2� 17��477
<br /> LDAN#: 'I 9'f fi�54fi5fi
<br /> �. Application �f Payrnents or Proceeds. Exce�# as otherwise desc�ibed in #his Section �, a��
<br /> payments acc�pted and applied by L�nder shall be appl�ed �n the follow�ng arder of p��orEty: �a} interest
<br /> du�under the Nate; �b}p�-incipal due under th�N�#�; ��}amaunts du�under Section 3. Such payments
<br /> shali be applied fo each Periodic Payment�n the ord�r in which it became due.Any remaining amounts
<br /> shall be applied�rst to late charges, second�o any other amounts due under this Security lnstrument,
<br /> and then ta reduce the principal balanGe of fhe Note.
<br /> If Lender receE�es a payment from Bvrrower far a del�nquent Periodic Payment which includes a
<br /> su�fi�'rent amaunt to pay any la#e charg�dus,the payment may be applied t�the delEnquent paymen�and
<br /> the la#e charge.!f more than ane Perivdic Payment is autstanding,Lender may app�y any paymenf r�ceived
<br /> from Barrower to ths repayment of th�Periadi�Payments if,and to th�extent that,each payment can be
<br /> pa�d in full.To the ex#ent that any excess�x'rsts after th�payment is appli��to the full payment af one�r
<br /> more Periodic Payments, such ex�ess may be appli�d to any late charges due. Vo�un�ary prepayments
<br /> . sha�l be appli�d first to any prepaymen�charges and then as described in#he Note.
<br /> Any applicativn of payments,insurance proceed�,or Misceilaneous Pr�ceeds to principal due und�r
<br /> the Note shall nat extend or pos#p�ne the due date, or change the amaunt, of th�Periodi�Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escrnw Items.go�-rower shall pay to L�nder an the day Perivdic Paymen#s are due
<br /> under the N�t�, untii the Not�Es pai� in ful�, a sum�the"Funds"}to provid�for paymen�af amounts due
<br /> fnr: �a}taxes and ass�ssments and o#her i#�ms which can attain p�i�r�ty over this SeCurity Instrumen�as
<br /> a lien ar en�umbrance on the Praperty; �b} leasehol� payments ar ground �ents on the Property, if any;
<br /> �c}premiums fa�any and a�l insurance required by L�nder under Sectian 5;and�d}Mortgage Insurance
<br /> premiums,if any,nr any sums payab�e by Borrower to Lender in lieu of the paym�n#of Mortgage Insurance
<br /> premiums in a�cordance with th� p�v�isions of Se�tion 1�. These it�ms a�e�alled "Escrow Items."At
<br /> origination or at any time during th�term of the Loan, Lender may require that Community Association
<br /> Dues, Fees,and As�essments, �f any,b�es�rowed by Borrower,and such dues,fees and assessments
<br /> shai!be an Escr�w Item.Borrower shall�romptly furnish to Lender a�l notic�s af amounts to be paid under
<br /> �his Section. Borrower shall pay Lender the Funds fo�Escrow Items un�ess Lender wai�es Borr�wer's
<br /> obl�ga��on�a pay the Funds for any or ali Esc�ow ltems. Lender may wai�e Barrower's ob�igati�n#o�ay
<br /> tv L�nder Funds far any or a�l Escrow Items at any time.Any such wai�er may�nly be in wri#ing. In the
<br /> e�ent af such wai�er, Borrowe�shall pay d'rre�tfy, when and where payabie, �he amoun#s due for any
<br /> Escrflw ltems fnr which payment �f Funds has been waived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shall
<br /> furr�ish to Lender re�eipts evidencing su�h payment within such time period as Lender may require.
<br /> B�rrower's vbfigat�on to make su�h payments an�ta provide receipts shalf for all purposes b�deemed
<br /> to be a co�enant and agreement contained in this Security �nstrument, as the phrase "covenant and
<br /> agre�mentn is used in SectEon 9. If Borrower is obl�gated ta pay Escrow Items directly, pursuan� to a
<br /> waiver, and Borrower fails to pay th� amount due far an Escrow Item, Lender may �xercise its rights
<br /> under Se�tion 9 and pay such am�unt and Borrower shal!fhen �e ab��gated under Ss�fion 9 to repay
<br /> to Lender any such amount. Lender may re�oke the waiver as fa any or all EsGraw Items at any time by
<br /> a notiCe�iven in ac�ordance with Sec#ian ��and, up�n such revocati�n, Bo�rower shall pay tv Lender
<br /> al� Funds, and in such amounts, that are then requir�d under thEs Section 3.
<br /> Lender may,at any time,cal�ec#and hold Funds in an amount�a}sufficient to permi�Lender fo apply
<br /> the Funds at the time specified und�r RESPA, and�b}n�t to exceed the maximum amount a lende�can
<br /> require under RESPA. Lender shal�estimate the amount nf Funds du�on the basis af currenf data and
<br /> reasonable esfimates of exp�nd�tures of future Es�row Items ar otherwiss in accordance with Ap�li�able
<br /> Law.
<br /> The Funds shall be held�n an institu#ion whose d�posits are insured by a federal agency,instrumentafity,
<br /> or entity �including Lender, if Lender is an inst��utian whose depasits ar�so insur�d} or in any Federa�
<br /> Home Lvan Bank. Lend�r shal�apply the Funds to pay the Escraw Items no�ater than the time spe��f��d
<br /> under RESPA.Lender shall not charge Borrower for hnlding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing
<br /> the esc��w acc�unt, ar�erify�ng th�Es�row�tems, unl�ss L�nder pays Borrower�nterest on the Funds
<br /> and Applicable Law permits Len�er to make such a charge, Unless an agreement�s made in writing or
<br /> A�plica�le Law requires int�rest to be paid on the Funds, Lend�r shal� n�t be required to pay Barr�w�r
<br /> any interest ar�arnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lend�r can agr�e in writing, however,that�nterest
<br /> shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shal�gi�e to Borrow�r,without charge, an annua�a�c�unting�f#he
<br /> Fun�s as required by RESPA.
<br /> If ther� �s a surplus of Funds held in escr�w, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall a�c�unt to
<br /> Borrower far th�excess funds�n accordance with RESPA.If there�s a shorkage of Funds held in escrow,
<br /> as def ned under RESPA,Lender shall notity Borrower as required by RESPA,and Borrower shall pay ta
<br /> Lender the amount necessary t�make up the shorkage in accordance with RESPA, but�n no m�re than
<br /> �2 monthly payments. If there is a de�ciency nf Funds held in escrow,as defined under RESPA, Lender
<br /> sha�l natEfy Borrowe�as required by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary
<br /> to make up the deficiency in a�c�rdance wi#h RESPA, but in no more than 12 month�y payments.
<br /> Upon paym�nt in full�f all sums secured by this Secur�ty �nstrum�nt, Lender shali pramptly refund
<br /> to Borrawer any Funds held by Lender.
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrawer shall pay a�� taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and impvsitions
<br /> attributable to the Praperty which can attain priority o�er this Security Instrument, leasehnid pay ents �
<br /> . ,
<br /> Init�ats:
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannis Ma�lFreddie ItiAac UNlF[]RM INSTRtIMENT Form 3Q28 11D�t
<br /> El�ie Mae,inc. Page 4 of�1 NEEDEED D315
<br /> .
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