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2� 17���81 <br /> �]EE[� �F TFiIJ�I' <br /> Lvan IVo: 1��3U 1 D97 ��vtlti�u�d} �age 7 <br /> Accelerativn Upvn Defaul�; Addi#ional Remedies. [f any E��n�of De�au[t o�curs as per�he �erms of the IVote <br /> secured hereby, Lender may de�lare all Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trus�ta 1�e due and payable and <br /> the same shal[ �hereupan �ecome due and payabie withau� any pres�n�ment, demand vr prvtest of any kind. <br /> Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> �a� Ei�her in persan o� by agent, wi�h or withau�k br`rnging any activn or proceeding� vr by a receiWer <br /> appainted by a �our� and wi�hout regard �o the adequacy of i�s s�curi�y, enter upon and �ake possessifln <br /> of the Proper�y, or any part thereaf, in �ts ov�rn name or in the narr�e of Trust�e, an� d� any acts wh�ch i� <br /> deerns ne�essary�r desirable to preser�e �he �alu�, rnarke�abiiity ❑r ren�abi�i�y a��he Praperty, ❑r part fl# <br /> �he Prvperty ❑r �n�erest in �he Property; increase �he income fr�m fihe Prvper�y �r protect the security of <br /> the Property; and, with or without �aking pvssessian ❑� the Proper�y, sue fia� vr vtherwise �ollect the <br /> rents, issues and prvfi�s o�the Property, inciuding those past due and unpaid, and apply �h� same, less <br /> cos�s and �xpenses of❑peratian and ��Ilect�an attvrneys' #ees, Co any indebtedness secured b�this Deed <br /> a� Trus�, all in such arder as Lender may determine. The en�ering upon and �kaking passession ❑� the <br /> Prvperty, �he colle�tion �f such ren�s, 155I..1�S and profi�s, and �he application therenf sha�� na� �ure or <br /> wai�e any de�fault or no�ice ❑�de�aul� under Yhis aeed �f Trus� ❑r in�alidate any act dan� in r�sponse t❑ <br /> such default vr pursuan�to su�h no�ice af defaul�; and, no�twiths�anding the continuan�e in possession a�f <br /> the Property or �he �allecti�n, receip� and app[ication of r�nts, issues or pra�its, Trustee vr Lender sha�l <br /> be entitled to exer�cise e�ery right pravided �ar in th� Nate ar the Rela�ed Dacumen�s or by !aw upon th� <br /> accurrence of any e�ent o�defauft, including the rig���a exercise�he pawe�❑f sale; <br /> �b� Gammence an act�an�o fa�eclose th�s Qeed af Trus�k as a martgag�, appvin� a r�ce��er ar speci�ically <br /> en�ar�e any af the cauenants herev�; and <br /> �c} Deli�er to Trustee a written d�clara�ian o�de�ault and d�mand �or sale and a wri�ten notic� of default <br /> and elec�ion�o cause Trustar's intere�t in fihe Prope�ty to he sald, which na�i�e Trus�ee shall cause to be <br /> duly�i1ed for recard �n�he appropriate vffi�es o��the Goun�y in which the Froper�y is located; and <br /> �d} V�lith respe���o all or any part af the Personal Praperty, Lender shall ha�e all the rights and remedies <br /> ❑f a secured par�y under the Nebraska Llniforrn �ommer�ial Code. <br /> Fvreclasure by Power vf 5ale. I�F Lender ele�ts�v forecfose by exercise ❑�the Par�ver af Sale herein ca�n�ained, <br /> Lender shall notify Trustee and shall depvsit w�th Trustee this ❑eed vf Trust and t�e Na�e and such re�eipts <br /> and e�idence of expenditures made and se�ured b�this Deed a�Trust as Trus�ee may requir�. <br /> �a} Llpon receipt of such not�ce fram Lender, Trus�ee shall cause to be recvrded, �ub�ished and deli�ered <br /> to Trustor such Natice vf De�aul� and Natic� of Sale as then required by �aw and �y �this Deed of Trus�. <br /> Trustee shall, wi�hvu� demand an Trustor, aft�r