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<br /> the Property is so taken or damaged,Lender shall have tha option,in ib sote and absoluts discretion,ta appiy a(!such Proceed�. � �
<br /> aRer deducting therefram alt costaand expenses incurred by it in ce�neciion with such Proneeds,upon any indebtedrtess securec!
<br /> hereby and in such order as Lender may determine,or to appty a!I suoh Rroceeds,aiter such deducti�n�,ro the restoratipn at tha
<br /> PrOperty upon such conditions 2s Lender may datermine.Any application ot Proceeds to indebfedness shall not extend or postpone
<br /> the dus date of any payments under the Note,or cure any doisuii thereunder or hereunder.Any unapptied funds shatl be pattl to
<br /> Truator.
<br /> � ; 8. Pfriormanc�by L�ndu.tlpon the occ�rrenca oi an Event of Detaulthereunder,or if any act is taken oc tegal proeeediny
<br /> commertced which materiatiy affecta Lertder's interest in the Property,Lender may in its own discretion,b;rt withnut abf9gation to do
<br /> so,and wfthovt notice to or demand upon frustor and v�rithout releasing Trustor irom any ob►igation,do any act wi�ich Trustor has
<br /> agreed b�t tails to do and may also do any other act it deems necessary to protsct the s�curiry hereof_Trustor shall,immediatety
<br /> upon demand trierefor by Lender,pay to Lenderail costsand expenses incurred and sums expended by Lendar in connection with
<br /> - the exercise by Lender oitha foregoing rights,tugether with interestthereon at ihe defauft rate providQd in the Noie,which shail bR '
<br /> - added to the indebtedness secured hereby. tertder shal! not incur any liability beaause of anythtng it rttay,da ar omit to do
<br /> _ hereunEer.
<br /> � 9. HazarEous Materlats.Trustor sha11 keep the Properry in compiiance with atl appticahle taws,ordinance�t�rta}regulatians
<br /> relating to industrial hygferte or enviwnmental protection (collectivety referred to herein as"Enviraritnentat.Eaws'�,Trustor shAil
<br /> — � keep the Property frea irom ail sc:bstances deemed to be hazardous or toxic under any F.r►vironmentai.l.atvs(coilectively feferredto
<br /> herein as"Hazardous Materials").Trr�stor hereby warrants and represents to Lender that there are rto Hazardous Materiais on or
<br /> � under th�Property.Trustor ner�tsy agrees to�ndemnify and ha!�d harmtess Lender,its dtrr�citars,officers,emplayees t�nd agents,and �
<br /> — any sucCessars to lender t�intetr��itom and against any and eli claims,damages,la&sr�.Q�nd liabilities arisirtg in r,onnectron-with
<br /> ; the presence,use,dis�o�2t'ektrsn;,�ort of any Hazardous P�tateriat�on,.ander.,iranr�rr��bautihe Pro�erty.THE FOR�GS�1t3G
<br /> 10. Assiynmfnt of Renta,Trp�tor hareby assigns to Lender the ren9s,issues and"prrJi±ts af the Fraperty;provided that Trustor
<br /> _ shall,unti!the accurrence of an Ev&nt of Defautt hereunder,have tne right to caltect art�rri��n such rents,issuss and prafits as they
<br /> ' . become due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event oi Cefault,Lender may,e{ttis�r in�erson or by agent,with nr.without '
<br /> � bringirtg any action or proceeding,or by a�eaeiyar appointed by a court and without ragarii tu the.artequacy o!its security,etr(s.: • .
<br /> upon and take possession of the Propecty,o�anypert thereof,in its own�ame or in the name ot the'1i��i�e,and do any acts whtcli`.# �
<br /> — �eems necossary or desirabte to preserve the valus,marketability or rentability ot the Property,or ar�}�.f�r�t thereof or interest therem,
<br /> � incre8se the income therefrom or protect the securiiy hnrepf.and,with or without takinc�possessiatt of the Fra}7�rty,sue for ar
<br /> atherwi:a collect the rents,issues and profits thereof, inciudirtg those past due and un���d,and apply the sansr Ic:ys costs and � -
<br /> � expenses ot operation and callection including attorneys'f���.upon any indebtednes���csred hereby,all in su�ls nrder as Len�er
<br /> � � , may determirte.The eniaring upon and taking poss�ssion of the Property,the cotlectio�s�f such rents,issues arscf profits and tJre
<br /> appflcatlon thereaf a:�fa�esaid, shall not cure ar wafve any default or rtafl�e ot defau�t hEreund�r or invalidate any act dorsE•iR.
