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<br /> i6. MNeMtan�ous Pravt�lo��.
<br /> � (a) BoROwK Nat RNw�ad.F�ctension of the time toc payment or modifasatian ot amorti=ation ot th�e sums secursd by this
<br /> Deed of Trustyranted by lentier to any successor in interest af Bo:rower shatl�at operate to release,in any manner,the Nabiliry
<br /> � � � a!the ossgir�t Banowes an�Egna�rer's su��e�sers in intergstl.ender sha11�pt•�e r�qutred t�comrr�ence procesdings agatnst
<br /> • such successar or�efuse ta extend time tor paymEnt or othenvia�mo�tify amortizatian of the sums sacured by thts�eed of Trus!
<br /> ' ' by reason of any demands made by the orig+nat Borrower and Horrcwer's successors in interesi
<br /> (b) L�nd�r'a Pow�ra.Without affecting the lidbility of any other persan tiable for the payment af any abiigation herein
<br /> mentioned,and withvut aftecti�g the lien or charge oitt►is Oeed otTrust upoa any portion of the Froperly not then ortheretofore
<br /> _ rofeased as security far the full amount ot all unpAid ab4igations.Lend2r may,trom ti:e�e to Ume and without natice(i)retease ar►y
<br /> . person so tiabte,(ii�extend the enaturity or atter any ot4he terms at any such obtigations,(iii)grant other indutgences,(iv)release
<br /> or recanvey.or cause to be released nareconveyed st any time at Lender's option any.parcel.portion or a!1 ot the P�operty,
<br /> (v)take or rat�ase any other or addltfanal security for any obligation herein mentione�,a�(vi)make compositions or olher
<br /> i. " arrangements with dehtors in retation thereta.
<br /> �. (c) Fo�wnce bp t��de►Not a WsWer.Ank torbearance by Lender.in exercising any right or remedy hereunder,or
<br /> F otherwise aftarded by appHcable law,shall noi be a waiver of or prectude the exerc(se of any such right or remedy. The
<br /> � . proCUreme�t Ot insurance or the payment of taxes or other lien�or charges by Lender shait not be a waiver of Lender's right to �
<br /> ,, .
<br /> _ ; .s . . acCeterate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by tfiis Oaed ot Trust
<br /> (d)Suceason and Asfi�ns Baend;JoIM and S�veraf Ltability;Captlons.The covenants and agreements herein con-
<br /> tained shati bind,and the rights hereunder shall'irture to,the respeCtive successors and assigns ot Lender and Trustor.All �
<br /> �. ' avvenants and agreements of Trustor shati be jottrt srt¢saveraf.The captions and headings of the paragraphs af this Oeed ot .
<br /> Trust are for convenience only and ere not to be.us�d:to interpset or define the pravisions hereot. '��� '
<br /> " � .. (e) Requ�tt for Nofie�.The paftie�.hereby requc�i;?itat a capy ot any notics of defauft?�areunder and a copy o}any notice ``,";.�,::`'
<br /> of sate har�under be maited to eacf� pRrty to this Ceed of Trii�at the address set forth above in the manner prescr i b e d by
<br /> ,� :: applicabte faw.Except for any other rratice required under ap}�1�cable!aw to be given in anoiher manner,any notice provided
<br /> � for in this Deed of Trust�h�#!be given by mailing such notice 6{.:estified mail addressed to the oiher parties,at the address set ,. .. • .
<br /> � torth above.Any notice�resvided for in this Deed ot Trust shai:be etfecUve upon mailing in the manner designated herein.Ii .
<br /> .� � Trustor is more than�szE person,nntice sent to the address&Ci farth abave shall be notice to atl such persons.
<br /> : (� Inspfctlon.Lender may make or cause to be made reas�r�le entries upon and inspections of the Properey.provided ',
<br /> : � • that Lender shall give Trustor notiCe prior to any such insper.ti»n speciiying reasanable cause therefor refated tu Lender's -, .
