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2� 17�� 148 <br /> sentences shai� no�apply to the presenCe, use, or s�orage on th�Property of smai�quan�ities of�3azardous <br /> Su�stances that are genera��y re�ognized ta be appr�pria���o norma�res�den�ial uses and to mai�t�r�an�e of <br /> the Pr�per�y �inc�udin�, but not ximited ta, hazard�us substanc�s in consumer produc�s�. <br /> B�rrower shal�pramp��y gi�e Lender wr��t�n na��c��f�a} any inves�zgat�on, c�aim, demand, lawsuit or��her <br /> action b�any governmenta� or regu�at�ry agency ar pri�ate par�y in�o�ving th�Property and any�azard�us <br /> Substan���r Envzronmenta� Law af wh��h Barro�er has actua�knaw�ec�g�, �b}any�nvironm�ntal <br /> Condit�on, includ�n�bu�not�imited�o, any spill�ng, �ea�ing, dis�harge, re�ease or thr�at�f re�ease o�any <br /> Hazardaus Substanc�, and �c} any cand�tion cause� by the presenG�, us�ar release af a�azardous Su�stance <br /> which ad�ers��y affec�s the va�ue�f�he Pr�p�rt�, I�Borrower learns, �r is natif�ed by an�gov�rnmenta�or <br /> regula��r�autharity, ar any privat�par�y, that an�rem�val or o�her remedia�ion of any H�ardous�uhs�ance <br /> affeCting the Pr�perty is necessary, B�rrovver shall pr�mp��y ta.�e all necessary r�r�e�ial ac�ians in - <br /> accordance w�th Eri��ronmental. Law. N�thing her��n shali create any flbiigat�on on Lend�r for an <br /> En��ronmental C�eanup. <br /> Nan-Unifarm �nrrenants. Borrower and Lend�r co�renant and agree as fallov�s: <br /> ��. Accelerativnr R�medies. Lender sha��gi�e no���e�a Borrow�r prior to acce�erat�on fo�low�ng <br /> Borr�wer's breach af any covenan�or agreement in thi5�Qcurx�y Ins�runaen� �but not pr�or�o <br /> acce�era��vn under Sec�ion 1S unless App��cab�e Law prav�d��otherwis�}. The no���e sha��spec�fy: �a} <br /> the defau��; �b} the activn requxr�d to cure the default; �c) a date, not�ess�han 3�days froxn�he date <br /> the not�ce is g��en to Borro�v�r, by rvhich�he default must be cured; and�d} �hat failure�o cure�he <br /> defau�t an o�-befare�he date specxf�ed in�he not�ce may resu�t in acce�erat�on of the sums secured by <br /> th�s�ecur�ty In��rumen.t and sale of�he Property. The no�ice shail fur�her�nform Borrow�r af�he <br /> right tv r��ns�ate af�er acceleration and the righ� to br�ng a c�urt aet�an�a a�s�rt the non�-ex��tence of a <br /> default or any other defense af Barrower to acG���rat�an and sa�e. If the default�s not cured�n or <br /> before the date sp���f�ed�n the notice, Lender at i�s option xnay require�mmediate payrnent�n ful�of <br /> a��sums secured by this Securxty Instrument w��hau�fur�her dena.and and may in�nke the power�f sale <br /> ax�d an�other remed�es�pernr��t�ed by Applica��e Law. Lender shal�be en�xt�ed to c���ect ali expenses <br /> incurred�n pursuing the rernedies pro��ded in�hi�5ect�on 22, �ncluding, bu�not��m�ted ta, reasonab�e <br /> attorneys' fees and costs af t�t�e e�idence. <br /> If the power of�a���s in�oked, Trustee shal�record a no�ice of defau�t in each c�unty in which any <br /> par�of the Property�s Ivca�ed and 5ha��mail cap�es�f su�ch no�ice in the manner prescribed by <br /> Ap�licab�e La�v�o Barrower and to the other persons prescrxbed by App��cab�e Law. After the tim.e <br /> required b�Applicable Law, Tr�s�ee shal�gi�ve pub�ic not�ce of sa���o the persans and�n�he manner <br /> prQscr�bed by App�icable La�. Trus�ee, w�thou� demand on Borrowver, shal�sel��he Pr�per�y at pub��c <br /> auct�on to the h�ghest bidder at the time and p�ace and under the t�rnls d�signated in the n�tice of saie <br /> in one vr xnare parcels and�n any order Trustee determines. Trus�ee n�ay pos�pone sa���f all ar any <br /> parce�of the Propert�by pu���c annaunc�ment at the t�me and p�ace of an�prev�vus��schedu�ed sale. <br /> Lender or�ts designee n�.ay �urchase the Pr�per�y at any sale. <br /> Upon rece�pt of paym�nt of�h�price b�dy Trus�ee shal� d��iver�o th�purcha�er Trus�ee's deed <br /> convey�ng�he Property. The r���ta�s in�he Trus�ee's deed s�a��be prima facie ev�dence�f�he truth of <br /> the�tat�xnents made�h�re�n. Trustee sha�� apply the praceeds of the sa�e in�h�foi��vving�rder: �a� �o <br /> a�i�osts and e�pen�es of e�erc�sxng�he power af sa�e, and�he sa�e, �ncluding the pay�nent of th� <br /> Tru�tee's fe�s ac�ua��y incurred and reasonab�e attorneys' fees as perm���ed by Applica��e Lavw; ��� �o <br /> a��suxns secured by�his Secur�ty Instrument; and �c} any exces��o the persnn ar persons legally <br /> ent����d�o it. <br /> NEBRASKA-Singl�Family-�anni�Ma�l�re�fdie Mac UNIFDRM INSTRUM�NT �arm 3a28 71�� <br /> VMP Q VMPStN�}('�3Q23 <br /> Wolters Kl�w�r�inancial Ser�ice� Page�4❑f 17 <br />