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� � _�- -. � - <br /> . � 9o°� �oas5� � <br /> 18. MiscMsn�s Provfpons. • <br /> � {a) Sotrowsr Not RN�ss�el.Factension o}the time for payment or modification ot amortization of the sums ascured by thts <br /> Deed�t Trust g•:ante�by l.ender to any successor in interest o!Borrovicer shall noi operate to retease,in atey manner,th�Ilabtliry <br /> ofthe original Borrower a�d 8orrawers suscessors in interest Lender shall not be required tocommence p�oceedings against , <br /> such successor or reiuse to extand time tor payment or otherwise modify amortizatton otthe aums secured by thfa Deed oi Tru�t <br /> by reascn at er�y demands ma�e by the original Borrower ant�Borrower's successors in interest ' <br /> (b) trnd�r'�Paw�s.U'llthout aNecting the tiability of eny other person liabfe for the payment o}any ob!fgation here(n <br /> � mentioned,and without affecting Ehe lien or charge of 4his Oeed of Trus�upon any portion of the Properly not then artheratotore <br /> released 8s sacsuity!p¢thalull�mount of all unpai�obligations,Lender may,from timetotime and witfiout notice(i)retease any <br /> • - person so ltadla,fii)�xt8nd El�e matur(ly or alier any o!tfie terms of any such obligations,(iti)grant ather indulgences,fiv)retease <br /> � • or recon► to be reieased or reconveyed at any time at Lender's opGon any parcel.portion or sIt ot the Property. . <br /> (��take or release any other or add9tional security tor any obligation harein meMioned, ar(vi)make compostt�ons cc other <br /> � • ' ar�angements with debtors in relation thereto. <br /> � (a):Forbsannc�by L.endrr Not s Wa[v�r.Any forbsarance by Lender in exercising any�ght ar remedy hereunder,or <br /> . ' • ' atharwe'�e efforded by appiicable law,shaH not be a watver of or prectude the exercise of any such right or remedy.The • <br /> ' prbcifrement�f�:nss�rance pr the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shati not ba a weiver o!Lender's rlghtto <br /> ' aCCatsrate the mAturity ot the irtdebtedness secured by this Deed uf Trust . <br /> � ' (tl) Succ�ssors and Assipns Bound;Joint and S�venl Uabi(ity;Csptions.The covenants and agreaments herein con- <br /> tafResf-rhali bind,and the rights hereunder shatl inure tfl,the respective succersors and assigns oi Lender a�d Truatar.Ail <br /> • ca-r�rr�r.ts and�greements af Trustar shall be joini and ssvera�.The captions and headings of the paragraph�at th(s Qeed of <br /> � Tru�l^+?��!`t=��r�v.e�ience a�:':f��'td are nct to be usECf ta ir*�Ypret pr de�ne the prov9sions heraM. <br /> " :��; ?�i�?CsxNa�ess.Tr,-�Qartiesh�-tzyrequ�matae������.�ynoticeofdetaulthe�underanda���y.afan;{rati�ce <br /> af sa',e her4:cr:�r�a mailscf i,s�acts G�rt�;�'�.;s Ge�of T�ust a*:ti��=ddress set foRh alsrra:in the manner p�s;�-�taa�I�y <br /> • � " o�2(a��te ta�w.�rept for�c����;'se�na4:n_�:r��;�'�c W:�w.r appticabta law ta�e gr�c-s?'n a^M!�r.rrnannar,an��cr�;.�y:-�rr�'ed • � <br /> � t�,�-i�s4�.�s Deed of T�ust sh,�;i�e,�ven by rr,ai:i�.y��:�i�*�cc:�Ce by certified snail r��'�::�d to the ott�er parti�ri�1+��ad�ress&et . � - <br /> . � ±E��-::�,?3�e.Any natice�.r�{����zd tor in tt;is s��ox�'.'�5F 3�}A�I I7B B�SCLe3{!���-:�:;,�� in the manner�f�si�c+�d herein.If .. <br /> �.c�:;,,�.�r��;�ra�a than cna;�5on,noiice�2rr_rs�e a�ress set torth above sh��f;��rsnt%ce ta a!t such p�>��s. . .. . <br /> � t`? �;ss�uetlfi��.`e�.��•:�ay make or aa���t3�e.,�,de reasonabte enuies up��'�.�nd ie�:pe�;ans ot#h.n_::1p�:`}j�r,:.�u�:a�*rd : <br /> . ti�t;��wer s*a;3 r�ue r�us`:.r M1otE,e prior to ar�y s::tr:�spection specifying rF,;�y.r�te ca:a�tfieretar��^_:�C�:� ?3:��`s <br /> � ` irt�+.�^in the Pr��r�,• . <br /> � fgj R�conv�y�ne�.