2� 17�� 198
<br /> All insurance ;p�li�ies required �y Lender and renev�als of such polic�es s'nal! �e subject �o
<br /> Lender's righ� t❑ disapprove such po�ici�s, sha�� include a s�andard mo�tgage c[ause, and shall �name
<br /> Lender as mar�gagee andlo�as an additional [ass paye� Lender shal[ ha��the r�gh��a ho�d��he pal�cies
<br /> and renewal certificates. �� Lende� requ�res, Bo�rower shall prvmpf�y gi�e �a Lende� all rece�p�s �f pa�d
<br /> prem�ums and renewal no�ices, if Borro�ver obtains any fvrm of En�urance cov�rage, nofi othenrv�se
<br /> requ���d 'by Lende�, for damage �o, or des�ructivn af, the Prop�r�y, such �pvlicy shall incfude a s�andard�
<br /> morfgage clause and sha�� name L�nd�r as mor�gagee andlor as an addi�iona� �oss payee.
<br /> in �he e�enf af��oss, Borrawer shal! gi�e �pramp� notic� �o ,fhe insurance carrier and Lende�.
<br /> L�nder may make �prvof �f �lvss �f n�� �made prvmp�ly Ioy 'Bor�awer. Un[ess Lender and Bo�rawer
<br /> ��herwise ag��e �n wrifiing, any insurance proceeds, whe�her��r�nv�the�underiying�insurance was�re�uir�d
<br /> by Lend�r, shall be applied fio r���ora�fon ar repa�r of the Praperty, 'if �h� res�arat:vn �r repair �is
<br /> ecanomically f�asi��e and Lender's se�u���y is �no��lessened. Dur�ng such r�pa�r and �res�ora��an �period,
<br /> Lender sha�l �haWe the �rig'h� �v hnid such insurance �praceeds until �Lender �has had an o,ppo�un��y ��a
<br /> inspec�such Proper�y�o�ensure�he wflrk ha�been campleted to Lender's sa�isfac��vn, prvW�ded that�such
<br /> inspection shall�be�unde�taken,�rom,ptly. 'Lender may�disburse;pr��eeds�for th���epa'Ers and r�sfivra��on in
<br /> a singl��payrnen�,or in a ser�es of��r.ogress�payments as�he wor�t�is cornpleted. Unle�s an agr�em�nt�is
<br /> made �n writing or App�icab�e Law�requir�s �nteresfi�o be ipaid on such insurance�prac�eds, �Lend�r�shal�
<br /> not be�requi�ed�v pay Borrower any En�eres�;ar earn�ngs�vn�such pr��ceeds. `Fees��v�pubfic ad�usters,�or
<br /> �ther thErd�pa�ti�s, �re�ain�d by'Borrav+rer sha�l�no�`be�paid auf��f fhe insuranc��proce�ds and s`hail���e the
<br /> sale obliga�ion af�Borrawer. 'If�the�re�fara��on nr r�pa��- �s �not ecana��i��lly feasible��r L�n�er's secur�ty
<br /> w�uld be le�sened, th� insurance pra�eeds sha�l `be �pp'�ied �o ��ne surns secu��d �by �his Securi�y
<br /> ,Ins�rum�n�, whe�h�r or n�t th�n due, �vifih��ne�e�rcess,�if�any, paid t� Bvrr�we�. Such �nsurance�proceeds
<br /> sha�l be app��ed �n�he order pr���ded fvr in Section`�.
