2� 17�� 193
<br /> the Fropez-�y �such as a pro�eed�ng �n bankruptcy, probate, for c�n�e�.n.atzon �r farfe�ture ar t� e�af�rce iaws ar
<br /> regu�a�ions}, �en Lender ma;y da and pay for v�hatever is necessa.ry ta pr���ct the �ralue af�he P�op�rty and
<br /> Lender's r�ghts�n�he Propex�ty. Lender's act�ans rnay inc�ude pay�ng an��sums s�cured by a��e�.tivh��h has�r�ority
<br /> over this Security�nstrume�.t, appearing in court,paying r�asonab�e a��orneys'f�es and e�.�ering�n the Pra�erty to
<br /> make repairs.A�though Lender may ta.ke ac�ia�ur�der�his sectian,Lender does not have�o do so.
<br /> Ar�y amounts d�s�ursed by LE�nder ur�der this sec�ian sha�l b�c�me additi�nal deb� af Borrav�rer secured by thzs
<br /> Secur�ty Ir�st�umer�t. Unless �3orr�wer a�ad Le�c��r agree to o�her �erms �f paymen�, these amaunts sh�.�l bear
<br /> �n�erest f�om �.ie date of dxs�fursem.e�.t at the same rate a55�S5eCI on ,�advance� under �he Can��ac� and �hall be
<br /> payab�e,vvi�h in�erest,upan nc�t�ce from Lender to Borrow�r requ�s��ng paymen�.
<br /> Inspect�on, Lender or �ts �g�:r�t may make reasanabl� entr��s upon and inspec�z�ns of th� Pr�pert�y. Lenc;er sha��
<br /> g�ve Borrawer no�i�e a��he�fr�ne of or prior�a an i�spec�ion spe�ifying reasonable caus�for the ir�spectia�.
<br /> Cvndemnat�ivn. The prQceed��of any award ar c�a�m far d�mages, di�-e�ct ar c�nsequer�t�a�, in co�ne�ti��v��th any
<br /> condemna�ion or o�her ta�ing af a�y par�of the�rope�ty, ar for ��nveyar�ce ir��ieu of conder�atio�, a�e hereby
<br /> asszgned and sha�1 be pa�d�o I�ender.
<br /> �n the even� of a �ota� �akir�� of the Property, the praceeds shal� be app��ed�o t,�e sums secured by this �ecurity
<br /> Instrument, whe�her or nat ��en due, with any e�cess paid �o �orr�wer. In the even� of a partxa� takin�; of the
<br /> Property in�hich the fair ma:rke�value �f�he Property immedia�ely��f�re #he �ak�ng is �qua�to ar grea�er than
<br /> �he amount of the sums secur��d by th�s Secur�ty �nstru�m.e�.� ��rnm.edi��E�y bef�re the �alcing, ur�.ess Borro��er and
<br /> Lender atherwise agree ir�.wr��t�ng,the sums secured by th�.s Security I�s�rumenti sha1l�e reduced�y�he arr�oun�of
<br /> the proce�ds mult�p�ied by the foll�wing frac�ion: �a�the�o�al arnau.r��of tihe su�ns secured imme��a�e�y before the
<br /> �aking, di�ided bY [b} the fai.x�mar�et va�ue af�he Praper�y ��med�at�ly before �he t�ing. Any�alance �hall be
<br /> paid to Borrower. In �he ever�t of a partial taking of�he I�r�per� in vvhich the fa�r market va�u� of th� F'roper�
<br /> �mmediately�efore �he tak�ng; zs �ess �han the am�unt af the sums s�c�are�i immedia�el�r befar� �he �a�i�z�;, unless
<br /> B�rrav�rer and Lender otherw�se agr�e �n u�riting ar unless Applicab�e I�au�o�her�vise prav�des, �he pracee�s sha��
<br /> �e app��cd to�he sums secure�l by this Secu.rity Instrument�vh��.a.er or nc���he sums are�hen due,
<br /> �f the Propez-�y is a�ar�don�d�fy Barrower, ar if, af��r noti�e by Lender to Borrower that the condemn�r affers to
<br /> make an ativar�or se�t�e a��a�m far damag�s, SQrrow��fa��s to r�spond to Lender v�rith�n�h.e min�mum nu�nber nf
<br /> da�rs�stablish�d�y Applicabl�J Law after the date the no��ce is gi�en,L�nder is authoriz�d�a colle��and a��p�y the
<br /> pro�eeds, at ifs ap�ian, ei�her to res�orat�on or repa�r of the Pr�p�r��r or to the sums secured b�r �h�s �ecurity
<br /> Instrumen�,vvh�ther or no��he��a due.
<br /> T1nless Lender anc�Borravver�ath�rw�se agree �n v�r��i�a.g, a��appli�atian of pr�ceeds to princ�pa�sha��r�o1:extend
<br /> �r p�s�pone�he due da�e of�.a.��payments due unde�r th�Contract or change t�e amount Qf su�h paymen�s.