����^Qayment of all sums secured by this Qeed of Trus�L�der shalt�equestTrusi��a rec�rvey�►e <br /> � Property and st�ai;surrender this Oeed ot Trust and all notes evidencing indebfedness secured By tfiis Deed ot Trust to Tras�,ee. . , <br /> � Trustee shall recanvey the Property without warranry and without charge ta the person or.p�rsans►egally entitted thereto. ; r, <br /> Trustor ahali pay ali costs of recordation,if eny. <br /> � (h) P�rsonal P�op�rty;S�curHy Aqr�tm�nt. As additianal security tor the payment of the Note,Trustor hereby grants � --='< <br /> Lender unaer the tJebraska Uniform Commercial Code a securtry intereat in ail fixtures,eq�ipment,andother persanai property . - <br /> used in connection with the real estate or improvements lacated thereon,and not otherwise dectared or deemed to be a part of ' .•�± <br /> the real esta4e secured hereby.This inshument shall be construed as a Security/lgreement under said Cade,and the Lender '•' <br /> shail hava all the rights and remedies of a secured party under said Code in addition to the rights and remedies created under • � <br /> and accorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed ol Trust;provided that Lender's rights and remedies under this paragraph shaU `" <br /> be cumulative with,and in no way a limitation on,Lender's rights and remedies under any other securiry agreement signed by _ <br /> Borrower o►Trustor. • <br /> � (i)��nd Eecumbrancss.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there is no detault under the provisiona of any <br /> . mortgage,deed o}trust,lease or purchase contract describing ali or any part ol the Property,or other conuact,instrument or � <br /> agreement cort�t�2uUng a Uen or encumbrance againat all or any pa-1 of the Property(collectively,"Liens"),existing as of the ;� <br /> ; dat9 of this Dead af Truat,and that eny and all existing Ltens reraain unmodified except as d�sctosed to Lender in Tr�stor's <br /> written disclesLre ot liens and encumbrances provided for herein.Trustdr shail timely perfo�n all af 7custcr's c'bl:gations, <br /> co�enants,r��¢�eser.tations and warranties under any and aU exisiting and future Liens,shail prompity faraeard ca i�ndercopies ,.:; <br /> dt aii r�etices o`detauit sent in connection w�?h any and at!existfrvg ar future Liens,and shail r.rt wiihorii E.ender's prior written <br /> Ecr,se�;in anp manner modity the provisions ot or a;low any tut�are advances under any existing or tuture Uens. <br /> (j} AppikaHon M P:ym�nts.U�less otherwise required by law,sums paid tfl l.ender hereunder,inci�ding without iim�tatton <br /> paa�nents of principal and interest,insurance proceeds,condemnation pracescts and renta and profi's.sh311 be appl�ad by ` <br /> Lender tv the amounts due and owing trom Trustor and Borrower in such order as Lender i�its sole discr�t;�rr deems deslvabte. - � ��� <br /> � (k) SwKaWNtyl.�f any provision of this Deed o1 Trust conflicts with applicabls taw ar�s dec�ared invalid cs�.L�*erwise ,� <br /> � unenforceable,such conitict or invalidity shall not aftect the othef:,rovisons ot this De2�aF 7rust or the NOte wi�'.;;��zn be ;�= <br /> given etiect without the conflicting provis�on,ond to this end Ihe prov�sions o1 this Deed of Truss and t�eN�:e zre G_�-:.~�:t3 be ��"' <br /> severable. � <br /> (I) T�rmi.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"sMa`.�.mctude both singutar and ptural,and when the Tr�;s"�r 3nd Borrower � ��.�'': <br /> are the samo person(s),those terms as ussd in this Deed of Trust ahall be interchangeabfe. <br /> (m) GovKnMp L�w.Thi9 Deod ot Trust shall be governed by the I s of the State of Nebreska. <br /> Trustor has executed this Deed oi Tr�st as ot the date written above. y <br /> '� <br /> Ran ickhoff T or <br /> Trustor <br /> , ' 1 <br /> � i <br /> t. <br /> � <br /> A <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> � . <br />