2� 17�� 193
<br /> Gvvern�ng La�w; Se�erab��ty.This 5ecurity Instrument shall�be governed by federal Iavv and�he laws af th�sta.�e
<br /> �f Nebrasl�a. In �he even� that any prov�sion ar clause af this Security Ins�rument or �he ��n�ract canflic�s W�th
<br /> App�icable Lativ, su�h conflic� shall not affect other pr�visions �f this Security Instrumen�or the Gontrac�Wh�ch
<br /> can be gzven effec��vvithaut�he canfl�cting prov�sian. T���s end th�prav�sians af�.iis Secur�ty�nstrument and the
<br /> �ontrac�are de��ared to be sev�rable.
<br /> BorrQwer's C�py.B�rrovver sha��be given�ne copy�f�this 5ecur�ty Instru.men�.
<br /> Transfer of the Praperty�r a Beneficial In�erest in Bo�ra�ver.If a��or any par�of the Prflperty or any interes�
<br /> �n i� �s s�ld or transferred (or if a benef cial �n�erest in Borrov�rer is sold or �ransf�rred and Borrower is no� a
<br /> natura� person� �ri�hau� Lender`s prinr writ�en consen�, Lender may, a� i�s aption, requ�re �mm�diate payment �n
<br /> fu�� of all sums secured by this S�curi�y Ins�rumen�. However, th�s opti�n shal� n�� be exercised by Lend�r �f
<br /> exercise is pr�hibi�ed by federal�aw as of the date of�his Secur�ty Ins�ru.ment.
<br /> �f Lender e�ercises �his op�ion, Lender sha�I give B�rrower noti�e af acceleration. The na�ice shall provide a
<br /> period of no� less than the rninirnum num�er af days es�a�Iished by App�icable Lav�r from the date �he notice �s
<br /> del�vered ar mailed urithin vsrh�ch Barro,v�rer mus� pay alI sums secured by this Securi�y Ins�rument. �f B�rro�ver
<br /> fai�s �o pay these sums prior ta �he expirat�on of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permit�ed �y �s
<br /> Security�ris�rum�n��wi�h�u�further no�ice nr demand�n Barrov�rer.
<br /> B�rr�wer's Right �o Re�nstate. Yf Borr�vver meets certain condi�ions, Barrower shall have �he righ� to ha�e
<br /> enforcement�f�h�s Securit��ns�rument disc�ntinued at any t�me prior t� �he ear�ier of: �a� 5 days ��r su�h o�her
<br /> period as Applicable Law may specify for reinstatemen�}befare sale ❑f�h�ProperCy pursuant to any power of sa�e
<br /> can�ained �n thzs Security Ins�rument; or �b} entry af a judgment enforcing this Secu.rity Ins�rument. Those
<br /> conditions are that Barr�wer: (a� pays Lender all sums v�rhich �hen�rv�u�d be due under�his 5ecurity Yns�rumen�
<br /> and�he�ax��rac�.as if no accelera�ian had occur.�ed; �b�cures any defaul�of any o�her co�enan�s ar a�r�emen�s;�c�
<br /> pays alT exp enses incurred in enfarcing�hi s S ecurity�ns�rument, inclt�ding,bt�t no�limi�ed�a,reas anable attorneys'
<br /> fees �a �he ex�er��permit�ed by law; and �d} �akes such actian as Le�der may reasanably re�uire to assure tha��he
<br /> Iien of�his Secu.ri�y�ns�rumen�, Lender's r�ghts in�he Froper�y and Barro�ver's�bligation�o pay the sums secured
<br /> b�th�s Secu.rity �nstrumen� shall cantinue unchanged. Upan reins�a�emen� by Borrotiver, this Securi�y�ns�rument
<br /> and the obliga�ions secured hereby shali rema�n fully effec�ive as if no acce�erati�n had nccurred. Hovvev�r, tihzs
<br /> right��re�ns�ate sha�l no�ap�ly�n the case of accelera��nn under�he sec��an titled Transfer vf the Property or a
<br /> Beneficial In�erest�n BarrowQr.
<br /> Hazardous Substan�es.�3arrower shall not cause or pern�i�the presence,use, d�sposa�, sf�rage, or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances an ar in�he Prop�rty.Borrower shall no�do,nor al�ovv a�yone else to da,anyth�ng affe��zng
<br /> the Properry �ha� is in via�ation �f any Enviranmen�al Law. The preceding �w� sentences sha�� not app�y to the
<br /> presence,use,or storage an�he Property flf small quantif.ies of Hazardous 5ubs�ances that are general�y recognized
<br /> �a be appr�pr�a�e�a r�flrmal residentia�uses and ta main��nance af�he Pr�per�.
