2� 17�� 198
<br /> �he excess, if any, pa�d �o�vrr�wer.
<br /> In the e��nfi of a partial �aking, desfruc�i�n, flr lass in va�ue of the Proper�y �n �rvh�ch �he �fair
<br /> ma�ket value af the Prape�ty �mmedia�ely before the;par�ia�tak�ng, destrucfiion, ar lass �n v��ue �s equa!�o
<br /> or gr�ater�han�he amaunf of the s�ms secured by fih�s Security�ns�rum�t�t,immed�a�ely�before�fihe pa�t�al
<br /> �aking, des�ruc�ivn, vr �ass in �a�ue, unless Bo�row�r and Lende� o�henivise agree in vuriting, �he sums
<br /> secured �y �his Securi�y �ns�rumen� shall be reduced by �he amoun� of �he I�fl�scellane�us 'Proc�eds
<br /> mul��plied by �he fo��v�ing frac��on: �a} �he �v�al amaun� of �he sums secured �mmed�a�efy befv�e tne
<br /> partial#ak�ng, d�s��u��fvn, or I�ss in va�ue d���ded�by ��}�he fair marke��alue af the Praper�y �mmed�afe�y
<br /> before�he par��a[takin�, des��uc��on, ��lass fn�alu�.Any balance sha[! be�a�d ta Barrav�rer,
<br /> �n the ��ent vf a par�ia� taking, desfiruc�ivn, ar �oss �n va�u� of �he Praperty in �vh�ch �he fa�r
<br /> mark�t �a�ue of the Proper�y �mmed�a�ely �efore �he par��al �aking, d�s�ruc�ivn, ar loss �n �a[ue �s �iess
<br /> fihan �he amoun� of�he sums secured immediately�befare �he par�iaC faking, destruc��on, or �oss �n Waiue,
<br /> unless Bv�rowe� and Lender o�herwise agree in wri�ing, ��he �M�sce�laneaus Prviceeds shall_be applied ���
<br /> the sums secured by�his Securi�y�nstrum�nt whefher❑�no�fhe sums are then due.
<br /> �f �he Pr�per�y is aband�ned by Barrow�r, o� i�, after n��ice �by Lender �a Bar=rvwer �ha� �he
<br /> �ppos�ng Par�y �as defi�ed in �h� next�en��nce} off�rs�a make an av�rard fv se���e a c�a�m f�r damag�s,
<br /> Borr�Uver fails fio respvnd �� Lender wi�hin 3� days after fhe da���he nof�ce Es gi�en, Lender�is au�hvr��ed
<br /> t❑ GolleGf and apply �he M�scellaneaus P�aceeds ei�her fo re��ora�ion or�repa�� vf�he Pr�per�y ar fio �he
<br /> sums secured by �this Security 'ins�rumen�, whethe� or not �hen due. "flpposing �Par�y" means �he �hi�d�
<br /> parfiy �hat vwes Borrowe� Misce�laneQus F'roceeds ar �he �party a�airts� whom Bor�a�er has a �r�gh� af
<br /> ac��on in��e�ard�o Miscel�aneous F'roceeds.
<br /> Barr�wer shall be in defauit �f any actian �r,prace�ding, whe�h�r civil ar�r�m�na[, �s begun �ha�, ��n
<br /> L�nd�r's �udgmen�, could �resul� tn forfe��ure of the Prv,perty or o��er�ma�erE�l �mpairrnen# af L�nder's
<br /> in��rest in �he Prap�r�y or righ�s unde�-�his Secur��y Insfrument. ��vrrvv�r�r can cure such a d�faul�and, �f
<br /> acce�eration has occurred, �reinstate as pro�ided in Sectivn �9,'by cau�ing �he ac��on vr�pr�ceed�ng �o be
<br /> �dismissed w��h a ru�ing �ha�, in Lend�r's�ud�ment, precludes forfei�ure vf fhe Prop�rty or a�he� rna�e��al
<br /> �mpairment of Lender's in�erest tn�he�Praperty or�righ�s under�his �ecur��y Ins��umen�. The prvc�eds of
<br /> any award or claim fnr dama��s�ha�are a�tr�bu#ab�e�o the impa�rmen�of L�nder's �n�eresfi�n�he�Property
<br /> are hereby ass�gned and shal�be paid�v L�nder.
<br /> All Miscellaneaus Prace�ds �ha� are not app��ed #v r�storat�vn �r repa�r of�the Prv�erty shafl be
<br /> app�ied in the arder prvvided for in Sec�ian�.
<br /> 'i 2. �S�rrawe�Nat Re��ased; 'Forbearance �y�Ler�d�r INot�I��i�er. Ext�ns�on of th����me�fvr
<br /> �payment or �mvdi��ca�ion of amar�E�ation of the su�ns secured loy thEs Secu r�ty 1 ns�rument gran#ed b,y
<br /> Lender tv Bvrrower a� any Successor in interest of Bo�rvwer shall �n�t ❑pera�e,�o re�ea�e �he �liab'���fy af
<br /> Bor�rvwer o� any Su��essors �n �Infie�esfi �of Borrawer. �Lsnder shall �nat �b� requ�r�d �to ,comrnence
<br /> proceedEngs aga�ns� any 5u�cessar in �n�ere�f of 6orrawer v� fio ��fuse ��a ex�end �f�;,e for�paym�nt or
<br /> �o�henrvise rnadify amorti�a��on af��h� sums secured �y�his Secur��y'�ns#rurnent'by�reason of any demand
<br /> made by#he�origEna� Barrawer�or any Su�cessors��n�in�er�sfi of;B�rrower. Any�forbearance�by Lend�r in
<br /> exercis�n� any righ�o��rem�dy��nclud�ng,withaut'limi�a�ion,;Lende�'�s accep#ance of �p�ym�nts from th�rd
<br /> persons, ent�ties or �ucces�ors in In�eres� vf'Borr�ower ar�in amaun�s iess than �th� amoun��hen due,
<br /> sha���nafi�be a wa��er�of�or preclude�he�exerc�se of any righ�vr�rernedy.
<br /> '�3. Ja�r�t ��nd �er��ra� ���i�b'����; �o�-signers,; �u��e�s�r� and ��4�s�gr�s ;�3aun�a 'Ba�-raw�r
<br /> ca��nants and agrees �hat�Borrower's obliga�E�ns�and �labll��y sha�l �be joinf and s�veral. �H`owe�er, �any
<br /> �Borrawer whv cn�-s�gns �this 'Securi�y lns�rum�n� 'bufi �d�es nvt execute �he i���e ��a "ca-signer"}. �a�} is
<br /> c��s�gning �h�s 'Secur�ty �Instrurnenfi vnly �o �mortgag�, gran� and �cvn�ey �he ca-s�gner's ;in�er�esf f�n ,the
<br /> Prope�fy �unde� th� ��errns of this Securi�y ;lns�rumen�; ��b} �is no� ;personally Qblig��ed ,�o �pay ��he �surns
<br /> secured ;by �h�s Secur��y lnsfirument; and �c} agrees thaf L�nder and any ofih�r E�orr�wer can agr�e ��a
<br /> �xtend, modify, forbear ar make any accommadations wi�h�r�gard�o the�erms vf th�s Secur��y �nstrumenfi
<br /> vr�he Note�rvithout fhe�a-s�g ner's cvnsen�.
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<br /> 'NEBRASKA—SingEe�Fam��y-Fannie�MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRtVi iNSTRUMENT 'Form 3028 '[!Q'[ �page 9�of 1�pages}
<br /> Mortgage Cadence Doc�men#�enter C�7 3�27�1J'14
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