2� 17�� 198
<br /> �omp�e�ion �f such repa�r or�es�arativn.
<br /> 'Lender ar its agent may make reasanab�e en��i�s upvn and inspec�ions of th� Prvper�y. �f�t�has
<br /> reasonable caus�, Lender may inspec�fhe �nter�or af�he impr�vemen�s an��he Prape�ty. Lender sha�l giWe
<br /> Borrower no�Ece a��he t�me�f or�pr�or�o such an interi�r inspec��an specifying such r�as�nable�cause.
<br /> 8. Barrov►rer's Loan A�pp�ication. Borrawer sha�! be in defau[t �f, during �he�Loan appEicafion
<br /> pracess, Sorr�wer a�- any �persans vr �nf���es ac��ng a� �he d�r�ct�on vf 'Borrower or �r��h Bvrrower''s
<br /> knowledge �r consent ga�e ma#er�a'lly fa�se, misleading, ar� in�Gcu�a�e informa�ia� or s�a��m�nts ���
<br /> Lende� ��r failed �o �pr�uid� �Lender w��h material �infar,rnat�vn} in connec�i�n w�th ��he �Loan. Materia�
<br /> represenfia��ons �include, �bu� are nafi�lirn��ed �a, rep�esenta��ons�cnnc�rning �Bvrrower's vccupancy�af the
<br /> Proper�y as B�rrowe�'s p�incip�l residence.
<br /> 9. Prvtec��on of �L�nder's �rntere�t �ir� �the Pr�p�rt� and ��ghfis �Under this �ecur�ty
<br /> Instrument. �f 4a} Bvrrvwer fails �o per�flrm the covenan�s and agreemenfis con�ained �n �his �Secur��y
<br /> fnstrument, �b} there is a I�gal proceeding �ha� m�gh� s�gni�ican�ly affec� Lender's��n�eres� �n �he Praperty
<br /> andl�� righ�s un�er fhis Securi�y Ins�rum�nt �such as a prv�eeding �n bankrup�cy, prvba�e, fvr
<br /> condemna�ion nr forf�ifiure, fvr enfarcemen� �f a �ien which r-nay attain priori#y ov�r �his Security
<br /> �nstrument or�o enfor�e laws ❑r regulations}�, or �c� B�rrowe� has abandvn�d the Pr�per�y, �hen Lend�r
<br /> may do and pay far wha�e�er is reasonable or appropr�a�e t� pra#ec# Lender's in�erest in�he°Pr�pe�ty and
<br /> r��hts under this Securi�y �n�trumen�, inc�uding pro�ec��ng andlor assessin,g fihe�a�ue of fihe Pro�erty, and
<br /> secur�ng andlar�rep�ir�ng fihe Proper�y. �Lende�'s acfiions can �nclude, bu�are nat iim�t�d�o� �a}�paying any
<br /> sums secured by a ��en wh��h has pr�or��y v�er this ��cur�ty ins��umen�, �b}appear�ng in c�ur�, and
<br /> �c} paying reason�ble attarneys'fees to protec��ifis���fie�-�s�in��he Prap��ty andl�r righ�s under,�his'Securi��
<br /> ��ns��umen�,,including its secu�ed,pos��ian i� a ban'krup�cy ip�oceed�ng. Securing the Proper�y�nc�udes,�bu�
<br /> is nv� limi�ed fo, en�ering �the F'�aper�y fia make �repa��s, change �loc�cs,, ��eplace ��� b�ard° up doors and
<br /> wind�ws, drain wa��r fram p�pes, e[im�na�e'bu��d�ng or a�her code�iola��ans�or�dangeraus �ondifi�ans, and
<br /> have utili�ies turned on or aff, A��haugh 'Lender may take ac�ion under this 5�c��on 9, Lender does na�
<br /> ha�re�� dn so and is no� under any du�y or Q��iga���n ta da so. �It �s agreed �ha��Lend���n�ur� no lEa�i��ty
<br /> for nat taking any flr a��ac�ions autharized under this Sec�ion 9.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under th�s �ec��on 9 shal� became a�d���ona� d�bt of Borrow�r
<br /> s�cu�ed by�h�s S�curi�y insfrument. These amounts shall bear�in#�r�s�a��he lVo���rate f��m�he date of
<br /> disbursemenfi and shall'be payable, wifih such interest, upan n��i�e from Lender�o B�rrawer reques�ing
<br /> payment.
<br /> If this Securi�y lnsfrumenf�i� on a leas�hold, 'Borrvvu��shall comply wi�h alf th� �Ora�fsions �f�ne
<br /> �ease. �f Borrawer acquires fee�i���to the Prope�ty, �h� leasehald and�he fee��tle sha�l�na�rnerge unless
<br /> Lender agrees tv�he�merge�-in wri��ng.
<br /> '��. �or�gage In�ura�ceR "��f Lender��equ�red [Illo�gage Insurance as a�cvnd�tion nf�mak�ng
<br /> �he�Loan, Barrovue�sha�l pay#he�pr�miurns requ�red��o�ma�ntain the Morfigag��[nsuranc���n��ff�c�. �f,, fvr
<br /> any reasan, the Martgage �Insurance caver,age �requ�red 'by �Lende� �eases to 'be availab�e �from the
<br /> rnor�gage �nsurer�hat pre�iousl,y,proWided such insurance and�E�orro�rer�was�requir�d�to;r,nake separafiely
<br /> designa�ed paymen�s tvward the premiums �far Mor�gage �Insurance, Bvrrawer sha�l��pay the �pr�em�ums
<br /> requ�red #o ���ain co��rage subs�antially equi�alent�to ��h� Mortgage�1nsu�ance pre��vus[y �n effec�, a� a�
<br /> cos� subs�an�ially equiva��n�ta �h��cos�to Borrowe�of the llllor�gage Insurance preWious�y in eff�c�, f�-om
<br /> an a[ternate mar�gage �nsurer selec�ed '�y Lender. If substan�ially equi�alen� Mor�gag� Insurance
<br /> co�erage �s na� aWailable, Barrower shall con��nue fv pay tv Lender �he amvun� �f the sepa�ately
<br /> des�gna�ed �ayments tha� were due when �he Ensu�ance caverage ceased �o be �n �ff�c�. �L�nder w��l
<br /> accept, use and �re�a�n �hese paymen�s as a nan-refundab�e'[oss reserve in l�eu vf�Mor�gage�Insu�ance.
<br /> Such �oss reser�e shall be nvn-refundabl�, no�v�i�hs�and�ng�he fact�hat�he Lvan is ul��ma�ely�paEd �n fu[[,
<br /> and Lender shal[�no�'b� �equir�d fa�pay Borrvwer a�y��n�eres� or�earnin�s an such lass reserve. Lender
<br /> can no longe� �-equire Ioss rese�-ve payments if Mor�gage lnsurance ca�erage ��in #he amvun� and�for the
<br /> perivd ��ha� Lender �-equires} pro�E�ed �by an insurer sel�c��d 'by Lender again 'b��arn�s aWa�lable, �is
<br /> � , f ; ., ,
<br /> � ��
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<br /> � � �
<br /> � � ,
<br /> r , i � � , �� i =
<br /> i I i i� � i I ; 1 [
<br /> � s � 2 s � � M c M o R T v o T �
<br /> NEBRAS�CA--Stng�e Family-Fannie'MaetFreddie Mac UNIFt]RM lf�STRLIMENT Form 3D28 '�lfl'� {page 7�vf 9�pages)
<br /> Martgag�Cat#ertce Ovcumer�t Center O 3027�'i 1'i 4
<br /> �
<br />