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2� 17�� 148 <br /> in the Proper�y and ri��.ts under thxs Securi�y �nstru�men�; and �d} takes su�h acti�n as L.�nder may <br /> r�asona�ly requ�re to assure that Lender's in�erest�n the Pro�er�y and rights under this Se�uri��r�ns�ruxnen�, <br /> and Barrower's ob�iga�ion to pa��he sums s�cured by�h�s Securi�y �ns�rument, sha11 con�inue unchanged. <br /> L.�nder may require�hat Barrower pay such reinsta�emen�sums and expenses �n one or mare of�he fo�l�wing <br /> forms, as se�ected by Lender: �a} cash; �b}maney order; �c��er�if��d check, bank check, �reasurer's ch�ck ar <br /> cashier's check, pravided ar�y such check�s drawn upan an institu���n whose d�posits are�n�ured by a <br /> federa� agency, ins�rumen�a��ty or entx��r; or�d� Eiec�ronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatemen�by Barra�er, <br /> �his Se�curity Instrumen�and obliga�ions se�ured hereby shal�r�main fu��y effect�ve as if n�accelera�ion had <br /> occurred. Howe�er, th�s r�g��to re�ns�at�shal� no�app�y�n the case of accel�ra�ian under Sec�ion �8. <br /> ��. Sa�e af Nate; Change af Laan Serrr�cer; �vtice of Grie►►ance. The Note�r a par�ia� interest in th� <br /> No����ogether with this Secur���r �ns�ru�nent}�an be soid�ne ar more�imes wi�h�u�pr�or notice to <br /> Bflrro�ver. A sale migh�resul��n a change in�he en�xty��r�.�wn as the "Loa� Servicer"}�hat col�e��s Per��d�c <br /> Pa�men�s due under the No�e and�h�s Security rn��rum.ent and performs�ther mor�gage�aan servicxng <br /> obl�ga��ans under the N��e, �his Securit�r�ns�rumen�, and A�plica��e Law. There alsa might be one or more <br /> �hanges of the Loan Serv�cer unre�at�d��a sale of the No�e. �f�here is a�ha�n�e of�he Loan Ser��cer, <br /> Barrower wi11 be g��en wr���en n��ic�of t�.�change which v�i��state�h.e name and address of the new Laar� <br /> Ser�rxcer, the address ta wh�ch payments shou�d be rnade and an�r other�nformation RESPA requ�res in <br /> connect�on w��h a no�ice of transfer flf servicing. If�he No�e is sa�d and thereafter the I..oa�.�s serv�ced by a <br /> Loan Ser��cer a�her�han�h�purchaser of the N��e, �h.e mor�gage�aan ser�vicing�bl��at�ons ta Barrawer wi�l <br /> rema�n with�he Loan Serv�cer or be transferred�o a suc�essor Loan Servzcer and are not assumed b�the <br /> Na�e purchaser un�e�s�thervcT�se pro�id�d by�he No�e purchaser. <br /> Nei�her Borrower n�r Lender may c�mmence,�oin, or be jo�ned to an�judicia.� acti�n(as either an <br /> �ndiv�dualli�igant or�he member of a c1a�s} �hat ar�ses from the oth�r par�y's actions pursuant�o �his <br /> Se�ur��y�ns�rument or tha�a��eges that�he other par�y has breached any pro��si�n af, flr an�du��r�wed by <br /> r�ason of, �h�s Se�ur�ty Instrumen�, unti�such Borrower or Lender has no�i�ed��ae��h�r par�y �w�th 5uch <br /> notrce given�n comp�iance wi�h�he requiremen�s o�Section �5}af such a��eged�reac�and affarded the <br /> other party here�o a r�a��nable perio�af�er�he giving of such no�ice�o take corre�tive actian. �f Applicable <br /> Law pro�r�des a t�me period whi�h must eiapse b�fore cer�ain ac�ion can be�aken, tha��.ime per�od will be <br /> de�m�d to be reasonable for purposes of�hxs paragraph. The notice of acce��rat�on and oppor�uni�y�o cure <br /> g��en ta Borrov�er pursuant�o Sec�ion�Z and the natice of accelerat�on g��ven t� Barrn�ver pursuant�� <br /> S�c�ian �S �ha���e deemed t� sat�sfy the notice and appor�un�ty to take correct��e ac��on provi��ons of th�s <br /> Section 2�. <br /> �'I. Hazardous Substances. As used�n�h�s Sec�ion��: �a} "Ha�ard�us Suhstances"are thase subs�ances <br /> de�ne�.as tox�c�r hazardQus subs�ances, po����an�s, ar was�es�y Env�r�nmental Lav�ar�d the foliowing <br /> substax�ce�: gasol�ne, kerosen�, o�her flammable�r�oxi�petro�eum products, tfl��c p�s��c�des and h�rbici�es, <br /> volati�e so�ven�s, ma�erials con�a�ning asbestas�r f�rma�dehyd�, and radioactiv�mater�als; �b} <br /> "Enviror�mental Law"means federal.�av�s ar�d Iav�rs of the jurisd�c�ion v�rhere�he Property is loca�ed tha� <br /> relate�o hea��h, safe�y flr environmenfa�protecti�n; �c} ".E'rtvironrnen�ar �'r�anup"�nc�udes any response <br /> action, remedial ac�ion, or remo�a� ac�ion, as d�fined in En�ir�nmental Law; and�d} a.� "Enviranmental <br /> Conc�iti�n"means a condit�a�that can�ause, contribut�to, or otherw�s��r�gger an�nviranmen�al C��anup. <br /> Barrower sha�l not cause or perm����ae presen��, use, disp�sal, s�orage, or re�ease of any�azardous <br /> �ubstances, ar threa�en t�reiease any Hazardous Substan�es, on�r�n the Prflper��. Borrower shal�no�da, <br /> nor al��w any�ne e��e tv do, anything affect�ng �he Proper�y �a}�ha� �s in violation af any Environrnen�al <br /> Law, (b} which crea�es an En�rir�nrt�en��.� �ondi�ion, or�c}which, du�to the presence, use, �r re�ease of a <br /> �azardous Substance, crea�es a condition tha�adver�e�y affec�s the value of the Proper�y. The pr�ceding two <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Farnity-�annie MaelFrectdie Mac UNIFQRM tNSTRUMENT �arm 3028 1101 <br /> VMP[�] VMPfitN�f t13�2� <br /> WoE#srs Ktuwer Finan�ia[Ser�ices Page 13�f 17 <br />