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<br /> Lvan �a: '�U'13����3 � ��t��u�� Page �
<br /> c�ncurrently or indep�nden�ly, �ram �ime �o time and as often as may be deemed expedient by Trus�ee ar Lender,
<br /> and e�ther af �hem may pursu�e inc�n�is�ent remedi�s; Nathin� in this De�d vf Trust shall be canstru�d as
<br /> pr�hibi�ing L�nd�r frvm seeking a d�ficien�y�udgment against�h�Trustar tv�he extent su�h a�tion is permitted by
<br /> faw. Efec�ion by Lender �� pursue any �emedy �hall not exc�ude pursui� ❑f any other remedy, and an ele�tion to
<br /> make expe�tditures ar t� �ak� ac�ic�n t❑ per���m an v�I�gati�n ofi Tru�tar under �his Deed a� Trust, after Trustor's
<br /> fai�ure to per#orm, shall not affect Lender"s right to de�lare a defaul� and exercise its rem�dies.
<br /> Reques��ar 1Vntice. Trustor, on hehaff of Trust�r and Lender, hereby reques�s that� capy of any Nvtice af Default
<br /> and a �opy v�any No�ice af 5a[e und�r��his De�d ❑f Trust be mailed to them at the address�s set �orth in the firs�
<br /> p�ragraph fl��his ❑eed a�Trusfi.
<br /> Attarneys' Fees; Expenses. I� Lender institu�es any sui� or aGtion t� enfvrce any t��# �he te�ms af th�s Deed of
<br /> Trus�, Lender shall b� entitled �o recv�er such sum as the court may adjudge reasonahle as attorneys' �ees at trial
<br /> a�d upor� any appeal. 1111he�h�r or no� any cour� action is in�olued, and �t❑ th� exfient nvt prohibi�e� by law, �II
<br /> reasanable expenses Lender in�urs thafi in Lender'� opinian are ne��s�ary at any t�me �or �he pro�ec�ian af its
<br /> �n�erest�r�he enforcement af its rights shal� bec�me a par�❑f the fndebtedness payable on demand and shall be�r
<br /> interes���th� Na�e ra�e�rom �h� date of the expendi�ure unt€i �epaid. Expenses co�ered �y�his paragraph include,
<br /> vvi�hout limita�ion, however sub�ect tn any ��mits under applicable la�rv, Lend�r's attarneys` fees and Lender's legal
<br /> expenses, whefher or no� there is a (awsui�, inc�u�ing a�tarneys' �ees and expenses for bankruptcy prviceedings
<br /> �including e�forts to modi�y�r vaca�e any a�tama�ic s�ay or injun�tian�, appeals, and any an�ticipated post-judgmen�
<br /> ca�lec�ian ser�ic�s, �he cast ��searching records, ❑btaining titfe rep�rts �in�luding fvrec[asure reports�, surv�yars'
<br /> repvrts, and appraisal fiees; �i�le insuranc�, �nd fees �vr the Trustee, to the extenfi permi�ted by applicabl� law.
<br /> Trustar alsa w�il pay any c�urt cvsts, in addi�ion to a�� o�her su�-ns pra�ided by I�w.
<br /> Rights of Trustee. Trustee shall haU� all o�fihe rights and duties o� Lender as se�forth in this sec�ic�n.
<br /> P�VIIERS A[VD DBL[GATIfl[VS aF TRUSTEE. T�e fo��ov►ring pravisions rela�ing to �he pawers and ❑bliga�ians ofi Trustee
<br /> a�-e p�rt o�this Deed af Trust:
<br /> Powers of Trust�e. In ad�ition �o all powers o�Trus�ee arising as a mat�er�f iaw, Trus�ee sha�i ha�e the p�wer�a
<br /> �ak� �he fallowing ac�ivns r�vith respect�o �he Property upon the wri�ten reques� of Lender and Trustvr; {a} j�in in
<br /> preparing and filing a map or p�a� af �he Real Property, inc�uding the dedica�ion of streets �r other rights t❑ the
<br /> public; {b� join in granting any easement ❑r creating any �estric�ion on the Rea! Proper�y� and �c� join in any
<br /> subor�ina�ion or ather agreemen�af�ecting this D�ed a�T�usfi❑r�h� interest t��Lender under�his ❑eed of Trus�,
<br /> T�ustee. Trus�ee shal[ meet ai� qualificatio�ns required for Trust�e under applicahle �aw. (n addition ta the rights
<br /> and remedies s�� �or�h aba�e, with respect t� all ar any part o� �he Properfy, �he Trus�ee shall ha�e the r�gh� to
<br /> �orecfose by notice and sale, and Lender sh�ll have �he right �o farec[�s� by judicia� farec[osure, in either case in
<br /> accardance with and�o the full ex��nt praWided by applicab[e law.
