2� 17��493
<br /> �EED �� 1'F�L��T'
<br /> Loan �n: 'i�"�3�'!8�� ����$��ued� Page 8
<br /> v�rithout limi�at"ron, hnu+re�er subject to any [im�ts under app[ica�le law, Lender's a��orneys' fees and Lender's le�a[
<br /> expens�s, �r+rhe��er or r�at there is a lawsui�, incfu�ing attarneys' �Fees and expenses fQ� bankrup��y pro�eedings
<br /> �including ef�vrts to modi�y or vacate any aufiomatic stay ar injunc�ion}, appeals, and any anticipat�d pos�-judgment
<br /> c�llecfion services, �h� cost ❑�searching r�cords, v�taining title reports �including �oreclosure reparts�, sur��yvrs'
<br /> reparts, and �ppraisal fees� fii�le insurance, and �ees �ar the Trust�e, to �he ex�ent permitted �y applica�le law.
<br /> Trustor ais❑vs�il� pay any caurt�vs�s, in additi�n ta al� a�her sums prv�id�d by la�rv.
<br /> Rights vf Trus�ee. Trustee shail haue all of��e righ�s and duties v�Lender as se�forfih in tihis s�c�i�n.
<br /> P�VIFERS AND DBL�GATI�NS �F TRUSTEE. The #vllawing pro�isians re�ating t❑ �he powers and abligations o�Trustee
<br /> are par�a�thi� D��d o�F Trus�:
<br /> Powers af Trus�ee. �n addi�ian�to all pov��rs ��Trustee ar�sing as a matter af law, Trus�ee shall ha�e�the p�virer ta
<br /> tak��he f��iowing �ct�ans with respect ta th� Pr�p�rty upon th� wri��en request v� Lender and Trustor: �a� join in
<br /> pr�parin� and �iling a map ❑� pla� of �he Real Praper�y, incluc�ing �he dedication o� streets or other rights �a �he
<br /> pub�ic, {b} ��in in gran�ting any �asement ar creating any restri�ti�n ❑n the Real Prvperty; and �c} 3�in in any
<br /> subordin��ion o�v�her agreement aff��fiing this Deed of Trus�or the �nterest o�Lender under this ❑�ed of Trust,
<br /> Trustee. Tru�tee sha�� meet all quafifica�ions �equir�d for Tru��ee under applicable law. �n addition to the rights
<br /> and reme�ies set farth abo�e, v�ri�h res�ec� ta a!1 vr any par� vf the Praperty, the Trustee sha�� ha�e �h� right �v
<br /> �areclose �y n�tice and sale, and Lender shall ha�e the right�a fare�lose hy�udicia[ �oreclasure, in eithe� case in
<br /> accordance wi�h and�o the fulf ex�en�prv�ided by app[icable Iaw.
<br /> Su�ces$vr Trus#e�, Lender, a�Lender's op�ivn, may fram �ime���ime appaint a successar Trust�e t� any Trustee
<br /> appo'rnted under �this Deed af Trust by an instrument executed �nd acknawledged �y Lender and re�orded in fhe
<br /> of#ice �� the recorder v� HAL�. County, 5ta�e o�F Nebraska. The instrumen� shall �ontain, i�n addi�t�on ta all other
<br /> matters required by s�ate �aw, th� name� of t�e original Lend�r, Truste�, �nd TruStvr, the bo�k and page {ar
<br /> �omput�r sys�em refieren�ey where �h�s Deed of Trust is recarded, and the name and address a# the successor
<br /> �rustee, and�he ins�rumen�sha[( be e�cecuted and acknawledged by all fihe bene�icia�rie� under th�s De�d �f T�ust or
<br /> �heir successors in �n�erest. The su�ces�or trustee, without con�eyance of the Property, shall succeed to all th�
<br /> titie, pawer, �nd duties Gan�Ferr�d upon�he Trustee in this D��d vf Trust and by app�icable law. This procedure �Far
<br /> substitut`rvn af Trus�ee shall gaWern to the exc�usian af a1l a�her prv�isions��r substitu�ion.
