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<br /> ; 90- 100053
<br /> th�Properry is ao eaken�or da�nag�+ci.l:atl�n�ehah haYe the optiCn,in it�sate artd et,solcc&discretion.to appty A!E s�ch Proceeda,
<br /> efter deductin9 tharef�amattcasSE�nt1 tDr.�?.*tg8�incurred by it fn conrtoCtion with such Pro:aeds,upon any IndebtednB�s secuced
<br /> haceDy an�In sua�ardep a�Lencias in�}+Qezermine,or to apply alt such Proceeds,after such deductions,to the�estoration af the
<br /> � Praperry upon suct�c��di7i•an�aa E.�endar m�y deterrnine.My applicatian o!Rroceeds to indebtedness shail no!extend or p�stporte
<br /> the dtse date oi any psyrtta�et5 vnstog th$Noie,or cure any defauit ther�under or hereunder.Any unapQlfed funds shall be patd to
<br /> Trustor. '
<br /> . 8. Pt�tesmanaa Bg L�nder.Upan th�accurrence of an Event of Detault her8under,pr Ef an�act Is taken ar tagal prviceedtag
<br /> commenced�k�t!�t�m�i4rri�isp affa��.t.n�:i2�r's interest in the Property.Lender may in its awn discretiao,bat without abitgation to do `
<br /> so.and witlt�at�nL�aa*a a�r.dar��nl..�p�n Trustor artd wlthout releasing Tn+stor iram any abligariQn,do sny act whlch Trustor has
<br /> ��r�ed but talts to 6n enti�ra+ay�af=d�b any other act it deems necessary to protect the security hereat.Trustor shalt,immediate(y
<br /> • , u��ri d�m�nd theretpr by f.�nder,p3y.tp Lender all costs artd expenses incurred and sums expended by Lender in connection wRh
<br /> ths axerctse by tsnder flf�lte far�oia�righis,together with interest tfrereon at the detautt rate provided in the tVote,which Shall be
<br /> sdaed to th�in�ebtedness secureQ here�y.Lender shall Ret incur arty tiahilityi§�ecause of anything it may do or omit to do
<br /> h�a�nd�e,
<br /> S. t�arictJous Mi�6eelils.Trustor shaU keep the Rropert,�in compliartce w�th a!t applicable laws,crGnances and regulatie� �
<br /> re's�3ng to industrial hy�}i�,�e.�r environmental protection(collectively�eferre�tc herein as"Envirenrr.Er.i�]Laws'�.Trustor sha:�
<br /> ' kt-c-pthe Property free fra;+;:�;:�uhstancesdeemed te be hazardous o�Wxia 4n���-���*Envira�mex�tak ta��3�co!lectively referred to .
<br /> h�rein as"ttazardous Ma=-:�,`�"�:��s'r��-here6y warrants and regressnts ta E.e-:�r tFsat t"ere a�e;�c�lazardous Maferiels on or
<br /> , •rrtder the Rroperry.Tr�stcr°:��a:,y���-Y._s'a indemrtify and hotd har�lsss Lender,its direct�rs,cf��e�s,a-nployees and agents,and
<br /> a�-�,�successors to Lends;'s:ir..3re��`:c�artd agains±an}and sIi claims,damages,losses a:�d lia�tlities z-`sing in conrtecU�n with
<br /> � �'e presence,use,dispo�aF ar tr2�s�aR of any.�i�z�ous Materials an, under,from or a��ut the ir:-t�psRy_THE FORE�0ING
<br /> $?si�vlVE P.r.r-P'1J111VEVANCE OF T�i:��:.�G�OF r�:J�':. . � ' �
<br /> ' • 10. �iyg5lthM!Of RMti.Trustec�-��reby assigns tc Lenae�i;;e rents,issues and prc,°'w�t the Properly;pravid�t���a2.Trusior •
<br /> <�" shall.,until`�o��ccurrence otan Event n:uatault her2;snder,have.i;e rightto coltecE artd rr,.a�such rents,issues and��`���tt�ay �
<br /> ,,.' , � �secome dus a�d payable.Upon the occurrence c`��.Event ot Qefault,Lersc�r�r.ay,eitizer in person or by agent with or w°�i-i.cP_ ,
<br /> b*.'�s�iag any actian ar prr�c;�=_��ing,or by a receive���pointed by a ceurt a�y u-�`:,aut regard to the adequacy dt i�a seaurity,er.f�r
<br /> . . :;��r.,and take possessia�:;�>�e PropeGty,ur any part thereof,in its own natr;a�r:-�te narn2 of the Trusiee,and do any acts which ii• .
