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2� 17��253 <br /> C3EE1� �]F `T��J�T' <br /> �van �Io: ���3��5�3 {��)1�t��u�d� Page � <br /> pre�ivus fiscal y�ar in su�h �arm and de�ai� as L�nder shall require. 'tN�t vpsratin� incame'" s�all rr�ean afl cash. <br /> re�eipts frvm the Proper�y less al� cash expendi�ures made in c�nnec��on with the operat�on��tl�e Property, <br /> Cap�ion Headings. Caption headings in this Deed of Trust are fvr c�n�enfence purpvses nn�y �nd are nat to be <br /> used ta inte�pret vr define the pra�is€ons o�this D�ed of Trust. <br /> IVlerger. There shall be na �nerger af the interes�or estat� created by�his De�d of T`rust with any ❑�C�er int�res�or <br /> e�ta�e in the Prop�rty at any time held by ❑r �vr th� be�e�i� o� L�nder in any �apaci�y, without�he writ�en cansent <br /> of Lender. <br /> Go�erning Law. Th;s Deed �� Trust will be sv�erned by federaf Iaw �pplicab[e tv Lender and, to the extent nat <br /> preempted by federat �aw� the ta►ws vf th� 5tate v� I���ra�ka withou�regard tv �ts cvnfli�ts af��w proWis�an�. Thi� <br /> ❑�ed vf Trust has been a�cepted by Lender in the State af Nebraska, <br /> ChaiGe o� Venue. If �her� is a lawsuit, Trus�or agrees upvn Lender's request �o submit �n �he ��rrisdi��ion of the <br /> courts af HALL Gounty, 5tate of Nebraska. <br /> Jvin�r �nd Several Liability. Ai� ok�liga�ians vf Borrovver and Trustar under th�� De�d af T�us� shail be joint and <br /> several, and ai� re�erenGes �v Trustor sha�I mean ea�l� arnd e�ery Trustar, and �!l references C� Barrower sha�� m�an. <br /> each and every Borrowe�-. This means th�t each Trustar signing belavar is respvr�sible for al� abliga�ior�s in this Deed <br /> of Trust, <br /> Nv Vlla��er by Lender. Lender shal� na�b� deemed Co haWe wa��ed any righ�s und�r this �eed of Trust unless such <br /> waiver is gi�e�n in writ�ng and signed by Lender. No delay ar omissio�n on the part of Lender in exercisi�g any righ� <br /> sha�i vp�rate as a waiver�rf su�h righ�nr any ather right. A wa�ver t�y �.ender v€ a pra�isivn a�this i7eed �f Trus� <br /> shal� nat prejudice nr cons�i�ute a wa�wer of L�nder's right at�erwise �� dernand strict compliance rrvith �Chat <br /> pro�isian ar any �ther provision of this Deed o� Trust. Na priar� �+iai�er �y Lend�r, n�r an� caurse vf dealing <br /> be�weer� Lender and Trustor, shalf cvnstitute a uvaiuer vf any of Lender's righ�s or v� any of Trus�or's obligatians <br /> as to any fuCur� t►�ansac�ians. When��er rhe cansent vf Lendet� is required under�his Deed o� Trust, th� g�ranting <br /> of such G�nsen� by Lende�- in any instan�e �ha�� not cvnstitute con��nu�ing consen� to subseqr�er�� ins�ances where <br /> su�� �vnsent €s r�quired and in ali cases such consent may b� granted a�withheld in the sofe discr�etian af L�nde�-. <br /> Se�erahi�ity, if a court �fi cvrnpetent jurisdiction finds any pr��isivn a� this Deed of Trust tv be illega�� in�alid, ar <br /> unenfar��able as to any CrC��ms��nC�� �hat find�ng s���l nvt mak� the ❑ffending proWis�v� i�iega�, ir��alid, or <br /> unenfnrceable as t� any ❑ther circums�ance. �f fe��ible, the �f�e�ding prauisinn s�all be �onsidered modified s❑ <br /> tha� �t �ecames ��gafr �alid and enfar�eable. �f �he vffendi�ng pro�i��on canna� be so mvdifi�d, it