2� 17�� 193
<br /> covered �y �his Security ]�ns�rumen�. A�� of th� f�regoirng is r�f�rred �n �n this Secu.rit� �nstru.�nen� as the
<br /> "Pr4per�y." '
<br /> B�RR�WER C�VENAN''CS �ha�Barr�v�rer is �awfully seised af�he estate hereby c�nveyed and has t�Ye righ�ta
<br /> gra�t and convey the �'r���erry ar�d tha� �he Praperty is unencurnber�d, ex�ept for encumbrances ��f r�card.
<br /> Borrflvver warran�s and will. defend gen�rally th� ti�le �a �he Prop�rty against a�l c�aims and dernands, subj ect to
<br /> any encumbrances af recorcl.
<br /> Borrov�rer and Lender c�ver�:ant and agre�as fo�lovvs:
<br /> Payment of Pr�r�cipal�nd Intere��; Dth�r Charges.Borrowe�s�Zall pr�mp�ly pay tivhen due�he princi�a�of and
<br /> intere��on th�debt owed u��der th��antract and late c�arges or an�a�ther fe�s and charges due u.nder the�on�rac�.
<br /> Appli.cab�e Law. As used in this Secuxity Instru.men�, the �erm ".Applicab�e La�v" shall mean al1 c�n�r�lling
<br /> appl�cable federa�, ��a�e anci �flcal s�a.�u�es, regtxlations, �rd�.na�.c�� a�d a�ministrative rules and orders �tha�have
<br /> �he eff�c�of�avv�as vvel�as a�1 applicab��f nal,�or�-app�ala��e judici.al�pin�ons.
<br /> �harge5; L�ens. Barrov�er �hall pay a�1 ta�es, as�essr.�ents, cha.rg�s, fines and �mpasi�ions a��r�bu�al��e to the
<br /> Proper�y,tnrhich may a���.in��ri�rity ov�r�his Se�uri�y�ns�.ru�nen�, an�leasehnld payn�ents or grflund ren�s, if any.
<br /> A�the reques�af Lender,Bc�rravver sha��promp�ly furnis�i��Lender receipts evidenc�ng�he paymen�s.
<br /> B�rrow�r sha1�pr�mp�l�d���charge any I�en vvhich has pr�ari�y over I:hzs Secu.rity Instrum�nt unless��r�ower: �a}
<br /> agrees in �riting �o the paymen� of the ❑bligation secured by the �ien �n a mann�r acceptable to L�nder; �b}
<br /> cantests in gaod fa��h the �:ien by, or defends against enforcemen� of�.he lien in, Iega� pr�ceedings w�ich in �he
<br /> Lender's opi�ion flpera#�e tc� pre�rent �h� enforcement of�he Iien; or �c} secu.res fr�m the �alder of�e �ien an
<br /> agreement satrsfactory ta Lf�nder subor�inating the lien�� �ais Secur:�ty Instrumen�. �f Lender determine��ha� ar�y
<br /> par��f the Proper�y is s�tb��.c�to a Iien tivhic�r�ay a�tai�pri�r�fiy �v�r this Secu.rity�x�strum.en�, Lend�r may give
<br /> Barro�ver a n�tice iden�ifyi��g the I�en. Borrow�r shall sa�is�y�he 1ie�or take on� �r�nore af th� ac�ion:� set far�h
<br /> above Uvi�hin ��days�f the g�ving of notic�.
<br /> Hazard or Property Insurance. Borro�ver shali keep �he i�nprov�rnents nfl�r e�.is��.n.� or hereafter erec�:ed�n the
<br /> Pr�perty insured aga�nst Ios��by fire,ha�ards included w��in the���rm"extended coverage" and any oth�:�ha�ards,
<br /> in�luding fl�ods �r flaodin.g, f�r which Len�i�r requu�s insu�an�e. Th�s �nsurance sha�I b� mai�tain.ed in �.ie
<br /> arn�unts and for�he per��ds that Lender requires, The insur�.nce ca�ri�r providing the insurance shall be t�hflsen by
<br /> Barrau�er subject to LendeY-'s apprflva� tivhich sha�l na� be u.nr�as�n�.bly withhe�d. �f Borr�wer fa�ls to maintain
<br /> cflverage descr�bed above, Lender may, at Lender's option, �btain caverage ta pratect Lender's riglzts �n �he
<br /> Property in accordance vvi�h sec�ion titled Prate�ti�n�f I�ernder's I�ghts in th�PrQ��rty,
<br /> AlI insurance po��cies and xenewals shal� be ac�ep�a�le ta �,ender ar�d shall i�c�ud� a s�andaxd mortga�;e clause.
<br /> Lender sha1l have�he righ�1:a hald the polici�s and rene�v��s. If Lender require�, B�rrower shall prompt�y give�o
<br /> Lender al�receipts�f paid��remiums and r�ne�ral not�ces. ���he e���Zt❑f loss, Barrfl�ver sha1l give pron�pt natice
<br /> ta�he insurance carrier and]�end�r.Lender may make prvaf of lass�f n��made promptly by Barrovver.