<br /> �V�TICES. Any na�ice required t❑ be gi�en under �his ❑eed af Tru�t, inciuding withou� (imita�ion any n�t�ce of de�ault
<br /> and any notice a�sale shal� be gi�en in wri�ing, a�nd shaff he effiecti�e vuhen actua���r delir�ered, vvhen a�tua��y recei�ed.
<br /> �y telefacsimile �unless otheruvise re�uir�d �y law}, ►�vhen c�eposi�ed tirvith a rtationally recogn,ized o��rn�gh��vurier, �r, if
<br /> maif�d, vvh�n deposited in�he United 5tates mai[, as firs�t class, certified ❑r registered mail pastage prepaid, directed t�
<br /> the addres�es shown near th� beginning a� �his �3eed a�Trust. A[I capies af nv�tices af fareclosure �rom the holder of
<br /> any lien whi�h has priori�y ��er this Beec� vf Trus� shai� l�e sen� �o Le�nder's address, as shawn near �het beginn�ng of
<br /> this Deed af Trust: Any party may cha�ge its �ddress �or nvtices und�r this �eed af Trust by gi�ing farmal wri��en
<br /> notice fiv the o�her par�ies, spe�i�ying �that �he purpase o� the notice is fiv change the party's address, For notice
<br /> purpvses, Trustor agrees �v keep L-ender infvrmed a� a�� times ��Trus�or's �ur�en� address. Unless vfiherwise pro�ided
<br /> or required by iaw, if���re is mvre�han one Trust�r, any �notiG� gi�en by Lender ta any Trustvr is deemed �v b� n�t�ce
<br /> gi��n to all Trustars.
<br /> PURPa�E. ❑UT.
<br /> MISCELLANE�]U5 PRa'��S1C]1VS. Th��allvvving miscef�aneaus pravisions are a part of�his Deed a�T�us�:
<br /> Amendm�nts. This Qeed of Trus�, fiog�ther v�iith any Rela��ed Dacum�nts, cons�ti�utes the entire un�le�standing and
<br /> agreernent o�the part�es as t� the matfiers se� �orth in �his De�d of Trust, Na a��era�ian af or amendmen� tv this
<br /> �3eed o�F Trus� sha[� be e��ecti�e un�ess given in vvriting and sig�ted by the party �r parties sought�� be charged vr
<br /> �vun� �y�he ai�eration❑r amendmen�.
<br /> Annual Reports. I�f t�� Prvp�r�y is used fiar p�r�vses other than T`rustor's residenc�, Trust��r shall �urnish to
<br /> Len�er, upon re�u�s�, a �erti��ed s�atement o� ne� ❑pera�ing ir�c�me received -�rvm the Praperty during Trus�ar's
<br /> pr���aus �iseal year in such form and defiail as L�nde� shall require. "Net ❑perating income" shal� mean a!1 cash
<br /> rec�ipts fram the Praper�y [e�s a[� cash e�cpendi�ures made in connection with the apera�ion a��he Proper�y.
<br /> Caption Headings. Cap�ion headings in �this D�ed ❑� Trus� are fo� con�eni�nce purpases only and are not ta be
<br /> us�d to in�erpre'�vr de�ine the praWis�ans of this Deed a��'rust.
<br /> Merger. There shal� be n� merger a��h� interesfi or estate crea�ed by this Deed of Trus�with any a�her in�teres� ar
<br /> esta�e in the Property a� any�ime held �y �r�or the benefit of Lender in any capacity, withou��he vvri�ten cansen�
<br /> v�Lender.
<br /> Gv��rning Law. This ❑eed v�Trust wi�� he gove�rned by federa� [aw applicable �v Lender and, to #he extent nat
<br /> preempted by federa[law,�he la�nrs Qf the 5fia�e af Nebrask�withvut regard tv its can#licts af law pro�isions. This
<br /> aeed af Trus�has been accepted by Lender in the S#ate v#Nebcaska.
<br /> �hvice o�Venue. If�here �s a lawsui�, Trustor agrees up�n Lender's request fi� su�mit ta the jurisdictian of �he
<br /> caur�s af HALL Cv�rn��r, State v�Nebraska.
<br /> Nv VIlaiver by Lender. Lender shal� no� he deemed�o haWe wai�ed any rights under�his D�ed vf Trust unless such
<br />