shali b� <br /> considered d�leted from �his Deed v� 7rus�. Ur�l�ss vthervriis� required by �aw, the i�lega�ity, fn�a��dity, or <br /> uner��arceability af any pra�risian of this i]eed of Trus� sl�all nat a�fect the legality, �alidity ar en�flrceabili�y of any <br /> v�h�r pra�ision of this Deed v��'rust. <br /> SUCCBSSQCS and Assigns. SubjeGt tv any 3irnitat�ans stated in �his ❑eed o�Trus� on transf�r of Trustar`s inter�st. <br /> this Deed v� Trust shalC be binding upon and inure �t❑ t�e benef�t of �h� parties, �their succ�ssors and ass�gns, �f <br /> �wnersh�p af the Prap�r�y becvmes �ested in a person o�h�r �han Trus��r, Lender, viri�hvu� notiGe �o Trustar, may <br /> dea� vvith Trustar's sucGessors w�th re�erenc�to �hi� Deed of Trust and Che Indeb�edn�ss �y way vf��rbearance ar <br /> extension without reieasing Trustflr fram �he obfigat�ans af t��s De�d of Trus�or I�ab�l'rty under�he lndeb�edness, <br /> Yirr�e is of the Essence. Tim� is af the �ssence in the pe�forman�e o�this Deed of Trus�, <br /> Wai�rer of Hamestead Exemption. TrusC�� hereby releases and trvaives a!� rights and benefi�ts o� the h�m��tead <br /> exemptian laws a�the State a� N�braska as �o aiI Indebtedness se�ured by this Deed of T�rus�, <br /> DEFiNiTIaNS. �"h� fallow�ng capitalized words and terms shall ha�e the fallow�ng �meanings when used in this ❑ee� o# <br /> Trus�. �niess speci�iGally stated to the cantrary, all references to dollar ar�ounts sh�ll �n�a� arjn�unts �n {auv�ui money <br /> ❑f the U�i�ed Sta�es of America, Wards and terms used in the singu�ar �hall €nclud� the p(ural, and the p�ura! shall <br /> inc�ud� ti�� sin�ular, as th� can�Cext may require. 111lords an�i �terms na� a�therwise defin�d in this �7eed of Trvst shai! <br /> ha�e t�� meanings at�ributed to su�h terms 'rn�he Uni�orrn Gommercia� Cnde: <br /> �enefi�iary. The wvrd "Senef��iary" means Five Points gank, and its succes��rs and assigns� <br /> Bt�rrower. The w�rd "Borrawer" means MEaD CNQUSTf�IES IN� and GREGURY A MEAD a�nd includes a�! <br /> cowsigners and co�makers signing th� Nvte an� all the�r suGcessars and ass��ns, <br /> Deed of Trust, The wvrds "�e�d a� Trust" mean this D�ed v� Tru�t amvng Trust��, Lend�r, and Trustee, and <br /> includes �nrithau�t �irr�i�ation ai� assignmer�t and security int�rest provisivns refating ta �h� Persvnal Praperty and <br /> Ren�s. <br /> Default. The word "Default" means the D+e�iauit set far�� in th�s Deed vf Trust in th� se�ti�n tit�ed "Defau�t", <br /> Enuironmenta� Laws. Yhe w�rds "En�ironmenta! Laws" mean any and alI state, fe�eral and Ivca� s�atutes� <br /> r�gulativns and vrdinan�es relating to the pro�ecti�n o� hurrran heaf�h or th� enwirvnmen�, in�luding wi�hout <br /> limitation t�e �amprehensi�� Er��iranmental Response, Cam�ensatian, and Liability Act �� '�98�, a� �m�nded, 42 <br /> U,S.C. S�ction 96�1, et seq. �"CERCL�"�� the 5uperfund Am�ndm�n�s and Reauthoriza�Cian A�� af 1�8�, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99�499 �"SAI�A"}, the Hazardou� Mat�ria�s T�anspartatian A�t, 49 U.S.G. 5ectian �$n�, et seq., th� Resvurce <br /> �ans�rvatinn �nd �ec�very Act, 4� U,S.�. S�c��on fi9Q�, et seq., �r ❑�her ap�li�a�le starte or federaf law�, ru�es, <br /> or regula�inns adop�ed pursu�nt thereto. <br />