2� 17���81
<br /> C�EE�] �F `TRLJ�T'
<br /> Loan No; 'I�"�3�14�7 ���r��inued} Page 8
<br /> and either of them may pursue inc�nsis�ent remed�es. N�thing in this ❑eed of Trust shall b� construed as
<br /> prohibiting Lender fram seeking a deficiency judgmen� against the Trus�ar to�h� ex�ent such action is perm�tted by
<br /> [aw. Elec�ian by L�nder �o pursue any remedy shal[ nvfi exclud� pursui� of any other remedy, and an el�ct�an �a
<br /> make expendifiures flr �❑ take a�tion to perfarm an abligatian c�� Trustor under�his ❑eed v�Trus�, af��r Trustor's
<br /> faiiure ta perfarm, shall not affec�Len�er`� right ta declare a �efaul'�and exercise i�s remedies.
<br /> Rgqu�st far t�v�ice. Trustor, ❑n behal�of Trustor and Lende�, herehy reques�s that a copy of any Natice o�❑e#aul�
<br /> and a capy o�any N��ic� �f Sale under this Deed ❑f Trust be mailed #a them� at�he addresses set �arth in the �ir$�
<br /> para�raph of�his �eed of Trus�.
<br /> A�tvrn�ys' Fees; Expenses. 1� L�nder in�titu�es any suit vr activn ta enforce any of the terms of this ❑�ed vf
<br /> Trus�, Lender shal! be entitled to reco�er such sum as �the court may ad�udge reasvnable as a��orneys' fees at �rial
<br /> and upon any appeal. Whether or n�t any cour� a��ion is inval��d, and t� �he ex�enf nat prohibited by �aw, ai�
<br /> reasonab[e expens�s Len+der incurs �ha� �n L�nder's opini�n ar� necessary at �ny tim� �ar the pra�ection af i�s
<br /> in�eres�or�he �nfarc�ment❑f its righ�s sha�l be��me a part vf�he Indebtedness payable on demand and sha�� bear
<br /> interest a��he Nate �a�e fr�m the da�e ❑f the expen�iture until repa�d. Expenses �o�ered by this para�raph in�lude,
<br /> withvut lim��atian, h�we�er su�ject tQ any �imits under applicab[e [avv, Len�er's at�arneys' fees and Lender's �egal
<br /> expenses, whether ar na� �there is a �awsuit, inc�uding attorneys' fees and expenses for bankruptcy prviceedings
<br /> �including effarts �v madify or�acate any a�rtomatic s�ay❑r in}u�nction}, appeals, and any anticipa�ed pos�-judgment
<br /> co�lec�ion ser�ices, the cos�❑�searGhing r�cords, �htaining �itle reports �including foreclosure reportsy, sur�eyors'
<br /> r�portsf an� appra�sal fees, title insuranc�, and fiees ��r the Truste�, �o �he extent permitted by applicable (aw.
<br /> Trusta�-also wifl pay any c�urt costs, in addi�ion�o a[� �ther sums pro�ided hy law.
<br /> Rights o�Trus�ee. Trus�e� shalf have all o�the rights and duties ❑f Lende�as set for�h in this sectian.
<br /> P4WERS AND DBLIGATl��VS �F TRUSTEE. The fall�wing pro�isions relating to�he powers and obligat�ans o�F Trus�ee
<br /> are par�a�this Deed ofi Trus�:
<br /> Pvwers of Trusfiee. In addi�ion fio all pawers af Trus�e� arising as a mat�er�f�aw, Trustee shall ha�� �he power to
<br /> take th� fallawing ac�ivns with respect �❑ the Pr�perty upan the written reques# of Lend�r and Trustar: �a} join in
<br /> preparinc� and �i[�ng a map ❑r p[at af �he Real Prvperty, i�nc�uding the dedica�ion ❑f streets vr other rights ta �he
<br /> public; �b� join zn g�an�ing any easerr�ent ar cr�ating any res�ric�ian on the Real Prvperty; and �c� jain in any
<br /> subardination or�ather a�reernen�affeGt�ng�his De�d of Tru��or the interest of Lender under this �eed o�Trust,
<br /> Trustee. Trus�ee shall mee� a�€ qualificatians �equired �or Trus�ee under app�icabl� law. ln addition �o �he righ�s
<br /> and remedies set forth abbr�e, with resp�cfi ta a�1 or any part o� �he Pr�perty, �he T�ustee sha�1 ha�e the �ight to
<br /> fare�[�se by no�ice and sale, and L�nder shall ha�� the righ� �t� fvreclose by judicial for�clasure, in ei�her �ase in
<br /> accordan�e vuith and�a the full exfien�praWided by applicable �aw.
