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2� 17�� 198 <br /> Subject tv �he pro�isi�ns of Sec�ion '[8, any Succ�ssvr in Inferest of Borrower who assumes <br /> Bvrr�wer's Qbl�ga��ons under�his Secur��y lns�rumen� in vv���ir��, �nd �s app�aved by Lend�r, shall ob�ain <br /> all vf Bo,rvwer's r�ghts and benefits under�h[s Securi�y lns�rumen�. �Borrvwer shali na� be�re�ea�ed from <br /> Borrower's obligat�ans and��ia�il��y under this Securi�y ins�rumen��un[ess�Lender agr�es�v such release in <br /> wri��ng. The cvvenan�s and ag�eements af this Secur��y Instrument sha�� bind �except as �prav�ded �in <br /> Sec�ion��} and Ib�nef���he�uccess��-s and assigns of Lender. <br /> '14. 1Loa� �narg��. Lende�ma,y cha�ge Bo�rower fees�f�r services �erF�rmed�in �vnne�t�vn wi�h <br /> �Borrvwer's defau�t, far �he p�rpose of pro�ec�ing �Lender's infierest ��n the Property and righ�s und�r��his <br /> Secu��fiy lns�rurn�n�, �ncluding, �ufi�nat I�rn��ed+�o, a�tarne}�s' �e�s, proper�y inspection and��alua���n �f�es. <br /> '!n ���ard �v �any o�he� ��ees, �he �absence of express au�hori�y ��n this Se�urifi�y �Ins�rumen� �o charge a <br /> spec�f c fee�a Borrawer shall no��b� construed a� a proh���t��n on��he charging of such fee. L�nder may <br /> no�charge fees�hat are expressly�arahibi�ed by�his 5ecuri�,y Ins�rumen��o�by App�icabie Law. <br /> ��f �he Loan ��s subl�c� �o a �aw which se�s max�mum laan charg�s, and �hafi, �aw is fina��y <br /> in�erpre�ed so �ha� fhe in�eres� or other loan �harges col�ec�ed or fo be co�lec�ed in connec��on�wi�h the <br /> Loan exceed the permi�te� ��mits, then. �a} any such ��an charge shall be redu��d by the amoun� <br /> necessary�o reduce the charge t��the-permi��ed [im��, and �b} any�ums afready col�ec�ed from B�rr�virer <br /> which exGeeded p�rm�'�ed lim�ts w�lf be�r�funded�� Bar�ower. Lende�may choos�ta�make th�s refund by <br /> reducing #he pr�n�ipa[ o�ved under �he [Vvfe �r by mak�ng a direcf payment to �Bor�ower. If�a refund, <br /> �educ�s principal, th� reduc��on wi�� �e �rea�ed as a par��a� �prepaymen� vui�hou� any�prepaymen� charge <br /> ��rvheth�r or nvt a p�epayment char�e is prQ�ided for under fihe No�e}. Borro��r's accepfian�e of any sucn <br /> �refund made by direc� �aym�n�fo Barrawer wl[1�c�ns�i�u�e a wa��er of any righ� af ac��on BorrQwer migh� <br /> ha�e arising vu�of such overcharg�. <br /> ��. 'Nat�ces. Al[ not�ces gi�en�by�Bvrrower or Lend�r �n canne��fvn �rv��h�fih�� Securi�y��nstrumenf <br /> mus�be in w�i�ing. Any nv�ice ta Barr�we���n �onn�c�ian v��th �his'Se�u�i�y Insfrumen�sha�l�be�deemed to <br /> �have `be�n given �to Borrower when �ma�led by fir�� class �mai� or�w�en ac�ua�ly ,del��rered �o �Borrower's <br /> �no�ice address �f sent by o�he��means. Nv��ce t�any;one Bnrrower shall cans�i�u���no��ce,��a!!'Barrowers <br /> �unless Appf�cab'Ce Law expressly �equ�res�ofh�rwise. The no�ice add�ess Sshall be the Proper�y Addr�ss <br /> unless'B�rro�rver has des�gn��ed a subs���u�e no�ice address by no��ce�a'Lender. gorr�wer shali prvmp�ly� <br /> natify Lender vf Borrower's change�of addr�ss. If Lender specif�es a procedure for repv�fi�ng BarrvvUer's <br /> change of address,fiher� Bor�ower sha��an�y�epor�a chang�of address thr�ugh tha�speci���d procedure. <br /> There may �e on�y one des�gna�ed na��c� address under�his S�curify ins��um�n�a�any vn���me. Any <br /> no��ce �� Lender shal� be given by de�i�ering �� or by mai��ng �� by f�rs� c�ass mail t❑ Lender's address <br /> s�a�ed here�n unless Lende� has designa�ed another address by na��ce to �Borrowe�. Any nv��c� in <br /> c�nnec�ian wi�h �his SecurE�y Insfrumen� sha�l no� b� deemed to ha�e been gi�en �� Len�er until actua�ly <br /> �ece���d�by�Lender. !f any no�ice r�quired loy this 5ecur��y�insfirurn�nfi is alsfl required under App��cab�e <br /> Law, ��he Ap�al�cab[e Law requirement wil� satisfy �he c�rrespond�ng r�qufremen� under �his Secur��y <br /> I nsfi�umen�. <br /> ��. [�ar�erning L.a�r; �e�r�rabi���y; 'Ru��s of��an�truc�ion. Th�s �Secu���y Ins�rumen� sha�� be <br /> go�erned by federal �la�rvv and �he law of�he �ur�sdiction ��n v�rhiGh �he P�r�per�y is ��vcafied. A�� righ�s and <br /> obl�ga�ions cvnta�ned �n ��h�� Se�ur��y ��ns��umen� a�� sub�ect tv {any re�uirernen�s and ���rn�f��ions of <br /> Appi�cabfe Law Applicable Law might expli���ly�ar imp�ic�tly a�f�w �the par�ies �o agree��y con�ract or��t <br /> �might be silen�, bu�such siien�e shall nofi be cons�ru�d as a proh�b�tion agains�agreement by�contract. =��n <br /> �he e�ent that any pr�v�s�on �or c�ause af �h�s S�curity lns�rumen��or th� ��ate cvnf�ic�s vwi�h Appiica�le <br /> Law, such conf�ict �hal� na� affec� o�h��- prQWis�ans of�h�s 5ecuri�y Instrument or the�fVo�e v�hich �can be <br /> g�Wen effec�wi�hau��he confli'cting proWisi�n. <br /> As used �n �h�s S�cur�ty Ins�rumen#: �a}wo�ds of�he rnas�ul�ne gender sha�l mean and �ncfude <br /> cvrresponding neu�er vu�r�s or words of�he feminine �ender, �b}words in the s�ngu[ar shall mean and <br /> inc�ude �he plural and v�ce �ersa; and tc}�he word "�may" gi��s so[e discre��an w��h�u� any obli�a�iar� to <br /> �fiak�any action. <br /> � � <br /> � , <br /> , � ; � � ; <br /> � S � 2 b � � M tC �M �❑ R T 'D � T � <br /> NEBRASKA---Single Family-Fannie�llaelFreddie MaC UMIFORM lNSTRIlMENT 'Form 3028 'ila'1 {page�,0 af 74�pages) <br /> Mortgage Cadence�Docum�nt Center� 3��7�0'iI'14 <br /> . <br /> Y <br /> J <br />
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