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2� 17�� 148 <br /> d�signated a�u�stitu�e notic�addres�by nflt�c�t� Lender. B�rro�er�ha��pran�pt�y no��fy Lender af <br /> Borr�wer's change�f address. If Lender specif��s a prac�dure for r�parting Borr�wer's cha.�.gt of address, <br /> then B�rrov�er sha�l only repor� a change af addr�ss throu�tha�spe�i�ed pro�edure. <br /> There may be only on�desig�za��d natice addr�ss under this Securi�y �nstrument a�any ane t�nn�. An�notice <br /> to Lender sha�l be g�ven b�deliv�ring it or by ma��ing z�by firs�c�ass mail��Lender's address s�a�ed here��. <br /> un�ess Lender has des�gna��d an�ther address by nat�c�to Borr�wer. �ny notice in connec�ian�it�this <br /> Secur��y �nstrument sha��nn�be deem�d to have been g�ven��Lender un�i� actua��y rece��ed b�r�.�nder. �f <br /> any no��ce required b��h�� S�curit��nstrumen� is a�sa requ�red under A.pplicab�e Lavv, the Ap�Izcab�e Lavv <br /> requir�men�w�i� sa�isfy th�corresp�nd�ng re�uirernen�under th�s Secur����nstrurnen�. <br /> 7�. Gorr�rning Law; S��erability: Ru(es of Construction. T`�is Secur�ty�ns�rumen�sha��be gaverne��y <br /> fe�eral Ia� and the law of the jur�sd�c��on xn wh�ch the Pr�per�y is Iocated. AI� r�ghts and ob�iga�ians <br /> con�ained in this Security Instru�n�nt are suhj�c��o any requirements and�imitat��ns of Applicabie�aw. <br /> Appi�cable Lavv migh��xp�icitly or implic�t��r a����v the part�es to agree�y contract or it might be si�ent, bu� <br /> such sz�enCe shal� not be��nstrued as a prah�bit�on a�a�ns�agreement by ca�trac�. �n the event�ha�any <br /> pravzsz�n or clause of this S��urit��nstrum�nt or th�No�e confl�c�s�v�th App�icabie Lav�, such conf��ct sha�l <br /> n��affe��other provisions of th�s S��ur�ty Instrument�r the Note wh�ch can be giv�n effect wi�hout th� <br /> canf��et�n�pravision. <br /> As us�d in t��s S�curity�ns�rument: �a��vords of the mascu�ine gender sha��n�ean an�.�nc�ude corresponding <br /> neuter w�rds vr wards�f the f�m�n�ne gender; �b}words in the singuiar sha11 mean and include the p�ura� <br /> and vice�ersa; and�c} �he wor�i "ma�" gives so�e dxscretion w��hout any abligation�a take any a��ian. <br /> '17. B�rrawer's Copy. Borrower sha11 be gi�en ane copy flf the Not�and of�his Secur�ty Instru�ne�t. <br /> 7 8, �'ransfer of the Praperty �r a genef�c�al Inte�est in Barrawer. As used in this SeCti�n I.S, "�nteres� zn <br /> �he Property" means any legal or benef���a� �n�erest in the Proper��, inclu��ng, but n���znuted to, thase <br /> bene�cial interes�s transferr�d in a�ond f�r de�d, c�n�ract f�r�eed, installm�nt sa�es con�rac�or escrnvv <br /> agreement, th�int�nt of vvhich is the transfer of�itle by Borrnw�r at a fu�ure date to a pur�has�r. <br /> �f a�l ar any part of the Pr�per�y or an� �nt�r�st i�the Proper��r zs so�d or transferred��r if Barro�ver is not a <br /> natural p�rson and a bene�cial �nteres��n Barraw�r is so�d or�ransf�rr�d}�vzth�u�L�nder's pri�r written <br /> c�nsen�, L�nder may requ�re immedia�e pa�nlent �n full of a�l �ums secured by th�s Secur�ty Instrum�n�. <br /> However, this option shal�n�t be exerci�ed�y Lend�r if such exercise�s pr�hibited by App�i�ab�e Law. <br /> Zf L�nd�r e�.ercis�s thzs ap��on, Lender shall give Borr�vver nfl��ce of a�ce�erat�nn. The notice sha�l provide a <br /> period of no��ess than 30 days from�h�date�he n�tice is given in accordance with Sec��on �5 wi�hin whi�h <br /> B�rrower must pay aI� sums secured b�r thxs Secur�ty Instrument. �f Barrov��r fa��s�o pay th�s�sums pr�ar t� <br /> th�expzration�f�h�s period, Lender may invoke any remedies permit��d by this Securzty Instrument v�v���h�u� <br /> fur�her n�����ar demand on B�rrower. <br /> �9. Borr�wer's R�ght to Reinstate After Accelerativn. �f Barrorc�crer mee�s cer�ain cnnditi�ns, Borro�ver <br /> s�all ha�e the righ�t�ha�e enforc�m�n��f th�s Security �ns�rumen�d�scontznued a�any t�me pr�ar�o th� <br /> �arlies�af: �a} f�ve days bef�re sale�f the Praper�y pursuant to any pow�r of sa�e con�ained�n this Secur�ty <br /> �r�strum�nt; �b} such�ther peri�d as App��cab�e Law migh�specify for the�erm�natzon of B�rrow�r's right ta <br /> rexnstate; ar�c}en�ry of a judgment enforezng th�� Security �nstrument. Those cond�t�ans are��at B�rrov��r: <br /> �a}pa�rs Lender a�l sums u�hich�hen wou�d be due under this Se�urity Instrun-�.ent and�he No�e as if no <br /> acce�erat�an had occurred; �b} cures any defau�t af an�r a�her��venar�.ts or agreenlents; ��}pays a11 expenses <br /> in�urred�n�nforcin�th�s �ecuri�y�nstrument, �nclud�ng, but n�t�imite��a, r�asonab�e attorneys' f��s, <br /> pr�perty �r�spec�ion and valuat��n fees, and other fees �ncurr�d far�he purpos�of pr�tecting L�n�ier's int�rest <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-�annie Mael�ceddie Mac UNf�ORM INSTRUMENT F�rm 3428 71�1 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi[N�f 4�3Q2f <br /> Wvlters Ktuwer Financiai 5er�ices Page 12 vf 17 <br />