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<br /> I
<br /> TRUSTOR REAO TH(S BEFORE Sit3i+�lNtic ' ��. 10 4 6 5 3
<br /> Trustor underotands that the doCument that Tniator is abo�atio exea:rte is a Deed af Trust and nat a mort�age and that the pawer
<br /> � o!sate provtded far in ths t�eed o!Trust pro�rEdes sabstanti�l��ditterent rights artd obligations to Trostor than a m�rtsage in the event
<br /> ot$defautt or QreacA ot o6ligatian under the Qeetl at Trust,inctuding,but not limited to,the Lsnder's N�At tc have tfie Property sairf
<br /> by the Trustae without any J�tdicial proceedtng.'Frustor reprssents and warrants that this ackrto ledgemen!was executed by
<br /> : Tru�or�etor6 tlte execution of tha Reed ot Trust �
<br /> � .
<br /> . ( ckhoff) rustor
<br /> Trustar ' .
<br /> � •.;:�:.
<br /> . . . �. .
<br /> , .
<br /> � THiS DEED OF TRUST,is made as of the.�1��day�f. J��� ,19_.�...by and among .
<br /> ; •
<br /> the Trustor, R��Y Eickhof f .
<br /> ; .. ,
<br /> � whose mailing adQress is �� �.���• �'� �slan�� NE (herein"1'rustor;'whe'���ne or r,►+�:Q?;
<br /> � . - '
<br /> : � L"!8 iru�'rE�. Wi l i f am r._ R��aZrrr�.�� �raai,��.�s,f thP ?�'F' Rta!-s�j�� n��+_,� �
<br /> - �:' � �.'!:ase trr��7�ng���r�,.s P.O. S�� 22�R C�cattd �Bland. Lw 68802 , (here::�"trustes'�.and ' .
<br /> . ; L�a 6ene5.eiary. �3t�e Paints BanY. " . .
<br /> ;
<br /> ? whose rrr�.'��g address�s P•O.. Box 15Q7'. �Y�c� 3sland. NE 68802 �n�;ein',Lender'�. � .
<br /> .' , i FOR VALUABIE�QFJ,�:�€Ft�T.���t,inci�t�in�:�c�der s entension of credix i�entifi�herein to . ' .
<br /> ., f Ranc➢Y EiCT�t'�af€ � �
<br /> (herein"Borrower',wh�ther mne ar more)an�the trus't here'n createci, . -
<br /> the receipt of which is fiereby ackne�Nsdged,Trustor hQrgby irrevocabty grants,transf�rs, conveys and assign�tg Trustee, IN � ` �
<br /> � TRUST,WITH POWER OF SJ1LE,ior tl��benefit and securitj.a`I.,:ndar,under and subject to the terms and conditiona hereinafter set .� �
<br /> ' tarth.the real property,desaribed as toltows: : •=;�
<br /> Lot Efghteen (18�, in Block One (Z). Dale Roush Seconc3 Subdivision, in the Citp !•`°=-
<br /> , of Granc� Island, Hall Ca�ty, Neb•ra�ka. -
<br /> i �'c—
<br /> i
<br /> � Topether with el� buildings,improvements,tlxtures,streets,alleys, passageways,easemeni�,rights,priviie�es and appurte-
<br /> � nances located thereon or in anywise pertatning thereto,and the rents,issuss and profits,reversions and rema�nders thereof,and
<br /> � such personal property thet is attached to the impr4vements so as to constitute a tixture,including,but not iimited to,heating end
<br /> � cooling equipment:and togethar with the homestead or marlta)interests,if any,whicb interestsare horeby retaased and walved;a11
<br /> ol whtch,irtcluding replacements and additions thereto,is hereby declared to be a part ot the real estate secured by fhe lian oithis
<br /> � Oeed of Trust and ail of the foregoing being referred to herein as the"P►operty". �
<br /> � This�ee�i of Trust shatl secure(a)the payment ot tfie principal sum and interest evidenoed by a promissory note or credit
<br /> I
<br /> � agreement dated —sT.�la3xy 3� 1990 ,having a maturity date ot Febsuary 5, 1997 _,
<br /> in the origfnal principal Tmount of S �� ,�-L1A ,and any and al!modifications,extensions and renewafs '�
<br /> thereof or thereto end eny artd ell futu►e advances and readvances to Barrower(or any ot them if more than one)hereunder •:�,
<br /> ! pursuant to one or more�romissory�otes or credit agreements(herein ca"ed"Note"y;(b)the payment of other sums advanced by .
<br /> y Lendar to protect the securlty ot the Note:(c)the pertorma�c�oiz'd covenants and agreemonfs of Trustor set torth herein;and(d)ail
<br /> present and tuture tndebtedness and obtigations ot Borrower(oT eny of them��mare than one)to Lender whether direct,indireot
<br /> absalute or contingent and whether arising by note,guaranty,au�rdraft or othorwise.The Note,this Oeed of trust and any and all
<br /> •,� other docuents thaf seauaethe Note or otherwi5s Er.�euted in connection therowith,including without limftation guarantvas,securiry
<br /> agreements end assignr�ents o}leases and r��Y:: shalt be reterred to horein as the"l.oan Instrument5". •
<br /> Trustor Covenants and agrees with Lender as foltows:
<br /> , t• Parrnmi of Ind�M�dn�so.AII Fndebtedness secured hereby�ha�l be paid wi�en due.
<br /> 2. Tkle.Trustor 1s the owner of th�e Property,has the rigl�t and authority to convey tho Properly,and warrants that lhe Ilen
<br /> areated hereby Is a tirst and pNor E�n o�the Property, except for iiens and.encumbrnnces set loflh�y Trustor In wrtting and
<br /> dellvered to Lender betore execution of this Deed ot Trust,and the execution and dellvery o1 thls Deed of Yrust does noi violate any
<br /> contra.t or other obligation to which Trustor is subject.
<br /> , 3.TaK�f,AsN�sm�nb.To pay beTore dellrquency a�l taxes,sAecial assessments and aU ofher cha�ges against tho Prope►ty
<br /> now or hereafter levied.
<br /> 4. (nsur�nc�.To keep the Prope�ty insured�tgainst dama�e by iire,h�zarOS included witNir�the term"extanded caverage',artd
<br /> � such olher h�zards 8s Lendet may requlre,in amounts and w�"7 companies�acceptable to Lendor naming lender as an additional
<br /> named Insure�,with fc?,�payable to the Lender.ln case of foss .r,�sr such���!icies.tho Lender is autharfzpd to adjust,collect and
<br /> � comprom{se,el!c�aim�sttt�reursde�and shall havo tho optron of uH;aiying a:��.r;�art ot the lnsuranco pra�c��s(q to any indobtedness
<br /> seCUred heroby a"y In�.►ch order as Lender may determino,(,,;;r;;tha TrustoP to be used for the repa-r�r ces:oratlon o1 the Property .
<br />