<br /> Successor Trus�ee. L�nder, afi Lender`s op�inn, may €�rom �ime tv time appvint a successar Trustee ta any Trustee
<br /> ap�oin�ed under this ��e� ��Trust by an instrumen� executed and acknov�rledged by Lender and recorded in �he
<br /> o#�ice vf the recvrder v# HALL County, Sta�e o� N�braska. The ins�rument sha!! contain, in addi�ian to al[ other
<br /> matt�rs required by s�at� law, �he names af th� original Lend�r, Trus�ee, and Trus�vr, �he bvak and page �o�
<br /> cvmpu�er sy��kem re�fer�nc�} where �his Deed o� Trus� is reca�ded, and the name and address ❑f the successot
<br /> truste�, and the ins�rument shal[ i�e ex�cuted and a�knaw�edged by all the bene�ic�aries under th�s l�eed ❑f Trust or
<br /> their su��essors in ir�teres�, The successor tr�uste�, wi�hout �an�eyance af the Property, sha[[ succ�ed #o all �he
<br /> tit[e, pawer, and du�ie� �anferred upon t�e Trustee �n this ❑e�d of Trust and by applicable Iaw. This prae�dure�vr
<br /> su�s�itu�ian�f Trustee �ha[� gavern fia the exelusivn flf all a�her pro�isions far substitu�i�n.
<br /> NflTI�ES. Any noti�� required to b� gi�en under �h�s Deed af Trust, including withou� �imi�ati�n any nfltice of de#aul�
<br /> and any nv�ice ❑# sale shal� be ��uen in wr��king, and shall be effective when ac�u�ally delivered{ when actuaily r�cei�ed
<br /> by fie�e�acsimile {unl�ss oth�rvirise required by Iaw}, when deposi�ed �ith a r�ativnally recognized �Wernight c�u�i�r, �r, i�
<br /> mai�ed, when deposited in th� Un�ted S�ates ma��, as �irst c�a�s, �ertified or registered mail postage prepaid, dire���d to
<br /> �h� addresses shflwn near �h� �eginning af this Deed o�Trust. A�� copies af n❑tices �f forec(�sure firom th� hold�r of
<br /> any lien which has priarity ❑ver this D�ed of Tr�st shall be sent to L�nder's address, as shovvn near �he beginning ❑f
<br /> �his Deed of �ru�t: Any �ar�y may change its a��ress for na�ices under this ❑eed of Trust by gi�ing �o�mal writ�en
<br /> nvtice ta �he a�her parties, specifyin� �hat �he purpas� v� the notice is �❑ �hange the par�y's addr�ss. Fvr n�tice
<br /> purposes, Trus�ar �grees �o keep Lender in�ormed a� all times v�Trustor's eurrent address. Unless o�herwise proWided
<br /> ❑r �~equired �y [avv; ifi th�re �s more than ❑n�Trustvr, any natiGe gi�en by Lender ta any Trustar is deemed �o he no�i�e
<br /> given ta ail TrustQr�.
<br /> PURP�SE. F�EVIIRITE ��1�49�8�.
<br /> 111iISCELLANEL�US PR�V�SIDNS. The �ollo�rving mis�ellan�ous prv�isions are a part n�th�s D�ed o�Trust:
<br /> Amendments. T�is D�ed ��Trust, togeth�r with any Rela�ed Qocumen�s, constitu�es �he ent�re unders�anding and
<br /> agreemen� flf�h� par�ie� as to �he rnatters set �or�h �n thi� Deed of Trust. No �It�rati�n o�f or amendm�n�to this.
<br /> ❑eed o#Trust shall be �ffecti�e unless g��en in �nrri�ing and signe+d by the party or parties svught t� be charged or
<br /> baund by�he a�t�ra#ivn ❑r amendment.
<br /> Annual Reports. I� the Pr�per�y is used far p�rpvses other �han Trus#or's residence, Trus�or shall �urnish tv
<br /> L�nder, upan reques�, a ce��ified statement a# ne� vperating inc�me recei�ted from �he Prvperty during Trus�or's
<br />