<br /> If Barrow�r abandans��he�Prape�ty, Lender may��le,,negot���e and settle any a�a��ab'�e�:nsur�nce
<br /> claim and r��a�ed ma��ers. �If Bvr,r�wer daes nat respand wi�hin 3� days�� a�n��ic�from�Lender�hat�he
<br /> �nsurance car��er �ha� �f�ered �o se�tie a cla�m, finen Lender may neg���a�e and setfle �he c�aim. The
<br /> 3�-day per�od wil� b�gin when the nvtice �s gi�en. in ei�he�eWen�, o�if Lende��acqu�res�he Pr�p�r�y under
<br /> Secf��n �2 flr �v�herwise, �B�rra�ver h�reby assigns �o L�nder �a}Barrower's righfis to any Ensurance
<br /> prviceeds �n an amoun# nQ��a�xceed�h�amaunts�unpaid und��th� No�e❑r�h�s Securi�y Instrumen�, and
<br /> �b}any ather of Barrower's r�ghts �o�her than �he righfi fo any refund of unearned pr�miums �paid by
<br /> Bv�rower} unde�all �nsurance�policies�caver�ng the�P�roperty, insflfar as such righ�s are app�icabie �a the
<br /> cv�e�age Qf the Property. Lender may use th�insuran�e proceeds e�fiher to repair vr res�or�the P�roperty
<br /> vr�o�ay amounfs unpaid under�he No�e ar��h�s SecurE�y instrumenf,whe�he�or no��hen �ue.
<br /> �. �ccupanc�l, Barrower sha�l occupy, es�a�O[ish, and use fhe Prope�ty as Bvrr�wer's°p��ncipal
<br /> ��esidence wi�hin �D days after�he �xecu�ion of�his S��u�-i�y Instrumen� and shal� continue fiv accupy th�
<br /> �Propetty as �Ba�rov�e�'s princ�pa� r�sid�nce for a� feas� on� year after the da�e of �occupancy, :un'Iess
<br /> Lender o�herwise �gr��s �in w�E��ng, �h�ch cvnsent shal� no� �be �unreasonably wifihheld, vr unless
<br /> ex�enua�ing cirGums�ances�exis�which are�beyand�Barr�wer's�can�rol.
<br /> 7. PreserW��ion, i�la�nte��r��e a�d Protecfiian af�h��Pro�e��;�Inspection�. �Borr�w�r shall
<br /> �nat �d�strvy, damage or�fmpa�r the Property, allow��he P�rvper�y to de��rfora�e,or commtt was�e on �he
<br /> �Prv,perty. 1111h�the� nr�not�Borra�v�r �s resid�ng in �h� ;Praperfy, E3�rrawer sha�1 ,maintain ��he �P��pe�ty �n
<br /> arder�o pr��ent,�he�Prape�ty f���} deteriora��ng�or decr�as�ng �n �a1ue�due �o i�s condi��an. �Un�ess it�is
<br /> determined pursuant �to 'Se�t�on 5 �ha� �repair�or�r,es�aratian is �not economFca`�ly feasib�e, �Borro�ver sha�l
<br /> �promp�ly �rep�ir the �P�roper�y ��f �damaged ��a a�v�d �fur�he� �de��r��ra�ion �o� darnage. �if insurance� �Qr
<br /> cvndemna��on proceeds a�e�paid�in connec�ion wifh �darnage��o, or��he��ak�Eng,�f,, ��he�Pro,per�y, Bo��ower
<br /> sha�l'be�respansi�le afvr repai�ing or�resto;�ng �he�P,r�per�y��n�y E�Lende��has re'le�sed prflceeds��for such
<br /> purposes. �Lender may d��burse praceeds for the repairs and r�s�ora�ian �in a singl� �payment �ar in a
<br /> ser�es�nf�prvgress�payments�as the wvrk is c�mple�e�. if the insuran�e�or conde>>na��fln p�v��eds�ar�
<br /> no� sufficien� fio repair or �es�ore the Prvper�y, Borr�w�r is na� rel�e�ed �f�Barrawer's obi�gaf�on f�r �he
<br /> � � ,
<br /> � ,
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> � � �
<br /> � �
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<br /> '"" $ � 2 6 'F` � M C M � �R T ❑ D T �
<br /> NEBRASKA—Single Fam�fy-Fannie MaelF�eddie i�iac UN�FDRM iN5TRLIMIENT Fvrm 3�28 '�!p'I �page fi of���pages)
<br /> Mor#gage Cadence❑vice�ment Center O 3�27 0'i!'I4
<br /> r
<br />