<br /> Boi-ra�ver shal�pr�rnp��y give Lender wri�ten notice of any�nvestiga�ian,claim, d�mand, la�vvsuit or ather actzon by
<br /> an� governmenta� or regulat�ry agency or priva�e par�y invo�ving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or
<br /> Envir�nmen�a.l LaW af wh�ch Borrower has actua� knawledge. If B�rrovver Iearns, or is notified by any
<br /> gavernmental or regula��ry authari�y,�hat any remova�ar other r�mediatian of any Hazardous Subs�anc�affec��ng
<br /> the Property �s ne�essary, Borrotiver shall prflmptly �ake a�1 necessary remedial ac�ions in accardance vvxth
<br /> �nvironmenta�Law.
<br /> As used�n�his paragraph, "Hazard�us Subs�ances" are �hose substances def ned as�oxic Qr hazardous substances
<br /> by Environmer��al Laur and �he f�1low�ng subs�ances: gasai�ne, kerosene, a�her flammable or toxic pe�ro�eum
<br /> produc�s, �axic pes�icides and h�rbicides, vo�ati�e sa�vents, materials c�ntainzng asbes�os or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radioac��ve materials.As used in�his paragraph, "Environmen�a�Lavv" means federal la�vs and laws�f�he s�a�e of
<br /> N�ebraska that rela�e�.o health,safe�y or environmental pro�ect�on.
<br /> Accexerat�o�; Remedies. L�nder Shall give no�ice to I3orra�ver prior �o a��eiera�i�n follow�ng Borrower's
<br /> brea�h of any covenant or agreem�nt in thi�Secur�t�Instrument or the Contra�t under vvh�ch a�c�leratian
<br /> f�permit�ed�bu� n�t p��or to a�ce�Eratian under the section �itled Transfer �f the Praperty or a Benef�c�al
<br /> In�erest in Borrower, unless Applicab�e Law provides v�herv�vise). The no��c� shall specify: �a} the defau�t;
<br /> �b} the a��ion requfred t� �ure the defau�t; �c� a date, n�� less than the m�in�mum number of days
<br /> established by Applicable Law frorn the date�he notice is g��en to Borr�,w�r,by whi�h the defau�t must be
<br /> cured; and �d� that failur� to cure the default �n ar hefore the date specified in �he n�tice may resuit in
<br /> acce�eratx�n of �he sums se�ured by �h�s Security Instrurnent and sal� �f the Property. Tv the ext�nt
<br /> permitted by lavv, the noti�e shal�fur�her�nform B�rrower of the right t� re�nstate after acc�lera��an and
<br /> �he right to bring a caurt acti�n to asser�the non-e�istence af a default�r any o�her defense of BorrQwer�a
<br /> acce�Qra�ion and �ale,If the defaulf is no� cured �n or before the da�e 5pecified in �he nat�ce,Lender at�ts
<br /> vp��on ma� require �mm�dia�e payment �n fu�l �f all sum5 secur�d by �his Se�urity Instrument vvi�hout
<br /> fur�her demand and may invQke th� power of sa�e and any flther remedies permitted by Applicable Law.
<br /> �o the extent p�rm�tted by �aw, Lender shai� be ent�tled tQ cv�iect a�l �xpenses incurred in pursu�ng the
<br /> remedies provid�d in �his Sect�on,including,bu� nvt l�mi��d t�,reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of t�tle
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If the power af 5a�e���nvoked, Trust�e shall recard a n�tice of default in each county�n vvh��h an�part of
<br /> the Property�s ln�a�ed and sha�l ma�l copi�s af such natice xn the manner prescribed by App��cab�e Law to
<br /> Borrower and tv the other persons pres�ribed by Applicable Law. After the tYme requfred by Appli�able
<br /> Lav�, Trustee �hail gfve public notice of sa�e �o �he persons and in th� manner prescribed by Appi�cable
<br /> Law. Trustee,wi�hflu�demand on Borrower, shall�ell the Proper�y at pub�.i� au�tion�o the higbest bidder
<br /> C�20a4-2�15 Com�iiance Systems,Inc.d18A-E349-2015,12,3.�,1115
<br /> Cons�mer ReaI Estate-Security Instrument DL2435 Pa�e 4 of S www.cornpliancesystems.cQm
<br />