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2� 17���81 <br /> [3EEL7 �]F TRLJ�T' <br /> Loan IVa: 'I��3fl'I��7 {���ti�ued� �'age � <br /> Captivn Headings. Cap�ion headings in th�s ❑eed of Trus� are fvr canven�ence purposes �n�y and are nat tQ be <br /> used�o inte�pre�ar�efine�he pro�isions ❑f this Deed o�Trus�. <br /> Merger. There shalf be n❑ merger af the inte�est or estate cr�at�d by�his �eed o�Trust w�th any❑ther �nterest ar <br /> estate in the Prnperty at any time he�d by or�or the bene�it a�Lender in ar�y �apacity, r►vithau�the riv�-itten c�nsen� <br /> of Lender. <br /> �o�erning Law. This I]eed of Trust wi[E �e governed by federa[ law appiicable tv Lertder and, tv the ex�en� nvt <br /> preempted by federal [aWv,the iaws af the 5tate v#�lebraska wi#haut r�gard to its conflicts o#�aw prarrisions. This <br /> Deed vf Trust has been accepted hy Lender in�he Stafe of Nebraska. <br /> Cha�ce of Venue. If there is a lavvsuit, Trus�ar agrees u�an Lender's reques� to submi� to the jurisd�ctivn of the <br /> �aur�s of HALL Coun�yT Sta�e of Nebraska. <br /> Joint and Se�eral Liability: All abliga�ions o� Barrvwer and Trusto� under fihis D�ed afi Trust shal! be ��in� and <br /> se�eral, and al[ references �v Trustar shall mean each and e�ery Trus�or, and all references�a Borr�wer shal� mean <br /> each and every Barro�rver. This means tha�each Trusto�signir�g be�aw is resp�nsible f�r all abligativns in this Deed <br /> of T�ust. <br /> IVv VIlai�er hy Lender. Lender shall not be deemed tv have wai�ed any rights under this Deed ❑�Trust unless such <br /> wai�er is gi�en in writing and signed by Lender. Na de�ay or vmission on�he par�o�Lender in exercis�ng any right <br /> shalf opera�e as a wai�er❑�such righ� or any ofiher right. A wai�er by Lender❑� a provis��n o�F this ❑e�d of Trust <br /> shall no� pre�udice ❑r cnnstitufie a wai�er ❑f Lender's righ� otherwis� t❑ demand stri�t cvmp�iance with tha� <br /> pro�ision ar any ❑fiher p���isian of this De�d o�f Trust. No pr�vr vvai�er by Lender, nor any �ourse ❑fi dealing <br /> between Lender and Trus��r, shal� cans�itute a wai�er of any of Lender's rights or vf any o�Trustor's �bligativns <br /> as ta any future transac�ions. Whenever the consent af Lender is required under this Deed af Trust, �he granting <br /> ofi such cvn�ent by Lender in any ins�ance shall no� cansti�ute cvntinuing cvnsen� to subsequen� ir�stances where <br /> such cons�nt�s required and in all �ases such cansent may be granted �r rrvi�hhei� in�he�ofe discretian o�Lender. <br /> 5evera�ili�y. I� a court o� ��mpetent jurisdictivn finds any pro�ision o� �his Deed of Trust ta be illegal; in�alid, ❑r <br /> unen�or�eable as �ko any p�rsan or circumstance, that fiinding shall nv�nnake �he vff�nding prv�ision illega�, in�afid, <br /> or unenforceab�e as to any a�ther person or �ircums�ance. lfi �ea�ible, the vffending pro�is'rnr� shall be �flnsidered <br /> modi�ied so tha� it becvmes legal, �aiid and �n�orceable. �f the of�ending p�avision cannat be so modi�ied, i�sha[� <br /> be cansidered deleted frvm �this Deed af Trust. Unless ��h�rwise requi�ed by faw, the �I�egality, in�afidity, ar <br /> unen�fl�ceability of any pro�isivn ❑f th�s Deed o�Trus� sha�l nv� af�ect