<br /> :t dearns rtecessary or desir'�:e?�pres�r,r�lhe vaiue,marketability w�rer:ia�i�i�j af tne Rra�ert�,or any partthereoi or interesttherein, •
<br /> _ iacr�a�e t�.G:�come there v�cr;�.za�.wt?�e securEty hctreof a�s�. vr�h cr w:".haut taking,.�o.ssession of the Property,sua iov or �.. � '
<br /> c�enr+iss coliect the ren��is�:.es��::�:rr�,:ts thereof, including tticse�as*.�:e 3�d unpa;d,artd apply the sa�r.2 le�s costs and �
<br /> , • �E.��f1aHS:.�:r�eration ar.a cci:�eCT;�?`,.�:'.�C�t1Q�ct2,r,��^,��6'fees,i:���any i1dEJ�'9SS S2i.U�ed�erety,31`1:'1�;:,^.r�rderas Lertder �
<br /> � . m�y deter,r��ne.The entering upon�-,:f.asing pos���si�n of t�e P-3pecty,t:�.;.»t;��uc��c°s:;an rent�,is;�es and protitsand the � �
<br /> application�!ereof as atoresaid,shs;!:-"cure or waive any de�:uit or notice c��e�auit tz�^�vnder or invalidate any act done in .
<br /> ' response ta s�ch defauft or pursuant ta��ich notice of default and,*�withstanding the conrnc�ance in possession ofthe Properry or .
<br /> the collectian,receipt and application a!tents,issues or profits,and Trustee and Lender shell be entitled to exereise evary right
<br /> � proviQed far in any of the loan Instruments or by Iaw upon occurrence of any Event of Default,including without limitation the right . °-
<br /> to exercis»the power ot sale.Further,Lender's rights and reme�ies under this paragraph shall be cumulative with,and in no w�y a .-
<br /> , hmitation on,Lenders rights and remedies under any assignment of leases and rents recarded against the Property.Lender.Trustee ,.� ,�--
<br /> and the receiver shall be liable to account only tor those rents actually received. _
<br /> 11. Ev�nts ol ONauM.The tollowing shali constitute an �vent of Detautt under this Oeed ot T►ust
<br /> (a) Faf�ure to pay any instalfm�nt of principal or interest of any other sum secured hereby when due:
<br /> (b) A bre3ch ot or default under any provision contained in the Note,this Deed of Trust,any o}the Loan Instruments,or any
<br /> other lien or encumbrance upon the Properry;
<br /> (c) A writ o}execution or attachment or any sim�lar process shall be entered against Trustor which shall become a lien on
<br /> the Properry or any poRian thereot or interest therem;
<br /> (d) 7here shall be filed by or again&t Trustor or Borrowor an action under any present or future federal,stata or other ��
<br /> statute,law or regulatlon relating ta bankruptcy,insolvency or other reli�st for debtors;or there shal!be appointed any trustee,
<br /> receiver or liquidatar of Trustor or Borrower or af all or any part ot the PropBRy,or the rents,issues nr profits thereo},or Trustor
<br />, or 8orrower&hall mak�any generat assignment for the benefit of creditora;
<br /> (e) The sale,transter,lease,assignment,conveyance o�further encumbrance of all or any p�R ot or any interest in the
<br /> . Property, elther veluntarily or involuntarily, without tho express written consent o1 Lender; provided that Trustor shall be
<br /> permiited to execute a lease ot the Properry thaf does not contain an option to purchase and the term of which does notexceed
<br /> one year, �
<br /> (� Abandonmeni a`the Property;or � � �
<br /> (g) ti Trustor i�no:�n individuai,the issuance,sale,trans!er,assignment,c�onve�ance or encumbrance o}more than a total �"'=
<br /> ot percent oi(if a corporauon)its issued and out�ta^ding stock or(if a FG-+.^�rship)a total of percent of ',�'
<br /> partnsfs`n��interes*s Caring the period this Deed o1 Trust rer:��.�s a lien cn the Prc�e.^.y.