<br /> „� interest in the Propertg._ . ,
<br /> (g) R�convsysec�.U�.��n payment ot all sums_ecu:ed by this Deed o!Trusi,Lender shall requsst 7rusteeto reconvey tha
<br /> Property and�he!1 sur�'der this Deed of Trust and�ft s�otes evidencing indebtsdness secured by this Qc�i of Trust to Trustee. _ ;
<br /> Trustee shai►rcf�n�c-t�.��Property witt►out warranty and withont charge to the person ar persons legally entitled thereto: • ,
<br /> � Trustor sh�f.t n,�=y�:t���of record�i7�n,ii any. �. . .
<br /> — � (h} P�rscs�a!Pro���S�curliy Aqreement. As additionat �curity for Ihe payment of the lVote,Trustor he��.g;ants : '.
<br /> Lender under the Nebra:l�;i Jnitorm Commercial Code a security interest in all fixtures,equipment,and other personal rrcf��riy , ' ;
<br /> used In connection with'.��a real estate or improvements tocated thereon,and not otherwise declare�or deemed to be a�art ot --
<br /> the real estAte secured herehy.This instrument shall be r,onstrued as a Security Agreement under said Code,and the Lender
<br /> shall have all the rights and remedies of a secured party�nder said Cade in addition to the rights and remedies creatsd under
<br /> and accorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trust;provided that Lender's rights and remedies under this paragraph shall
<br /> be cumulative with,an0 in no way a limitation on,LendePs rights and remedtes under any other security agreement signed by �?.
<br /> Borrower dr Trustar. � �=
<br /> (i) Ufns and Encumbrances.Trustor hereby�ra!-Yz�ts and repressnts that there is no detautt und�ttTe provisions of any ,�-
<br /> mortgage,deed of trust,lease or purchase contrsr.Cr•sscribirtg zll or any pan of the ProRe�Ty,or other cont�act,instrument or :
<br /> � agreement Constituting a lien or encumbrance aga�nst all or:-r�y,���rl of tha Property(ca�tc-r�;ively."Liens"),existing as of the "�
<br /> date of this Oeed of Trust, and that a.r�y and all exis::ng Ltens c�:�r;ain unmodified exce�t r�s disclosed to Lender in Trustor's �
<br /> � � written disclosure of liens and encu:r,nrances Froaided for herein. Trustor shall timely perform all of Trustor's obligations,
<br /> covenants,representaticnrL w�d warranties under�ny and aIl exisiting and futura 4iens,shall promptly torward to Lender Copies
<br /> of all notices of defautt^rcisi��h Connection with an;�and all existing or future Liens,and shall not without Lender's prior written
<br /> consent in any manner r..�;dity the provisions ot or allow any future advancos under any existing or tuture liens.
<br /> �) Appllc�fion ot Paym�nb.Unless otherwise requited by(aw,sum�paid to Lender hereunder,inctuding without limitation �
<br /> paymente of principal and interest,insurance prQCesds,condomnation proceeds and rents and profits,shall be apptied by '' _
<br /> L�ender to the amounts du�and owing from Trustaraat�Borrower in such order as Lender in its sole discretion deems de9irable.
<br /> (k) Snr�nbility If ar,y provision o}this Deer�ot`?rust conflicts with applicabte law or is declared invalld or otherwise ":�:_�°-
<br /> unenfor;.eabte,such conflict ar invalidiry shall ra�r,f�eCt the other provisona o}this Deed o1 Truat ar t�r�Note which can be ;�{s:�`
<br /> given eNoct withoutthe conflicting provision,and to chis end the p�ovisions of this Deed of Trust and the tr�l�ere declared to be . ' �
<br /> � severabte. '
<br /> (I)T�rms.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrowei'shall include both singu.tar�nd plural,and v�hen tha Trustor and 6orrower
<br /> are the same person(fl),tisose terms as used in thia t7eed oi Trust shall b� int�=_rchangeab�e.
<br /> (m) Qov�►n{np I.sw.This Qeed of Trust sha11 bi=governed Gv fhp laws of Tho Stata of Nebr a.
<br /> Trustor has executed this ae�d of Trust as oi the date,�ritten abov . :J '
<br /> _ �
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