fihe legality, W�iidity ❑r en#�r��abi�i�y af any <br /> other pro�ision of this Deed o�Trust, <br /> 5u�c�ssvrs and Assigns. Su�jec��o any limitations s�ated in this Dee� v� Trust on �ransfer af Trustor's interest, <br /> this Deed o� Trus� shall be binding upon and inure �a the benef�� a�F the parties, their suceessors and assigns. If <br /> awnersh�p ofi the Pr�per�y becames �ested in a pe�-s�r� ❑�her than Trust�flr, Lend�r, wi�hout na�ice ta T�-ust�r, may <br /> deal with Trustor's successars with reference to fih�s Deed ��Trust and the lnd�btedness by way�f farbearance or <br /> extension withvu�releasing Trustar�rom the abliga�Cions o�this Deed v�Trus�or liahility under the fndeb�edness. <br /> Time is vf the Essence. Time is❑f the essence in�he perfiormance❑f this Deed of Trust. <br /> 1111a�ver of Homes�ead Exemptivn. Trus�or hereby releas�s and waives all rights and benefits ofi the hames�ead <br /> exemption laws ❑�th� State vf Nebraska as�o all lndeht�dness secur�d by this Deed ❑f Trus�. <br /> pEF[[��T1�IV5. The following capi�aii�ed wflrds and �erms shal� ha�e the fallra�nr�ng meanin�s �rvhen used in th�s Deed of <br /> Trust. Unless specifically s�a�ed to the con�rary, all referenc�s �o doilar am�un�ks sha�� mean amounts in lawful m�ney <br /> o# the United States af Ame�ica. Wvrds and terms used in the sir�gular shall �nelude the pluraf, and �he pluraf sha[( <br /> include rhe singufar, as the context may requir�. Wards and terms nat otherwise de�ined ir� this Deed of Trus� shall <br /> ha�e�he meanings attributed ta such terms in the Uniform C�mmercia� Cad�: <br /> Beneficiary. The ward "Bene�iciary" rneans Fi�e Points Bank, and it� successvrs and assigns. <br /> B�rrow�r. The ward "Bvr�-o�er" means 2 MA[]ER FARMS, lNC6;ZACH S MADER; LAU�A M MADER; and MA�A <br /> MA�ER and inc�udes a�i co�signers and ca-makers signing the Note and afl��eir successors an�d assigns. <br /> Deed af Trust. The words "Deed o� Trus�" mean th�s Deed of T�ust among Trustor, Lender, and T�us�ee, and <br /> includes with�ut limi�ation all assignment and securi�y interes� provisions re�a�ing to the Pers�na� Property and <br /> Ren�s. <br /> De#ault. The wvrd "De��ult`' means the ❑e#ault set�ar�h in this Deed o�Trus�in the seGtian titled "Default". <br /> EnWirvnmen�al Laws. The words "En��ranmen�a� Laws" mean any and all state, �ederal and IoGal statu�es, <br /> regulativns and ordinahces relating tv the pro�ection of human health or the en�ir�nrnent, in�luding withaut <br /> limitation the Compr�hensi�e Environmental Respvnset C�mpensation, and �.iability A�t ❑� �98(�, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.C, 5ecti�n 9��1, e� seq. �"CERCLA"�, the 5uperfund Amendments and Reautharization Act ❑� �98�, Pub. L, <br /> Na. 99-499 �"SARA"�, �he Hazardaus Mater�als Transparta�ivn Ac�, 49 U.S.C. Section 1 S��, e��eq., �h� Resource <br /> Canser�atian and Reco�ery Acfi; 4� U:�.C. Sect�fln �i9�1, et s�q,, ar other applicable stat� or �ederal [aws, rufes, <br /> ❑r reyu�ations adap�ed pursuant�thereto. <br /> EWent vf Defau�f. The words "E�ent af Default" mean any af the �Wents of de�aul�se�fQrth in this []eed of Trust in <br /> the events of ds�ault section��this De�d o�Trust. <br />