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<br /> ; � . . .
<br /> �o�: iooss.s g�.o��s�
<br /> : � Trustor�nderstartds thatthe document that Trustor is about to execufe t�a Qaed oi Trust,snd�ot a mnrtgaQa AnqF�atthe pawer
<br /> of sai�pravEded far in the Deed at Trust pcovides substantiatly diiterant ri flMs and obligationa?o Trustarti�a►�a mottgagtt ir��he event
<br /> ota defautt ar breach ot obSigation under ihe�eed olTrust,including,but not timitodto,the Lender's rigi�t W hav�the Prp�eRy sotd
<br /> i by the Trustee wtthout any judiciai procee0ing.Trustor repEesents d warrant�4hat thi�aak w��gem�rc.*was executed by ' ,
<br /> Tr�stor Detore tlse execvtian o�the Deed ot Trust .
<br /> � j ! � 1 � ..
<br /> . R� L K. CCa i�flr
<br /> __ � , ,
<br /> -� , MCCauley T ar .
<br /> �
<br /> ,`,� ' THIS DEED OF TRtlST,iff Tnade_as a9 the 1 day of F�bsUa2�!� ��19 90 by and emong
<br /> . .�
<br /> " :�.� . the Trustor, R�bert:I��. Lrc�a�l.e and ��. e t�icCaule husba*�c� and� wa.fe of each oth�r, .
<br /> , � �ac i� sre s aEa. �. . er acvn rx5 .. ... •
<br /> .�-� whose maittngmddress is I938 E�.fi�nnan, Ha5t3.nqs,. NE 68901 (hprnin"Trustor,"whether one or more),
<br /> , . , . . . .
<br /> tha Tnrstee, Aast�n.� State �a�� � . ,
<br /> ; whose mailinQ address is p•�• ��%���2178�, � Hastings, NE 68904• (herein"Trustee"►,and
<br /> the Berteflcian1; Hastinar��st�ate Bank ,
<br /> , whosemailingaddressi� 'p-0. Box 2178, Hastinc�s, NE 68901 (herein"Lender").
<br /> � � FOR VALUABLE C���51�ERATIOfJ,in�luding lender's exten�:�n of cred�t identitied her�.�rs.to Robert K. MCCauley :
<br /> , � and LuA� LK�.:Cauley (herein"Borrower",whether one rir+rc�re)arsd the trust herein created, �
<br /> ; th� receipt o!which iu hers0y acknowF�.�?�-sf,Trunar hereby irrevocabiy grants, transters,rsc:veys aad assigns to Trustee,IN "'�:'•
<br /> � Tf�IUST,WITHPOWEROF8A1.E,iorthe�ert�fitands�uriryoflender,uncterandsubJaCttothetermsandCa�ditionshereinaftersei ;;�;,.�;;4:
<br /> � fortfi,the reaf properry,described as foltows: � -
<br /> t�
<br /> ! See leqal descriptior� appended � `_�
<br /> , F'=
<br /> � Together wi!h atl buildings,Improvementa,fixtures,streets,alleys,passagewa;+s,easer.nenta, righ4s,prlvileges and appufte- , ,
<br /> ; nanCes located thereon or in anywise penaiNng thereto,and the rents,Issues and protit?,r�,:�rsions and remainders tt�°eof,and '.
<br /> � such persan8l properry that is attached to the improvements so as to constitute a fixture,'�c�,��:'ng,but noi limited to,�z�"ing and
<br /> ' � cooling equipmenr and together with the homestead or mar(tal lnterests,it any,which intere_'�y:e hereby reteased art�i���ra(ved;all ,�
<br /> __� � of+��h��ch,includirsg reptaCements and additions thereta,ia hereby declared to bes part oi the raal eutate s�;.��re�by;r•a lien of this %�—
<br /> , 0��st Trust end ell of the faregoing being referred t� herein as the"Prope�iv'. '_
<br /> �: Thla DeQd o�Trust shall secure(e►11++3�payment of the principai sum and interest evid�rrc,ed by a promissory nct or credit
<br /> , '�.
<br /> agreement datecf 2�1-90 , having a matunry date ot 2-7-00 , �
<br /> in the oNginal principel emount at�4E.500.00 ,and an'y and all modification&,extensiona and renowals •
<br /> thereof or thereto and any and all future advances end readvances to Borrower !or any of them if more than one)h�rgunder '��-
<br /> � pur�uant to on��r more promissory note•�•.�r credit agreements(herein called"Note"}:(b)the payment ot othe�sums�����a�'r,ed by �
<br /> - lender to proi�:�;r.trre security of the NotE�,�;.'the portormance of all covenants and agreemonts of Trustor cet forth herein;a:�d(d)all `.�-
<br /> , pr��eM and fut❑re indebtedness and ob<<�_°:ons ei f3�r,rower(or any o1 them if mora than one)to Lender whother direc�indlrect,
<br /> — . a.brsc',a�te or contingent anrL=4fiether erisin3 b;�r+o:�.�ia�,ranty,overdratt or otherwise.The Note,this Deed of Trust and any artd aU ;�
<br /> atl�rr,r docuentstl�at secur�t:�o Note or ata-�fc+v:se oxecuted in connection therewith,inctuding without limitation guaranteas,securiry
<br /> agreemants and�ssignmen°�of teaseu;r�; �ents,shall be reterred to herein as the"Loan Inctruments".