such tim� as may th�n be r�quired by law and after <br /> re�orda�ivn o�such Natice �� D�fault and after Nofiice vf Sa�e ha�ing been �i�en as required by lauv, sell <br /> the Proper�y at the time and place o� sale �ixed by �� in su�h Natice o� �ale, either �s a whole. or in <br /> separate Io�s or parcel`s nr items as Trustee shal( deem expedient, and in su�h arde�as it may determine, <br /> at pubiic auc�ian to �he highest hidder for cash in law�u� money o�f �he lJnited States payable at the time <br /> o# sale. Trus�ee shall d�[i�er �a such pu��haser or pur�hasers therevf its gaad and sufficien� deed or <br /> deeds conveying th� prope�ty sa sald, hu� virith�ut any cov�nant or warranty, express or impfied. The <br /> recitals in such deed vf any matters ar facts shall be conclusive prvof vf the �ru�h�Fufness �heren�. Any <br /> persan, inc�uding virithout limitation Trustar,Trus�ee, vr Lend��, may purchase afi such sale, <br /> �b} As may be permi��ed hy law, a#�er deducting all cos�s, fees and expen�es af Trus�e� and af this <br /> Trust, including co�ts flf e�i�ence o�title in connecti�n with sale,Trustee shai� apply the praceeds of sale <br /> �o payment afi ��} all sums expended �nder the terms o�this Deed of Trus�ar under the term���the Nate <br /> not then repaid, including but na� f�mited to ac�rued in�erest and fa�te charges, �iiy a[I v�her suims then <br /> secured hereby, and �iii� the remainder, if any, ta the pe�san❑r person� lega�ly entitl�d there�o. <br /> �c� Trustee may in�he manner pravided by law pnstpane sale�f all ❑r any pvr�ian ❑�the Pr�p�rty= <br /> Remedies Nat Exclusi�e. Trust�e and Lender, and �ach a� them, shall be en�ifiled �a enforce payment and <br /> perfarmance of any indebtedness ❑r abligations secured by�his ❑eed af�`rust and ta exercise a(� rights and pvwers <br /> under �his Deed of Trust, under the No�e, under any of �the Rela�ed Dacuments, or und�r any ather agreement ar <br /> any laws now �r herea�ter in force; na�withstanding, svme or a)1 0�such �ndeb�edness and ab�iga�ions secured by <br /> this Deed of Trus� may now or hereafter be otherwise seGured, v►rhether by mvr�gag�, d�ed of trust, pledge, lien, <br /> assignmen� ar a�herwise. Nei�her the acceptanc� o# this Deed o� Trus� nor i�s en�orcemen�, w�eth�r �y caurt <br /> a�tion or pursuant to the power ❑# sale nr a�her powers cantained in this Deed a� Trust, sha[f prejudi�e or in any <br /> manner af�rect Trustee`s ar Lender's right �v realize upan nr enf�rce any ather security naw �r h��eaf�er held hy <br /> Trus�ee or Lender, it being agreed that Trus�ee anc� Lender, and �ach ❑f the�m, sl�a[! be ent�filed ta enfor�e this Deed. <br /> af Trust and any o�her security nvw �r hereafter held by Lender o� Trustee in such order and manner as they vr <br /> either of them may in their absalute discre�ion determine. No remedy c�n�ferred up�n ar r�served ta Trustee or <br /> Lender, is intended to be exclusi�e of any a�th�r remedy in this Deed of Trus��ar by law pro�ided ar permitt�d, but <br /> each shall be cumulati�e and shall k�e in addition to e�ery ��her rsmedy gi�e� in �his ❑eed ❑� T�us� or now ❑r <br /> herea�ter existing a� �aw ar in equity ar by s�a�u��. E�ery patrve��r remedy gi�en by fihe Note c�r any o��he Rela�ed <br /> Do�um�nts to Trus�e� ❑r Lender vr to which either vf them may be atherwise �n�itl�d, may be exercised, <br /> concurrently ❑r �ndependen�ly; �ram time ta time and as aften as may be deemed expedien� by Trustee ❑r Lend�r, <br />