<br /> Su�cessvr Trus�ee. Lender, at Len�er's �ptit�n, r�ay��om �ime�a fime appaint a successor Trustee to any Trus�ee
<br /> app�inted under this Deed of Trus� by an ins�rument executed and acknowledged by Lender and recvrded in the
<br /> office vf the recorder v� HALL Coun�y, S�a�e of Ne�raska. Th� instrument shall cvntain, in addi�ion to all other
<br /> matters �equired by s�at� law, the names o� the ariginal Lender, Truste�, and Trustor, �he �ook and pag� �ar
<br /> campu'�er system refer�nce} wher� th�s I7eed of Trus� is recorded, and �h� name and address af the successor
<br /> trust�e, an�the ins�rument shall be executed and acknowledged by a��the beneficiari�s under this Deed o�Trust nr
<br /> the�r su�cessors in 3n�erest. The suc�essar �rustee, withaut Gon�eyance a�the Praperty, �hall succe�d tv a[[ the
<br /> t€t�e, p�wer, and duties �an�erred up�n the Trustee in�his Deed of Trust and by applicable [aw. This procedure �ar
<br /> s�ubstitu�ion o�Trus�ee shall gavern�o the exclusian a� a�� ather praWisions far substitutian.
<br /> N�T[GES. Any no�ic� required �� be given under this Deed o� Trust, in�luding withaut �imitation any no�ice af def�ult
<br /> and any nvt�ce of sale �hall be gi��n �n wri�ing, and shail be e��ective when actually del��ered, when a�tually recei�ed
<br /> �y te�e�acsimile �unless athervirise required by [aw�, when deposited wi�h a nationally recogni�ed v�ernigh�cauri�r, or, �f
<br /> mailed, when d�posited �n�he Llnified 5tates mai[, as first class, certified ar registered mail pos�age prepaid, directed ��
<br /> the addresses shvrn�n n�ar�he beginnin� af�his C�eed t�f Trust. All �vpies of nv�ices ❑f foreclosure �from the hvlder of
<br /> any lien which has pr�ari�y t��er �his ❑eed of Trust shall h� sen� �o Lend�r's addr�ss, as shown near the beginning ❑f
<br /> this Deed Q� �'rusfi. Any �arty may chang� i�s address fQr nati�es under th€s Deed af Trust by giving farmal written
<br /> no�ice to the o�th�r par-�ies, speci�ying that �he purp�se afi �he notice is ta change the par�y's address. Far notice
<br /> purposes, Trustor agrees to keep Lender in�vrmed at al( times ofi Trustar's curren� add�-ess. Un[ess ❑therwise �ro�ided
<br /> ar required by law, i�there is more �han ❑ne Trus�or, any n�tice gi�en by L�nder tn any Trustor is deemed ta be nvtice
<br /> gi�en to al�Trustars.
<br /> �1115CELLANE�US PR�VISf�NS. The�ollowing miscellaneous pro�i$ions are a par�of this �eed ofi Trust:
<br /> Amendments. This ❑�ed o�Trust, �oge�kher tnri�#h any Related Da�uments, canstitutes the entire understanding and
<br /> agreem�nt ��t�e p�rties as �v the ma�tters set �orth in �his Deed o�Trust. N� al�erat�on of vr amendm�nt to �khis
<br /> Deed ❑f Trust shall b� effective unless gi�en in wri�ing ar�d signed by the par�y or par�ies sought ta be charged or
<br /> baund by the al�era�ian ar amendment.
<br /> Annual Repor�s. I� �he Prvperty is used €or purposes ❑ther than Trus�or`s residen�e, Trus�tvr shall furnish t�
<br /> L�nder, upan r�quest, a c�r�i�iec� statement o� net ❑pera�ing incame recei�ed firom the Property during Trus�vr's
<br /> previous �iscal year in such fa�m and detail a� Lende� shai[ require. "Ne� operating income" shall mean ail cash
<br /> rece�pts �ram the Property Iess a11 cash expenditures made in�onnection vvi�h the ❑pera�ion o#the Prop�r�y.
<br />