<br /> � Trustor coveshanta and agrdes with (r=��,der as tollows:
<br /> t. Parm�nt o1lnd�bl�C!+ts�.All indentedness secured hereby shall bo pa?�when due.
<br /> — 2. Title.Trustor is ihe�ty�er o1 the P�operty, has�the rlght end authority t.a�onvey the P►operly, and warrants that the Ilen
<br /> r,r�ated hereby is a tirst eiid prior lien on the Property, except far liens and enr:�mbrances set torth by Trustor in writinp and
<br /> � cyti��ered ta Le�dor betore executian ot this Deeci ot Trust,and the execuiion and delivery of 7i;is Oeed ol Trust does not ti�iolate any
<br /> • . c�n;ract or oit�ar obligation to which Tru.s�or is subject.
<br /> 3. Taxt�,.As�sm�nts.To pay betor•e delinquency all taxes,��pecial assessmants and all u:her charges against the Property
<br /> n,r�r�r hereaRer IeviCd. �
<br /> 4. In�urane�.To keep the Properry insured agamst damage by fire,hazardc�ncluded within the torm"extonded coverage".and
<br /> � sLCh other hazards as Lender rnay raquire.in amounts and witn companies acceatabte to Lender,naming Lender as an additional
<br /> narr�ed insur@�,wlth loss payable to thg Ler.der.In case ot loss under such pol�cies,the Lender�s r�uthor�zed to adjust,collect and
<br /> compromise,al{claim�thereurtder and s:hnU havo the option ot appiying al;or part of the insurance proceeds(��to any indebtedness _____,____
<br /> secured hereby and in such order as Lcrs�asr may determino.(ii)to tt�e Trustor to bn used for the repair or rostoration ot tho Proparty ;
<br /> or(iii)for any other pr�rpose or obJect saiistactoryto Lender without aNecting ihe lien oi this Ooed ot Trust for the tull amount socured
<br /> here�y betore such payment ever took place.Any�pplicatior. ol prnceeds to i�debtedness shall not extQnd or postpOno tno duo
<br /> dete of any payments under the Note,or curo any detault thereundor or hereunder. �
<br /> . 5. E::so�..��on ti:r!Uert d°m�nd b,l�r.��t.Tsuear s!'�at!�ar!?l�h�Br.!r.s:�Lh m�r.ner a:l.�nder nk:�;lc�i�iustfs.�t!lcisn! • ;
<br /> ' sums to enable Londer to payas they becomQ due ona o�more ol tho following:(�)all taxtis,assossments and othar ct�arQgs aqoinst
<br /> the P►operry,(iiy the premlums on tho properry 1n�urance required heround�r,and(ilq the premiums on uny mortg�ga in5u►enco
<br /> � � � required by Lend�r.
<br /> 6. M�Mt�nsnct.Rfp�Ui and Comptlsnc�wHh Lswi.Tru&tb►sh�tt keap tho Proparty In c�ood candit�bry ond ►ppt�u;shnu
<br /> promptty repalr, or �eplaca any improvemdr�t which may be damaged or destroyed, shall not comm�t or pt��rmt any wa�f� or `
<br /> QeteNOtation o1 the E'roperty:shall nflt rpmove,demol�sh or substentially alt9r qny o}the�mpro+remonts on tha Proporty,shal!noi M1
<br /> commit,sutfer or perm�t�ny acE tu ba dune�n o►uponth��rnparry�n viotat�on bt any Iaw,o►dmanCa.ar r�gut�t�on,�nd shflt!pay and
<br /> ptompt'y dis�harge 3t Trusioi s cost end expenso all lians,orteurrsbrance9 and ch3�ges IQYiECI.�m�ose�or ossassecf againsi tho
<br /> Htoqerty ut cflRy pdR thproa� Y`
<br /> � 7. Ert�Iri�n1 ppnafn.lt�r�der Is horoby b�signu9 a�f campE�nsotion,awiarr]s,d;sm�gt�s and other p�yrr,onts ar rai�Ef�hai��n�tthr °'' `
<br /> "i�ro�CCAs")��1CS4R@Cltd�1 W1ttt CUfldOntita(tGti 0►Uthpf l"1h���(jC!}thQ f�+Upf}fty Ut p8/t�hOfLJ}.U!f�7 CC�PivQy�nGf�th 11E'tl Df CUhdURInL•
<br /> t bEt l.tsnQer�ha)!p�s�ne�!ic:f ot �ts oGt�on to commdnco,a��e�r�n nrtcf�rase�ut��n�ts e�r,n n�me F�ny:�ct�On ar prciCE��d�n(�� an�
<br /> snn��n6sa bQ onE,tled t7 tn(lkQ Ftly CGrnvt!�in�se or Strtl�s=r,t;!�f ir�coMr�E�l:l�c�r:vi�;h S::�r+takv,��r,r d�imtt:(�� an tttt•rvent m,y pn�UC»,n}
<br /> � �:a�a+���r�.�,y,�•.;:.,mu.-o,,v,.,c�ea
<br /> �a'�it,f+ GL-aaa G41�.f{�...:.:�,cer•..�ia��:l5:svs��4Lr•aer�•�Y,��f�eaaua �
<br /> --a�� _ l�
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