<br /> Unl�ss Lend�r and Bo�ro�ver o�herwise agree i� wx-i�ing, i�.suran�e proceeds shall be applied to res��ratzon or
<br /> repair of the Proper�y da�na.ged, if, � Lender's sale d�scret�on, the restora�ion or repau is �conomi�a���r feas�ble
<br /> and Len�ier's securi�y is not�essened. �f, in L�nder's sol� discreti�z�, �he res�ora��on or repair is not e����amica��y
<br /> feasible�r Lender's security tivau�d be 1es�ened,�he�nsuranc�pr�ceeds shall be applied�o�he sums secur+�d by�hxs
<br /> 5 e curity In�trument, v�rhe�h+�r or not �hen due, wi�� any ��cess p a id �o B�rrotiver. �f B orrow�r abar�dons the
<br /> Properfiy,or does not ans,t7ve�-within the n�mber�f days pr�s�ribed by Applicable Law as set�or�h�n a nc�txce from
<br /> Lender to BarrQwer that the insurance carrier has afferec�to se�tle a�;Iaim, #�en Lender may co�lec�the �nsurance
<br /> proceeds. Ler��er may use �ihe praceeds �o repa�r or rest�re the Pr�p�rty ar ta pay sums secured by thi�} Security
<br /> Instrument,vvhe�her or not t��en�ue. The�eriod of�ime f�r Borrov�r�r�o answ�r as s�t�ar�h in�he n�tice��i�l begin
<br /> �vhen the notice is g��en.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrotiv�r ofih�rwise agree in u�r���ng, a��appli�a�ian of pr�ceeds to principal shall n��ex�end
<br /> or postpone�he due date�f the paymen�s due under�he +Con�ract�r Ghange��ie amau.nt af the paymen�s,. If under
<br /> the section t��Ied Ae���exat�v�; Remedie5, the Pr�per�y is acquired by Lender,B�rrow�r's right to any:�nsurance
<br /> palic�es and pr�ceeds result�ng from dan�age ta the Proper�y prior to �he acqui�i�io�. sha�l pass �a Lenc�er �o the
<br /> exten�af the sums secured�,y th�s Security�nstrt�men�im�nediateiy�rior�❑�h�acquisiti�n.
<br /> Freservat�on, Ma�ntena�.c�e a�d Prot�ction �f �he Fraperty; B�rrowe�'� Loa� Appli�ativn; Le�Seholds.
<br /> Borrawer sha�I nat des�roy, ��.arnage ar impair the Proper�y, a��ow t�ae Property�o deteriorate, or commit,t7vaste on
<br /> the Prnperty. Borr�wer shall�be�defau��if any forfei�ur�ac�i�n�r proceeding,vvheth�r civil or criminal,is�egun
<br /> that�n Len�er's g�ad fai�h j udgr�.ent ctiu�d resu�� in f�rf�iture �f the Pr�pert� �r oth���r�se ma�er�aliy ixrzpair the
<br /> �ien created by �h�s 5ecur��y Ins�ru.ment ar L�nder's securi�y in�eres�. Borrawer r.nay �ure such a de�au�t and
<br /> re�state, as provided�.ti secl:ion�it�ed Bn�-r�yver's Right �� Re�ns���e,by causing th� ac�iar�or praceed.ing�o �e
<br /> d�smissed with a ruling t�at,in Lender's g��d fa�th det�rmination,precludes f�rfe��u�-e�f�he Barrower's�:�terest in
<br /> �he Property �r other m�teria� impairn�.ent �f t�e �ien cr�ated by this SeG�.rzty Ir�s��umen� or Lend�r's-secur�ty
<br /> in�erest,Barrawer sha��also be�n defau���f Borr�wer,during the�o�n appli�a�ion pracess,ga�re mater�all,�r false or
<br /> ina�curate infarma�i�n or s�a�emen�s t� �,en�er �or fail�d �� prov�d� Lender with any material infflrm:a���n} in
<br /> cannec�ion with�he I�an evidenced by th� Cantract. �f this Secu.ri�Instrument is on a leasehold, Borr�•�ver shall
<br /> comp�y vvi�h al1 the pravisioris of the lease. If Borrower a�quires fee title�o the Pr�per�y,th�leaseh�ld an�the fee
<br /> �z��e shall not merge un�ess Lender agrees to�he merger in writing.
<br /> Protec�ian vf LendQr's l��;hts in the Prop�rty, �f Barr�Wer fails �o perform �he covena.nts and a��eemen�s
<br /> contained i.n�his Security�n�;trument, or�here is a�ega1 proceeding�hat may signif cantly affect Len�er`s righ�s in,
<br /> C��4Q4-2015 CampIia.n�e Sys�ems,InG.61$A-E;349-2fl,111 S
<br /> Cansumer ReaI Estate-Security I�strument DL2�3G Page 2 af 5 www.complian�esysterns.com
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