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<br /> E�en�of Defau��. T�+�words "��rent a��]e��ul�" me�n �ny af�he e�e�tts of de#au{t set f�rth in this Deed�f Trust�n
<br /> �he events a�defat�lt sec�ian����is Doed vf T'rusfi.
<br /> Guarant�. Thg wc�rd "Guaran�y" msans�he gua�an�y fr�m gua�antar= endorsvr, su�e�y, �r acc�mmadat�on party t�
<br /> Lend�r, �ncludin�wi�h�u�limit�tivn�guaranty of al!or pert��the Nofi�.
<br /> Haaardous Subs�ances. Th� w�r�s "Hazardvus Subs�anCe�" mean me�erials fiho�, bvcause �� �heir quanti�y,
<br /> cancent�atian ar physfcal, ch�mical �r In�ectious ch��ac�eristics, ma� �ause ar pvse a present o� pv'�ential ha�ard
<br /> tv hum�n heeith �r�he enW�ronme�t when impraperly used, treated, �tored� disposed of, gena�at�d, manu�acture�,
<br /> transpar�ed ❑r oth�rv�rise handl�d. The wards "Ha�ardvus Substanc�s" are us�d in�he:r ve�y broadest sense �nd
<br /> in�lude withaut Iimita�fl�vn an� and a�! ha�ardaus a� taxic substan�e�, me#erials vr wa�te es r1��ined by or iisted
<br /> undtir the LnWiranm�n�al Laws. �"h�term "Hazardo�s Substancss" alsv in��udes, witha�t limlta�ion, patrv�eurn and
<br /> pe�roleur� �y-produc�s or�ny�ractian�hereof and esbestos. '
<br /> �mprovements. The �rvord "Impr���men�s"` me�ns ail existing and �uture impr���ments, bu�ldings, s�ru�tures,
<br /> mvb�le hom�s a��Fixed c�n �h� Real F'r�per�y� �8G��1���5� addiitior�s, repl�cements a��d ather cons�ructi�n on the Reai
<br /> Property.
<br /> �ndebte�ness. The v►iard "lndebtedness" m�a'ns all pr�nc€pal, int�rest, and other amaunts, cvsts �nd �xpons�s
<br /> p�yabl� und�r t�e Notg or R�la#ed �ocumen�s, together with all r�new�ls vf, extensi�ns af, mvd�fic�tions �f�
<br /> consolidations vf�nd substi�u�ians�or�he Nate or Rel�ted n�cumen�s and any amau�n#s expended❑r advanc�d by
<br /> Lender �� discharge Trus�or's obliga�ivns �r expen�e$ incurrad b� `Frus�ee or Lender t� en�For�e T'rustvr's
<br /> vbli��ti�ns unde� �hi� Devd of 'T`rus�t, �og��her with in�eres� �n suGh �m�un'�s as �arovided in th�� deed af Trus�t.
<br /> 5peci��cally, uvi�hvu� �imi�a�ion, Indebtednsss include� th�e �u�ura �dvances set forfih �n �h� �uture AdW�nces
<br /> provisifl�, toge�het wi�h a�l lnter�st there�t� �nd ell amoun�s �hefi rna� be �ndirec�iy �ecur�d b�r �he
<br /> Cross-Callat�ra�sa�tian pra�ssf�n o�this Daed vi`Trust,
<br /> L.ender. The word "Lender" meens FiWe �'nints �en�, its successors and assigns,
<br /> Note. The vu�vrd "IV��e" rn+s�ns �h� pr�missary na�e datQd January 1�. 2�17, in th� arigina� pr�n�ipa�
<br /> �t't'1au�t �]f $��,0��.�d fr�m Ba�rav+rar to L�nr�er, �agethar witt� a�l renevv�ls v�, extensions of, m�difications
<br /> c��,�sfinancings o�, �ansvlida�ivns o�, �nd subs�it��i�ns fnr the promissary nate or agreem�nt�
<br /> Personal Properk�. The words "P�r�onal Prop�rty" moan �1! equipment� fixtures� and ��h�� ar�ic�es o� per�on�l
<br /> praperty naw or heres�ter c�wned by Tr€�sfiQr, a�d now �r hsreaft�r attac��d or� a#fixed ta �hQ R��[ �'rop�rty;
<br /> tvgQther �ith all �ccessionsf parts, and addi�lons �o, al1 replacernen�s of, and ��� substi�utians fQr, any o� su�h
<br /> praperty; and tvgeth�r wi�h aE� pra��eds ��n��uding v►fithau� limita�ion all insuran�e proceeds �n�f rafunds of
<br /> prem�ums� from any saCe or��her dis�asi���n a�the P�aper�y�
<br /> Prvperty. �h�ward �'�r�p�rty" mean�c�l�ec�ively�he �eal Pra,Perty and the Pers�nal praperty.
<br /> Real Property. Th� wards "Real Pr�p�rt�" me�n the re�l prop�r�y, in�te�ests and rights, as �ur�her dr�scrib�d in this
<br /> Deed o�Trus�.
<br /> R�tat�d Uncurr+ents. 7he w�rd� "Related [�ocumenfis" me�n �II prvrnlssory no��s� crodit agreements, io�n
<br /> agreer�ents, e�v�ronmentaC egr�aments� guaran�ies� secur��y agre�m�nts� mortg�ggs, deeds af trust, security
<br /> d�eds, cr�l�a�eral mark�ages, and ail v�har instrum�n�s, �gre�men�s and d�cumen�s, whether no►rv �r hereefter
<br /> ex�sting, executed ln canne��ibn uwith�he Indebtedness.
<br /> Rents, The trvord "Ren�ks" meens afl pres�nt and fufiure ren�s, reWenu�s, in�ome, I55tJ�35, rflyaiti�s, pr��i�sr and
<br /> c�ther bene�its d$riUed fram�ihe Prc�p�r�y,
<br /> Trust�e. The word "Trust�g" means �sve Palnts Bank, who�e �dd�ess i� P.� gax ��07, Grand �sl�nd, N�
<br /> fi88i3�-�5�7 and ar�y subs�itu�e v�su�cesso�t�u��ees.
<br /> Trus�ar. The wa�d "Tru���r" m�ans GREGt]RY A M�AD �if��7 AMEN[3�D AND F��STATEI� LIViNG REV4�ABLE
<br /> TRl15Tt
<br /> ►4GREES TD 1TS TERMS.
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