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<br /> Loan IVo: 1�'13D'I 8�� �
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<br /> EVENTS 4F DEFA�JLT. �ach �f �he �v�ioUving, a� Lende�'s vptian, �hali constitu�e an E�ent ��F De�aul� under this ❑�ed
<br /> a�Trus�:
<br /> Paymen�Default. Tru��or fai(s�a make any pa�men��vhen due under�he Indebtedness.
<br /> �ther Defauits. Tr�stor �ails t❑ c�mply with �r �a perform any oth�r term, obligation, �vvenant ar c�ndi�ian
<br /> cantained in this D�ed of Trus� ar in any o� the R��ated Dac�men�s ar to comply v►rith or �o perfvrm any term,
<br /> abliga�Ci�n, ca��nan��r condi�ion con�ained in any oth�r agreement betwe�n Lender and Trus�or.
<br /> Complian�e Qefauf�. Failure �a campiy with any v�her �erm, abligati�n, cv�enan� ❑r �and�tian cc�ntained �n �his
<br /> Deed v-�Trust,the No�e or in any of�he Related C]acuments.
<br /> Default on nther Payments. Fai�ure o�Trustar wi�hin �he time required by th€s D�ed af Trus�t❑ make any payment
<br /> �or�ax�s or insurance, or any ather payment ne�essar�ta pre�ent#iling v�or to e��ect discharge of any lien,
<br /> False Statemen�s. Any uvarran�y, repr�senta�ian ar sta�ement made �r furnished �v Lender by Trustvr ar vn
<br /> Trus#ar'� behaC� under this �eed o�Trus�k or the Re�afied Dvcurnents is �alse ar misl�ading in any rna�erial respec�,
<br /> eith�r now ar a�t t�e tim� made or f�arnished v�becornes�alse a�m�sleading at any time thereafter.
<br /> Defec#�We Co[lateralization. This Deed o� Trust ar any a�€ the Related Documents ceases to be in �ull �ar�e and
<br /> e�Ft�ct {irrcluding fa�lure v� any colf a�eraf dacument �a crea�e a �alid and per�ect�d securi�y in��rest or �ien� at any
<br /> tim� and far any reasvn.
<br /> Death vr [nsa[vency. The death a�Trus�ar, fihe insvlWency❑�T�ustar, the appoin-�men�nf a recei�er for any par�of
<br /> Trustar's prap�rty, any assignmen�C �or the �ene�Fit �f credi�ors, �ny type of credi�ar warkout, ar �he
<br /> cammencem�nt❑f any proceeding under any bankrupficy or insvl�enGy�aws by or against Trus�or,
<br /> Creditor ar Farfe'rture PraG�edings, Camnnencem�n� �f farecl�sure or forfei'�ure �roceedings, vuh�ther by judicial
<br /> proceeding, se��-help, repassess�nn ar any oth�r methad, by an�cr�ditor�af Trus�or or by any ga�ernm�ntal agen�y
<br /> against any praper�y s�curing �he Ind�b'tedr�ess. This includes a garnishment a� any of Trus�or`s accvun�s,
<br /> in�fuding deposi� accc�unts, v�ith Lender: Hawe�er, this E�en� v# De�aul� shall not appiy if �here is a goad faith
<br /> dispu�e by T�us�nr as tv the va�€dity ❑r reasonahleness ❑f the claim which is the basis af�he creditor v��arfeiture
<br /> pr�viceeding and i� Trustvr giv�s Lender rruri��en noti�e of �he �redi�or ❑r for�eiture praceeding and deposits wi�h
<br /> Lender mon�es ❑r a surety k�ond -�ar�he cr��itar or�or�f�iture prace�ding; in an amvunt determined hy Lender, in its
<br /> sa[e discretion; as �eing an adequate reser�re vr band for the dispu�e.
<br /> Breach a�(3�her Agreemen�. Any breach by Trus#ar under the terms v�F any other agreement b�fween Trus��r and
<br /> Lender tha� is not rem�died within any grace period PrnWided �herein, in�luding with�u� limi�a�ian any agreemen�
<br /> concerning any indebt�dness or v�her ab(iga�ion vf Trustar t� L�nder, whe�her exis�ing now or�ater.
