu�e discrefion determine. No remedy canfe�red upon ar reserved to Trus��e or
<br /> Lender, is in�ended to be exciusi�e af any ❑�h�r remedy in �his Deed ofi T�-us�t or by law �ro�ided or permitted, bu�
<br /> each shal! �e cumulati�e and sha�ll be in addition t� ��ery a�ther remedy gi�en in �his C�eed o� Trust ❑r n�w ❑r
<br /> herea��er existing at(aw or in equ�ty�r by �t�tu�e. E�ery power❑r remedy given by�h� Nv�e or any of the Related
<br /> Dacumen�s to Trustee or Lender ar to which eifiher ❑fi therr� may be atherv�iise enti�led, may h� ex�rc�sed,
<br /> can�urren�l�r ar independen�ly, firom� time �v �ime and as of�en as may he deemed expedien� by Trustee �r Lender,
<br /> and �ither a� them may pursue incansis�ent remedies. Nathing in this D�ed ❑f Trus� sh�ll �e cvns�rued as
<br /> prvhib�fiing Lend�r fro� seeking a def�c�en�y judgment against the Trus��r�a�he extent such ae�ion is permi�ted by
<br /> �arrv. Electian �y Lender t� pursue any rernedy sha[I not ex��ude p��suit af any atl�er �emedy, and an electian to
<br /> make expend�tures or �o �ake aGtian t❑ per#orm an vbliga��on o� Trustvr under �his ❑eed ❑f Trust, a�ter Trust�r's
<br /> failure to per�orm, shall not affect Ler�der's ri�ht tv dec�are a d��aul�and exercise its rern�di�s.
<br /> Reques�for N�#ice. Trustor, ❑n hehalf af Trusto�-and Lender, herehy requ�sts �hat a cvpy vf any No�ice n�f3e�ault
<br /> and a copy af any �Votice af Sale under�his De�d ��Trust be mailed t��h�m at th� addresses se�forth in��e �irs�
<br /> paragraph af this Deed af Trus�.
<br /> Attorneys' Fees; E�cpenses. lf Lender institutes any suilt or a�tion �❑ enforce any of �he ��rms a� this Deed ❑�f
<br /> Trust, Lend�r shal[ be en�i�led ta rec�ver su�h sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as atfarneys' fees at�rial
<br /> and upon any appeal. Whe�her ❑�- no� any cvurt act�an is inval�ed, and ta �h� ex�ent not pro�ibited by faw, all
<br /> reasonab�e expens�s Lender incurs �hat in Lender's opEnion ar� necess�ry at �ny t�me for �he �ro�ect�on of i�s
<br /> interest fl�the enforcemen�❑�i�s ri�h�s shall became a par�❑��he Indeb�edne�s payable on demand and�hall bear
<br /> interest at fihe No�e rate from �he da�e a�the expenditure until repaid. �xpe�ses covered hy this para�raph inc[ude,
<br />