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2� 17��493 <br /> �EEC� �� T'I�LJ�`T <br /> Loan �Va: '1 Q 13�'i SS� ������r���d� Page 5 <br /> proceeds ofi the award sha[1 mean the award a�ter payment vf all reasvnable cQsts, expenses, and attvrneys` fees <br /> incurred by Trustee❑r Lender in connectian with the cvndernnat�vn. <br /> [MPDSIT101V C�F TAxES, FEES AND CHARGES BY G�VER�1fI�iENTAL AUTHQR[T1ES. The ��Ilow�ng pra�isivn� relating <br /> to �a�ern�nen�af�axes, �ees and Gharges a�e a part of�hEs Deed o�Trust: <br /> Curren� Taxes. Fees and Charges. Upon requ�st by L�nder, Tirustor shall execute such dacuments in addi�ion �o <br /> �his Deed af Trus� and take wha�e�er ather aGtEon is reques�ed by Lender to perf�ct and Gantinue Lender's lien an <br /> the Real Prvperty, Trustar sha�l r��mburse Lender far al� t�xes, as descr'rbed belavir� tvgetl�er �nrith a�l e�per�s�s <br /> incurred in reGard�ng, per�ecting ❑r cantinuing this Deed o� Trust, including without �imi�atian aIi �axes, fees, <br /> documen�ary stamps, and ❑ther cha�ges fvr recarding ar regis�ering this De�d af Trus�. <br /> Tax�s. The fv(Iawing shal[ ��nsti�ute taxas ta which �h�s section applies: �1} a speai�ic �tax upon �his �ype v� <br /> Deed ❑f Trust or upvn all ar any part af the lndebtedness secured by this ❑eed c�f Trust; �2� a sp�cific tax an <br /> Trus�or which Trustor is authvrized or requ�r�d tv de�uct �rom paymer�ts on the lndebtedness secured by�his type <br /> o� Deed o�Trust� {3� a tax on �h�s type of Deed vf Trus�chargea�le agains��he Lend�r r�r�he hvlder c�f�h� Note; <br /> and �4� a spec��i� tax an all ❑r any partion a#the fndebtedness or vn payments o� �arin�ipal and inte�es� made by <br /> Trustar. <br /> Sub�equent Taxes. 1�F any tax ta �hich this secti�n appli�s is enacted subsequen� to �he da�e af this Deed af <br /> Trust, this event shall ha�e �he same effec� as an Even� of De�aul�, �nd Lender may exerGise any �r all a� its <br /> a�ailable remedies far an E�en� ❑� De�au�� �s prv�ided �elvw unless Trustar e€t�er ��� pays the tax be�ore i� <br /> becorrt�s d�linquent, or ��} cvntests �he �a�s as provided ab��e 'rn the Taxes ar�d Liens sec�ion and deposits wi�:h <br /> Lender eash o�a su��icien�k cvrpvrate su�e�y �and ar a�her secu�-i�y satisfac�vey�o Lender. <br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; F{NANC�NG STATENIENTS. The fvl�owing pra�isi�ns r�Cating �tv this De�d af Trust as a <br /> security agreemen�are a par�nf this Deed of T�us�; <br /> Security Agreement. 7his i�strument shall �anstitufi� a Security A�reemen� �v fihe ext�nt any of the Property <br /> canst��u�es �ixtures, and Lender shall haWe aE� of�he rights af a s�cured party under�he Uniform ��mmercia! �ode <br /> as at-nended#�om time to time. <br /> Security �nteres�. Upan request by Lender, Trustor shall �ake whatever activn is r�qu�sted by L�nder to perfect <br /> and c�n�inue Lender's security �nt�rest in the Ren�s and Personal Property. In addi�ion to recar�ing this Deed afi <br /> Trus�t in the real property records, Lender may, at any time and withvut further au�hari�a���n from Trus�or, fil� <br /> execu�ed counterparts, copies ar �epraductions a� �his Deed �f Trus� as a �inanc�ng s�a��rnen�. Trustor sha[i <br /> reim�urse Lender�nr all expenses incur�-ed in perfecting ❑r continuing �his se�urity