<br /> ; response to such dE�.r�llt�r-pursuant to such notice of default and,notwitft�.arding the cnrt;:,�ru�nce;n possession af ihe Property,r,r '
<br /> ; the colleation,reeeia!ar•.�]appllcation ot renis,issues or profits.and Trustee and Lender�tialf be entiUed to exercise evecy r�`:. ' ,
<br /> _ � provided for in any of:�e Loan InsVurrents or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of Oetault,including without Iirri?��on the ri�d?.r �'
<br /> to exarcise the power��sale.Further.Ler�der's rights and remedies under this paragraph shall be cumulative with,a:r�in no v�4,�a � •
<br /> limitation on,Lender's n�t�ts and remedies unde:ary assignment of leases and rents recorded againstth�Property.Lender,Tru�':-r- � �
<br /> and the receiver sh�tl Uc iiable to account onl;r fr.�-those rents actually received. !��:=�
<br /> 11. Ev�nb ot QeSault.TE�e following shal:car,s:itute an Ercnt of Default under this Deed o}Trust " -
<br /> (a) Fa_�!ur�to pay any installment oi principal or inter�:t of any othor sum secured hereby when due; �--
<br /> (o� �4 t��ch ot or default under any pravision contained in the Note,this Deed of Trust,any of the Loan Instruments,pr any
<br /> a Ottt@�I�Ei7 IIt�f'!'J1�,9rance upon the Property;
<br /> , (c) A writ a��c;z;:cliion or attachment orar�y similar proce�s shall fsr_�.ntered against Trustor which shaU hecome a lien r_� _
<br /> the Propetty or�r;t �;�:.Kion thereo}or interest therein;
<br /> (d) There s.�W��ue filed by or a9ainst Trustor or 8orrower an act���r• ,nder any�Sresent or future tederal,state or other �T,_
<br /> statute,law or rec�;ation ret34irtg.to bankruptcy,insolvency ar other re��c�`for debi:er��cr there shall be appointed any trustee, ;
<br /> - � � receiver or liquid��:.r of Trustor or Borrower or of al!ar any part of the Ar�;��erty,o�t}�x�Tnts,issues or profits thereot,orTru�LZr •
<br /> � Or Borrower sh�ll ir.�ke any general assigr,m�rt tor the benetit of crr..4a�;;�s; �
<br /> (e) The sa4�,+rs.�.isfer,lease,assignm�rt ��nveyance or turther ertcumbrance of all or ary p��of or any interest in tl;e
<br /> Property eithe��.c���;�ntarily or involuntarily,vuithout the express �vritten consent o} Lender; prarided that Trustor shall b0
<br /> perrr�r��io exec�ie a lease of the Property that does not contain an option ta purchase and the term o}which does not exceed -
<br /> one y�a�; .
<br /> (i} h3�andonment ot the Property;or
<br /> (g) If Trustari�.�ot an individuA�,tho issuanco.sale.transter,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a tai::}, �,,
<br /> af pe:r,r_��t of(if a corporation)its issued and outstanding stock or(if a partnership)a total ol percer•c e4 :�'�
<br /> partnership interes:s during t1��pgriod this Deed ot Trust►emains a lien on the Praperry.
<br /> ` � 12. Run�lie�;Ilc��nttoR t1�T+s�ONsul�In thp event of any Event of DetauN Lender snay,without notice oxcept as required by �
<br /> faw,declgrn�lf irtdebte�ir,8gg secured hereby to be due and payabto and the same shall thereupan become duQ end payaU��
<br /> withou2 any presenmiarf;demand,protest or natice o1 any kind.Thereatter 1..ender may: �
<br /> (a) Qemand tf�si!Trustee exercise the PUi�JER OF SALE grant�� h�,rein, and Trustee shaU ��hereafter c4use tru�trr'q
<br /> interesc in the Property to be sold and the prCCeeds to be distributed,s!i °.n the manner provlded in the P�ebras:l�rz 7"rust Deeds
<br /> A�t:
<br /> � (b) Exercise any and all riphts provided for in eny ot ihe Loan irstruments or by taw upon occurrence o1 any E��e�1t qJ
<br /> Defauit;and
<br /> � (c) Commence an action to torectose this O�ad of Trust as a mort�aIIe,appoint a receiver,or�pecifically enforce any of 1lta
<br /> co�enanis horeof.