<br /> Barr�vver Nvt Rel.eased9 F�orbearance By Lender �Tot a �ai�e�-. Extensi�n af the tzme f�� payr�en� or
<br /> modif cati�n of amortizatz�n ��f the sums secured by th�s Security I�s�rumen� granted �y Lender to B orr�,t�v�r ar
<br /> any successar ��x �za�erest of Borrov�rer s�a11 no� operate to release �he �iab��xty of the or�gir�al Borrc�wer or
<br /> Barrower's successars xn�n�erest. Lender sha�l not be required to Commence proceed�ngs aga��st ar�y succ�ssar in
<br /> in�eres�or refuse to ex�end t�m:e for payment ar o�herw�se modzfy arn�rt�i�ation of the surms secured b�th�s r�cur�ty
<br /> �nstrumen� by reasan of a�y demand m.ade by the orig�nal �3orrow�r or Borr�wer'� successars �n in�ere��. Any
<br /> farbearance by L�nd�r ir� e�e��cising any r�ght or�emedy�ha�� no�b� a��vaiver�f or prec�ude �he e�e�-czs�� af any
<br /> r�ght or remedy.
<br /> Successors and Ass�gns �ar�nd; Joint and Se�rera� L�ab��ity; ,A►.�commod�tivn S��ners. The co�ena�ts and
<br /> agreemeri�s of�his Security Ins�umen�sha�l bir�d and b�nef t�he successors and ass�gns of Lender and B�rra�ver,
<br /> subjec� �a �he pra�isions flf �ecti�n �itled Transfer of �he Propert�T �r a �Qne�c�al Inter�s� in Bar�-rower.
<br /> BorrauTer's�ovenants ar�d agr��e�rner�ts shal�b�jaint and se�rer��. .A�.y p�rso�.whfl co-signs�his �ecuri�y Instrumen�
<br /> bu� has na pe�sor�a� �iabiltty under the Can�ract �"Accommada�ion Signer"�: �a} z� co-5l��rilrig ��1I5 ��ecurity
<br /> �nstrumen� a�.y to mor�gage, gran� and c�nve� �aa� Accamm�da�ion �S�gner's in�erest �n the p�o�aerfi�r ur.�der the
<br /> terms of �.e Secu.���y �ns�ruznent; (b} �s not p�rsona��y ob�igated t�a pay the sums secured �y t�iis i�ecurity
<br /> Instrument; and�c} agrees tha�t Len�er and any nt�e�$orrower rr��.�ag�-ee t� ex�end, m���fy, �`orbea�or make any
<br /> accommoda��ons w��h.regard#.n�h.e�erms of�t�.is �e�urity�ns�rume�t o��he �an��act wi�h�u�t�aat Accamm�dat�ari
<br /> S�gner`s cansent.
<br /> Loan �harges. �f�h.e i�ara �ecu.red �� thi.s Security Instrumen� is su.1��ec� �a a Iaw Which se�s max�mt�m Igan
<br /> charges, and that�avv is f nall�r interpre�ed�o �hat the �n�er�s�or oth�r��an ChargeS coll�c�ed or ta be co�lf�cted�n
<br /> cannec�ion tivith the loan e�ceed the permi�ted �imits, th�n: �a} an�r such �vax� charge s�iall be redu�ed �y th�
<br /> am�un�necessary�a reduce�k�e c�arge�Q the pertrutted lir.t��s and �b) any sums already c���ected frarr�.Br�rrawer
<br /> which exceeded permit��d ���ni�s wi.�� be refund�d �� Borrower. Lender ma� choose ta make ��.�s rei:u.�.d by
<br /> r�ducing �he principa� avved�a.�der �.ie Con�ract�r by ma�ing a direct paymen�to Barrnv�er. If a�eftu�d��educes
<br /> princ�pal,the reduct�on W��1 bE:treated as a part�a�prepaym�n�under�he�ontrac�.
<br /> Nutxces. Any natice to Borrnvver provi.ded f�r �n. th�is 5�cur�ty �ns��umen� sha�I be giuen b� de�ivering :�t or by
<br /> mailing�t by fi�rs�class rna�1 u��less App�icab�e Lati-�requires u�e af an��her method. The r�ot�ce shall be dir�c�ed t�
<br /> �he Prnperty Address or any tfther address Borro�ver designa�es by notice �o L�nder. $arr�tiver agrees�o �rov�de
<br /> L�nder v�ri�h B�rrower's m�s� current xnailirrg address, as it may cha�g+� fram time-ta-time. Any notzce �o Lender
<br /> shal�be given by first c�ass m���l ta Lender's address stated h�r�in�r a�y�o�her add.ress Lender des�gnates b:�r na��ce
<br /> �a Borrov►rer.Any notice pro�i.ded for�n this Se�urzty Instrument sh�.�I be deemed tc�have been given�o Borrovv�r
<br /> or Lender vvhen gi�ren as provi ded in this paragraph.
<br /> �24a4-2fl 15 Campliar�ce Systems,Inc.fi 18A-E3t�g-2�I 5,12.3.1,1 I 1 S
<br /> Cons�z�ner Real Estate-Sec�zrity Insttument DL2�36 Page 3 of 5 www.�amplianG�systems,com
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