interest: Upon defau��; Trus�or <br /> sha�l na� rema��, se�er flr d��ach fhe PersonaC �'raperfiy �Fram the Prvper�y. Upan de�auC�, Trustor shall assemb�e <br /> any Personal Praperty nvt a��ixed to t�e Prfl�erty ir� a rnanner and a� a pface reasonably �c�nrrenient ta Trus�ar and <br /> Lender and make it a�ailable �� Lender within thre� 43� days after r�Geipt of wr�tten demand frvm Lender �ta the <br /> extent permitted by applicable lavv. <br /> Addre�ses, The mailing addr�sses of Trusfiar {d�btar� and Lender �secured party� from �vvhich in�a�mation <br /> can�erning �he se�urity in�t�rest granted b�y �his Deed ��Trust rnay be obta�ned ��ach as required �y th�e Uni�a�m <br /> �ammercial Code} are as stated �n the first page o�F�his Deed af Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTC3RNEY-IIV-FACT. The fallowing prvvisians re[a�in� ta �ur�her assurances and <br /> attorney-in-fact are a part a�this ❑eed of Trust: <br /> Fur�her Assuranc�s. A� any �ime, and fram time �o time, upan requ�st ❑f L�nder. Trust�r wi�l make� execu�� and <br /> deli�er, vr wi�l �ause ta be made, execu�ed ot'de�i�ered, �o Lendcr or ta Len��r's des�gnee, and when r��ue�ted by <br /> Lender, cause tv be filed, recarded, refiled, or r�r�c�rded, as the case may be, ax such �imes and in suc� �ffic�s <br /> and plac�s as Lender may d��m apprvpria�e� any an� aCI su�h mortgages, deeds of trust. securi�y deeds, secur�ty <br /> agreemen�s, fiinancing sta�ements, �vntinua�ivn s�atemen�s, ins�rurnents o� �urth�r assurance, cert�fica�es, and <br /> ather �ocumen�s as may, in �he sole op`rnian afi L�nder, be nec�ssary ar d�sirable i� vrder tv e��ec�uate, �amp�ete, <br /> perfec�� continue� or preser�e ��� Tru�tar's ob�iga�ivns under the N�te, �fihis IJ�e� of Trus�, and the Re�ated <br /> ❑acuments, and ��} the liens and security in�eres�s �rea�ed by this ❑eed vf Trus� as first a�d pri�r li�ns on the <br /> � Prop�r�y, whether naw o�rvned or herea��er acqui�ed by Trus�ar. Ur�less prohibited by �aw �r Lender agrees fio the <br /> contrary �n wri�ing� Trustvr shall reimburs� Lender for a11 cvs�s and expenses incurred in connectia�n with the <br /> rnatters referred to in�his paragraph� <br /> A�tvrney-in-Fac�. lf Trustor �aifs �a do any of the things referred tti in �he pr��eding para��aph, Lender may do s❑ <br /> fvr and in �the name of Trustor and at �rus�ar"s expense. For such purpvses, Trus�Qr h�reby irre�ocably appoints <br /> Lender as Trus�or's attorney-inM�act�or the p��pase a� making, �xecu�ing, defiv�erin�, filing, re�cording, and dving ��I <br /> ❑ther tf�ings as may be necessary or desira�le� i� Lender`s sole opinian, �to accomplish �he matters re�erred to in <br /> the preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERFQRMANCE, If Trustor pays all the Ind�b�edness, including ervit�aut limi�at�on alf fu�u�-e adriances, when due, <br /> and oth�rwise per�arms all the ob�igations impas�d upan Trus�Qr under this De�d �f Trust, Lender shall execute and <br /> deli�er to Trus�ee a request �ar �Ful[ re�on�eyan�� and shall ex�cute an� deli�er t❑ Trustor suitable s���emen�s vf <br /> termina�ion af any financing sta�ement an file e�idencing Lender's sec�tri�y ��terest in �f�e �er�ts and the Persvnal <br /> Pra�erty: �ny recon�eyanc��ee required by[aw sha[� be paid by Trustvr, i�permitted by applicable fav�. <br />