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2� 17��477 <br /> L�AN#: �I 9'I GZ�4G5G <br /> or g�ound �ents vn the Pro�erty, ifi any, and Community Assv�iation Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if <br /> any.To the extent that these items are Escrow Items, Barrovrrer shall pay them in the manner pravided <br /> in Section 3. <br /> B�rrower sha�! promptly discharg�any �ren which has priority o�er#his Security Instrum�nt unless <br /> Borrawer:�a}agre�s in writing to the payment of the�bfigati�n se�ured by the lien in a manner a�ceptable <br /> to Lender, but anly sv Iong as Borrow�r is perfarming such agreement; �b}cantests the lien in goo�faith <br /> by,or defends against enforcement of the�ien in, legal proceedings which in Lender's opinian operate to <br /> prevent the enforcement of the I�en while those proceedings are pen�Eng,but only until such proceedings <br /> are concluded;ar�c}secures frvm the holder of the lien an agre�ment sat�sfa�tory t�Lender sub�rdinating <br /> �he lien to this Security lnstrum�nt. If Lender determines that any part of the Prape�ty is subj�cf to a�ien <br /> whi�h can attain priarity a�er this Security Instrument, Lende�may give Borrowe�a notice �dentifying <br /> the lien. Within 'I�days nf the date on which that not�ce is gi�en, Borrvwer shall satisfy#he lien or#ake <br /> one�r more of the ac�ions set forth abo�e �n this Section 4. <br /> Lender may r�qu�re Borrvwer t� pay a one-time �harge �ar a rea� estat� tax verification andlor <br /> reporting s�rvice used by Lender in connectian with th�s Loan. <br /> 5. Pr�perty Insurance,Borrawer shall keep the impro�ements now existing or hereaft�rerect�d on <br /> the Property insured a�ainst Ioss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended coverage,"and any <br /> other hazards including,but not lim�#ed#o,�arthquakes and fEoods,far which Lender r�qu�res insurance. <br /> This insurance sha11�e maintained in the amaunfs�including deductihle levels}and for the periods that <br /> Lender �equires. What Lender requir�s pursuant t� the preceding sent�nces can change dur�ng the <br /> term of the L�an.The insurance carr��r pro�iding the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject t� <br /> Lender's right t�disappr��e Barrower's choice,which right shall nvt�e exercis�d unreasonably.L�nder <br /> may requir�B�rrower to pay, in connection with this Loan, e�ther: �a} a one-time charge for flaod zone <br /> determination, c�rti�cation and tracking ser��ces; or�b}a one-time charg�for flood zone determination <br /> an�ce�tificatian services and subsequ�nt cha�ges each��me remappings o�similar changes�ccur wh�ch <br /> r�asonab�y might affe�t such determinati�n or certification. Borrower sha�l a�s� be responsible for the <br /> payment af any fees imp�sed by th� Federal Em�rgen�y Management Agency �n con ne�#ion with the <br /> review af any flood zone determination resulting fram an objection by Borrawer. <br /> It Sorrawsr fails to main#ain any af the ca�erag�s descri�e� aho�e, Lender may obtain insuranc� <br /> coverage, at Lender's option and Borrower's �xpense. Lender is under no o�ligation to purchase any <br /> particular type or amount af co�erage.Th�re�ore, such co�erage shall co�er Lender, but m�ght or might <br /> no#protec�Borrower, Barrow�r's equity'rn th�P�ap�rty,or the contents of the Property,agains�any risk, <br /> hazard vr liab��ity and might pravide greater or�esser cov�rage than was pre�iously in effect. Borrawer <br /> acknowledges#hat the�ost of the insurance coverage so obtained might significantly exceed#he cast <br /> of insurance that Borrower could ha�e abtained,Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Sectian <br /> 5 shall bec�me additional debt a�Barrawer se�ured by this Security Inst�umenf. Thes� amoun�s shaf� <br /> bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement and shall be payable, w�th such interes�, <br /> upon natice fr�m Lender to Borrower rsquesting payment. <br /> AI�insu�ance palici�s required by Lender and renewals of such policies shalf be sub�ect to Lender's <br /> right to disapprove such pol�cies, shall include a standard mortgage cfause, and shall name Lender as <br /> mortgage�andloras an additianal I�ss payee.Lendershai!ha�ethe�ighttv ho�d the policies and��newal <br /> certificat�s. I�Lend�r requires, Borr�wer sha��promptly g�v�ta Lender al1 rec�ipts af paid premiums and <br /> renewa!natices. If Borrvwer obtains any farm of insurance coverage, not otherwise�equired by Lender, <br /> far damage to, or destruction of,the Pro�erty,such poli�y shall inciude a standard mortgage clause and <br /> shall name Lende�as mortgagee andlor as an additional loss payee. <br /> In the e�ent of loss, Borrower shal�give p�ompt notice to th� insurance carrier and Lende�. L�nder <br /> may make proof of Ioss if not made promp#ly by B�rrower. Unless Lender and Borr�wer ath�rwise agree <br /> in writing, any insurance proceeds, wh�#her�r nat the underlying insuran�e was required by Lender, <br /> shal!be a�plied to rsstoration or r�pair vf the Property,if the res#oration��repair is��onomica�ly feasible <br /> and Lender's securi#y is nflt lessened. During such repa�r and restora#ion period, Lender shafl have the <br /> right to hald such insurance proceeds until Lender has had an npp�rkunity to insp�Ct such Prope�ty to <br /> ensure th� work has �een comple#�d tv Lender's satisfac�ion, pro�ided that su�h ins��cfion shall be <br /> undertaken promptly. L�nder may disburse proceeds for th�r�pairs and restaration in a single paym�nt <br /> or in a series of progress paym�n#s as the work is Camplete�. Unless an agreement is made�n writing or <br /> Appli�able Law requires interesf to h�paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender shaf!n�t��required to <br /> pay Borrvwer any interest a�earn�ngs�n such proceeds.Fe�s for pu��ic ad�usters,or other third parties, <br /> r�tained by Borrower shalf not be paid out of th�insurance proceeds and shall be#he sole obligation of <br /> Borrower If the restaration or repair is nat ecanomically feasible or Lender's security would be lessen�d, <br /> the �nsurance proceeds shall �e applied #o the sums secu�ed by this 5ecurity instrument, whether or <br /> not�h�n due,with the ex�ess, if any, paid to Borrower. Such insurance proceeds shail be app�ied in the <br /> order pro�ided�or in 5ec�ion�. <br /> If B�rrower aband�ns#h� Property, Lender may�le, negatiate and settle any avai�able insurance <br /> claim and reiated matters. If Borrower does not r�spond wi�hin 34 days to a nvtice f��m Lender that the <br /> insurance car�ier has offered ta settle a�laim, then Lender may n�gotiate and sett[e fhe claim.The 3�- <br /> day perivd will begEn when#he no#ic�is given. �n either event, �r��Lender acquires the Prapert un �r �� � <br /> Initials: � <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN�F�RM 1NSTRlJMENT Form 3D2811�1 <br /> Ellie Mae,�nc. Page 5 af�� NEEDEED 03�5 <br /> NEEDEED�CLS} <br /> .. <br />