<br /> Even�s ►4ffec#ing �uaranfivr. Any af�he preceding ��en�� occurs wifih respe��ta any guarantar, endvrser, sure�y,
<br /> �r accvmm�dativn par�y �f any af �h� lndebt�dness or any guaran�or, end�rs�r, surety, or accammada�ian �arty
<br /> dies vr beGarne� incompe�en�, or reuokes �r disputes �he �alidi�y of, or liah�lity under, any Guaranty �� the
<br /> lnr�ebt�dne�s.
<br /> �Idr�erse �hange. A ma��ria� ad�erse change o�curs in Trustor`� financial conditian, or Lend�r be�ie�es the
<br /> pr�spect a�paymen�vr performance a�F�he Indeb�edness i5 irnp��red,
<br /> �nsecur�ty. Lender in �aod�ai�� belie�es itself insecure.
<br /> Right tv Cure. (f any defaul�, oth�r�han a defaul�in payment, �� curable and ��Trustor has not been g��en a no�i�e
<br /> af a �r�ach�f the same pravisinn a��his C)eed of Trust w�thin the preceding twe�We t12� manths, i�may be �ured if
<br /> Trustor, af�er Lender sends �ritten nv�ice t�T`rustvr demandin� cure ��such default: �1� �yres the defau�t rnrithin
<br /> #if�een �15� days; ar {�y i�the cure requires more than �i��een �15� days, immediate�y ini�iates steps rrvhich Lender
<br /> deem� in Lender's �ole discretion tv be sufficien� to cure the de�ault and the'reafiter cvn�inues and �ampletes a[i
<br /> reasanable �nd n�cessary st�ps sufi�icien��a produce cvmplianc� as soon as reasanably practic�l.
<br /> R�GHTS AND REiUIEDIES QN DEFAULT. I� a� Ev�nt o� De�auit occurs under this Deed o�Trus�, a�t any t�me �herea�ter,
<br /> Trust�e ❑r Lender r-r-�ay e�ercise any one vr mare of�he failowing rights and remedies:
<br /> Acceleration Up�n Defau��; Addi�iana� Remedies. ffi any E�rent vf Defaul� accurs as pe�th� terms of th� Na�e
<br /> se�ured her��y, Lender rrtay declare all Indeb�edn�ss secur�d by�his ❑�ed ❑�7'rus��o he �ue and payable and
<br /> �he same shall thereupan be�vm� due and payabl� with�ut any presentmen�, demand, protest�r n�tice��any
<br /> kin�. Thereaft�r, Lender may:
<br /> �a� Ei�h�r in persan or hy agen�, wi�h �r �rvithou� bringing any activn ar proc�eding, vr by a recei�er
<br /> appo�n�ed by a caur�an� withou�regard ta �he a�eq��cy ❑f ifis securi�y, en�er upon and fiak� possession
<br /> af�he Property, ar any part thereof, in its own name ar in �he name ❑�Truste�, and do any ac�s which i�
<br /> �eems n�cessary ar desirab�e t� preserWe �he �alu�� rr�arketabiiity ❑r r�ntabifity of the Property, ar par�of
<br /> �the Propert�r❑r in��res� 'rn �he Praper�ty, in�rease th� incame �rom the Proper�y vr pro�ect�he security of
<br /> �h� P�aper�y, and, wi�h vr witl�ou� taking pvssessivn af the Prop�r�y, sue ��r vr othervtirise ��!lec� the
<br /> ren�s, issues and prv�Fi�s o� �he Prvperty, including thase pas� due and unpaid, and apply �he sa�r-re, I�ss
<br /> cvs�s and expens�s o�❑perativn and co�iec�ian atto�neys' fees, to any inde�tedness secured by th�s Deed
<br /> v� Trust, ali in such arder as Lender may de�errr-tiine: The en�ering upon and taking possession of the
<br /> PrQp�rfi�, �he coll�c�inn af such r�n�s, issues and prvfiits, and the applica�ion �hereof shali no� cure ar
<br />