<br /> t2. R�s;AccM',�rr�filon Upon DN�utt.tn the event ot any Event of Oefau;t:.sncter,^-ay.without notice except aa requ�red by �
<br /> ta�r,dectare a.E indebtednass secured hereby to bo duo and payabl�and ths same sr.�rt ihereupon become due and payable
<br /> without any p*esentment,Cemand,prote�t or notice ot any ki�d.Ti�r�reafter Lender rnay:
<br /> (a) D�martd that Trustec3 exerc�sa the POWEH OF SkLE granted harein, and Tr�stee shall thereafter cause Trustor's
<br /> inierest in the Properry to be sold ar�d the proceeds to be distributed,all in the manner provlded in the Nebras!s2 Trust Otaed9
<br /> Ac�
<br /> (b) Exercise any and all rights provlded for in any ot ihe L.oan Instruments or by law upon occurrence o1 any Event of
<br /> Detaulr,and
<br /> (c) Commence an act,on to forectosethis De2d o1 Trust as a mortgage,appoint a receiver,or specifically enforce any of tho
<br /> covenants hereof.
<br /> . No remedy herein conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended ta bo exclusiva ot any other remedy herein,in the
<br /> Loan Instruments or by Ia�r provided or perm�tted,but each shal{bd cumulative,shall be in addition ta every other romedy given
<br /> r,�reunder,In the Lo2n in5:rumonts or now or hereatt�r existing at taw or in equity or by statute.and may bo exercised concurrently,
<br /> �r..�ependently or suCCe3?;1aly.
<br /> 13. TcustN.Tho Trustee may resign et any time without causg,and LEn�er may at ony Ume and w�thout cause appoint a ,--=--=---
<br /> successor or�u�stitute Trustee.Trustee�h�tt not be tiabta to any party,includ+r�;,�,ithout timit�tlon tender,8orrower,Trostor or eny
<br /> purchastr�if dtie Property,tor atny loss or damage unless due to reckless or wlih:i mrsconduct,and shall not be required to take any ' � �
<br /> �?c:�on in cor.nectlon with the aMa�cement ot this Doed of Trust untess indim�•:t�ed.in writing, tor all Costs, compensation or �
<br /> axuenses Khich may be�i5aoc�ated therewith.In add;tion,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sato oFihe Property(judicial or
<br /> unr3ar the poWer of sale r3+•anted herein):postpane the sate o}ati or any porti�n ot the Property, as prov�ded by law;or sell tho ' �
<br /> Pca�er:t as s�#:a;s,csr fn se�rarata�arcei��r�ats et'�ruste��S�tSCf"bti"vR.
<br /> 14. FNS and Exp�m�s.tn the event Trustae s9ils the P'raperty by exercise ot power ot sale,Trustee shall be ent�tled to appfy
<br /> � any sale proceeds tirst to payment of al{costs ond expensos o}exercising power of sate,including all Trustpe's f�os,and tend�r's
<br /> �nti Trustee'sattorney's tees,aetually incurredto extont pormittpd by appllcabls�aw.In tho event Bof►ov�or ar Trustar oxorcises any
<br /> right pravide�!by law tfl Cure an Event Ot Detautt,lender&hatt bo anUtted to rocove►tram Trustor aIt costs�nd vxponsa5 aCtuatty
<br /> Incutrad as a result of 7rustor's dafault, inGlud�ng without Umitdt�on all Trustee's and attornE�y's fees.to lhE��xteM pormitted by ^
<br /> appt�CaDle law.
<br /> t5 Futun Adv�nrt�. Upon rtiauest of 8o►rowar. �vnder may,at +IS opt�oR. �ak� add,tronaF and tuture advnnces and re• ,f
<br /> aduanCtr9 tb Surrowe� Su�►r ctctanncas ae�9 readv�intas,with�ntt�r�st th�rotin,sh�l1 b�S�GUrpd 5y this Oead ot Trust At no time 5ha11 t, _
<br /> t��pr,r,c�pat am�untof the mdabfednaa�suCavC�t�y th�s OecCr of Trus! ���t�rrc!u3�rty sursrs a�vanCf;d tb pthfect thv�ecur�ty of thr5
<br /> b�ad U!Trubt,exceed thp ari��n�k pnn�rp,71 an;ount StuTed nerc�;n cr 5 _ _ _ __.._wn,c►�ever�s g�eate�r.
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