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2� 17�� 198 <br /> ol�ta�ned, and Lender requ�res separa��[y designa�ed payments �ov�ard �he premiums fa� M�rtgage <br /> �nsuran�e. lf Lender r�quired Mor�gage �nsurance as a c�nd�fiivn af makEng �h� Loan and Bvr�-ower was <br /> requ�red to make separa�ely designa��d paym�n�s �oward �he premiums far M�r�gag� �nsurance, <br /> Borrower shafl pay �he prem�ums r�qu��ed �fl mainfain Mortga�e Insurance in �ffec�, or to pra��de a <br /> non�refundal�le fas� reserve, un��l Lender's requ�rement f��M��gage �nsurance ends in accordar�ce w�th <br /> any writfien agreemen�be�we�n Bvrra�v�r and Lender providing for such�erminatian vr until terminat�on �s <br /> requ�red by Applicab�e Law. No�h�ng �n�his Sec�ion '�D affec�s k3orrvwer's ola�igaf�on�� pay in�eres�a��he <br /> ra�e p�oWided �n the IV�te. <br /> Mortgag� lnsurance reimburses Lender�ar any �n��fy tha�purchases the No�e}fa�ce�ta�n �asses <br /> it may �ncur if �3orr�we�- does no� rspay fhe Lvan as agreed. Borrower is nvfi a pa�y �o �h� Ni�r�gag� <br /> �nsurance. <br /> Nlortgage insure�s e�aluate �heir total r�sk �n all suGh insurance in force fr�m fi�m� ta time, and <br /> may en��r �nto agr�ements �v��h other par�ies �hat share or m�d�fy �heir �isk, or r�duce l�sses. These <br /> agreements are vn terms and Gandi��ans that are satisfac�ory to�he mor�gage insurer and fhe��her party <br /> �or pa�ties} fio �h�s� agreemen�s. These agree�-n�nts may requ�r� �he mvr�gage �nsurer �o make <br /> paym�nts using any s�u�ce �f funds �ha� �he m��gag� insurer may hav� ava�[ab�e �which may includ� <br /> fund� ab#ained ��om Mortgage �nsuran�e prem�ums}. <br /> As a result of �hese agreemen�s, L�nd�r, any purch�se� of �h� IVv�e, ana�her ��nsurer, any <br /> re�nsurer, any other en��fiy, ar any aff���a�e of any af the foregaing, may receiVe �di�ectly o� and�rec�ly} <br /> amaun�s �ha� der��e �rom �or mighfi be cha�ac�eri�ed as} a port�on af�B�rrower'� paymen�s �ar M��tgage <br /> �nsuranc�, in exchange far shar�ng ar madifying fihe mar�gage insurer's�risk, vr reducing losses. If such <br /> ag��ement prv�ides �hat �n af�i��a�e of Lend�r takes a share af�h� in�u��r'� r�sk m exchange f�r a share <br /> of�he p�em�ums pa�d to fhe�nsu�er,�he arrangemen�is�ften�erm�d "ca�O���e �einsuranc�." Fur�h�r <br /> �a� Any such agree�n�nts wi�� not affect the amou�t� that Barror►ver has agreed ta pay for <br /> �lortgage �nsurance, vr ar�y ather term� of the Loan. Such agreem�n�s r�il! �ot incr��se the <br /> am�unt Barrower wi�l owe for �ior�g�ge ��nsurance, and they v�ill �ot entit[e �arrawer to any <br /> refund. <br /> �b} Any s�ch agreements wi�[ no�affect the rights Borrower has�-if any—with r�spect to <br /> the Mortgage �nsuran�e under the Ha��a�rners Protect�on Act c�f '�998 or any other �aw. Th�se <br /> r�ghts may ir�clude the right to recei�e c�rfiain di�c�osures, to re�u�st and obta�n �ancer��tion of <br /> the Mort�age �nsurance, ta h�ve tn� iU�or�gage Insurance terminated automa�ica�fy, a�dlar to <br /> receirre a refund �f any il�vr�ga�� ln�ura�ce pr��iur�s tnat w�re unearn�d �t the t�m� af �uch <br /> canceliat�on or ter�-ninatian. <br /> '�'!. Assignment of Misce��an�ous Proceeds; Forfeiture. Ali M�sce�lane�us ProG�eds are <br /> h�reby assign�d tfl and shall be paid�o Lender. <br /> [f#he Pra�O�rfy is damaged, such �lllisc�llaneous Proceeds sha�� be app�ied�o�res�ora��on �r repa�r <br /> of fihe Prvper�y, if fihe res�ora�i�n ar r�pair�is econ�m�ca��y feasi�le and Lender's secur��y is nat lessened. <br /> Du��ng such repa�r and r�s��rat�an period, Lender shal� ha�e the right ta ho�d such MEsce�lanevus <br /> P�roceeds until Lend�r has had an �pportun��y �a inspect such Proper�y �o �ensure the work has been <br /> cvmpleted �a Lend�r's s��isfac��on, pro��ded �hafi such insp�c�ion shall �oe undertaken promp�fy. L�nder <br /> may pay for the re�aairs and resfi�ra��on in a s�ngl� disbursem�n��or�in a ser�es �f pr�gress paym�nts a� <br /> �he work is c�mple�ed. lJnl�ss an agreem�n� �s made in wr�ting ar Appl��able Law requir�s �n�e�es��❑ be <br /> paid on such Misc�llan�ous ,Proceed�, Lend�r sha�l no� b� r�qu�red fi� pay Borrawer an,y �nf�r�s� �r <br /> earn�ngs on �uch �Misce�laneous Pr��eeds. lf fh� res�ora�ion or repa�r is nofi ecanami�ally f�as�b[� vr <br /> Lender's se�uri�y w�u�d �be lessened, the Miscel�aneaus F'�aceeds�shal� be apph�d �❑ �he surns secured� <br /> by this Secu�i�y Ins��umen�, whether vr n�� then due, w��h �he excess, if any, pa�d �o Bv�r�wer. Such <br /> MEscellaneous Pro�eeds sha�� be appl�ed �n�he order�rovided for in Section �. <br /> �n �he ev�r�� of a �otal �aking, �es��uc�ion, ar �oss in �alue a� �he Prvp��ty, the �Miscellan��us <br /> Pr�ceeds shal! be applied �a the sums se�ured by�his Securi�y ins�rumen�, whe�her vr no��hen due, vv�th <br /> � <br /> � 8 'i 2 f� � � M C M O R T � 0 T � <br /> NEBRASKA-�S�ngle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN�FQRM INSTRUMENT Form 3Q�8 'I!0'! (page 8 of�4 pages) <br /> Mv�-tgage Cadence❑v�ument Center O 3027�'€!'�4 <br />
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