<br /> � No remedy herein conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is!ntended to bo exclusivv o12ny other remedy herein,in the
<br /> loan In�truments or by law pravided or permitted,but E�ach shall bo cumulative,shall be in addition to every other ramedy grven
<br /> � hereund4r,in tho Loan Instruments or now or hereafter exlstmg at I�w or in equity or by statute,and may be exarcised concurrently,
<br /> independentty or successively.
<br /> 13. Trus1N. Tho Trustee may resign et any time wilhout cause, and Lender may at any time and without cau3e appoint e
<br /> successor o�substitute Trustee.Trusteeshall notbe liabteto any party.�ncluding without timitation Lendar,Borrowar,Trustor or any { - -��
<br /> • pu►Chuser of the Properfy,tor any loss or darnag�unfess due ta rockless or w�llfu!misCOnduct,and shall not bo required to take any
<br /> action in connection with the enforcement ot this DeEsd of Trust unles9 indemni}ied, In writing,for all costs.campensation or i
<br /> expenses which may be associated therewith.tn addition,Trustee may bocome a purchaser at any s�te af the Property�udicial or ; •
<br /> . �ridgr�hs�g::^r et�„'„^,gr�r�i�t} tsvr�iaj;�3{►g=�R6 f�'1B 6afo G:8Pi Uf bft�i Nt7tilon Of irt9 FrO00Tty.c'IS pfOVidQO by fBW;or seit Iho � �
<br /> Properry as a whotv,or in separnt�parcols or lots af Trustees d�scrot�on.
<br /> 14 Fkt�nd Exp�nNw.tn thv ov�nt Trusteo setls the Proporty by exerc�se ot power ot sa►e.Trustoo sha11 bo entitlQd to apply �
<br /> any&�Ip prpceed9 f�rst to paym8nl OI All COStg and expenses ol exorcisirtg power of sa1�,including��1 Trust�a's fees,and lvndor's
<br /> and Tr�stee's ifnomoy's faes.�tctually incurred to extent parmittEd by oppliCBbid I�w.In ttie event gonower ar 7rustor vxercises t�ny �
<br /> right provlded by�aw to Cure t+n Evar+t o!OafnuSt,t�ndor shnll be entitla�to racavc�r troir�'rn�stor a�l easis ond���onses t�ctually �
<br /> �ncurred as a rosult at Yrustur'o dutault, includ�ng without lim,tation dlt TrustaQ's and atto►ney'S Ive9,to tt��extant parmittod by �
<br /> apWficab!�Iaw
<br /> 15 Futur*Adv�ncfs.U�on ru�u�5E ot E�urrov►rvr.landUr rnay,at it5 opUOn, m�kE�add�ttvnaf ��nct tuture�dvt�nc�s and ra-
<br /> � aslaan��9 tr�El�rroher �uC!��dv�f��93�n(j featlJclnClJ9.Wd1�Ifi1F1l(tS!}ft�;fdOn,ShF71t b0 5QCUf(?(1 C�'�/1`Iit(,T(���c��,1 t�u5t At nn timo shnlf ��'
<br /> � ihe pnnGipai alrt�uht�t 1hf��ntiobt�sdnE5S secur�d by th�;,U�6d 01 Tru,t,eiUt iriClud�hg su�r,s,adv;inrrd tu c�rotuc.t Shc�seeu��fy ef th�s �� °
<br /> heed�f Tru�1.oxeGatl th��ar�ymu: pnntipat Unruunt�tatod hE;ram. or S_:�:i.+_Q-��.U�7 wrt�cr,e�ver ��, yirat��:
<br /> � � .
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