2� 17���81
<br /> []EE� �F T'F�L��T'
<br /> Loan �o: '�C�'13D't 4�7 ����1���u�d� Page �i
<br /> Lend�r as Trus�or's ���tvrney-in-�act for the purpase af making, exe�utin�, de[ivering, filing, recarding, and doing a�l
<br /> �ther things a� may be necessary ar desirab�e, in Lend�r's sofe apin�on, �o accvmp[ish the ma�te�s re�Ferred �a in
<br /> the preceding par�graph.
<br /> FULL PERFflRIV�A�GE. lfi E�orrawer and TrustQr pa� a[[ the lnd�btedness, in��uding without �imi�a�ian all future
<br /> ad�ances, when due, and Trustar atherirvise perfvrm� all �he ❑bligatians �mpased upon Trustor under this De�d a�Trus�,
<br /> Lender shall ex��ute and deli�er ta Tru�tee a re�uest for full recon�eyance and shall execu�e and deli�er �o Trus�or
<br /> suitable s�a�ements ❑f termina�ion o� any �inancing st�temenf on �i�e e�idencing Lender's securi�y in�erest in the Rents
<br /> and �he Personal Property: Any recr�nveyance ��e required by law shall be paid �y Trus�or, if permitfied by appli�able
<br /> law.
<br /> E1IEIVTS �F ❑EFAULT. Each o��he �vllawing, at Lender's vp�ion, sha1� cans�i�ute an E�ent of DefauN� under this ❑eed
<br /> o#Trust:
<br /> Paymen�De�au�t. Barrvwer�ails to make any payment yruhen due under the lndeb�edness.
<br /> Dther De�aulfs. Barrawer or Trustor �Fa�ls ta campiy v+rith or ta perfnrm any o�her #erm, abliga�ian, cflvenan� or
<br /> conditi�n cantained in this D�ed vf Trust vr in any af th� Rela�ed Dncuments ❑r to �amp[y wi�h or tv perform any
<br /> t�rm, abligatian, cv�enant or candition con�ained in any o�her agreement between Lender and Barr�w�r vr Trustor,
<br /> Cvmplian�e Dsfaul#. Failure tv comply vvith any other term, �bligation; cvvenant or canditivn cantained in �his
<br /> �eed af Trust, the No�e or in any❑f the Re�ated Dacuments.
<br /> Default an �#her Payments. Failure of Trus��r v►�i�hin the �ime required by this Deed of Trust tia make any paymen�
<br /> �Fvr taxes or insurance, ❑r any other paym�nt necessary t� pre�ent filing of or�� e��ect disGharge ❑f any lien.
<br /> Fa�se Sta�ements. Any warran�y, representa�ion vr s�atement made ar furnished �o Lender by Borrawer o�Trus�vr
<br /> ar on Q�rr�wer's ❑r Trus�ar's behal� under �h�s CJeed of �rust o�`the Related Dacurri�nts is false or misleading in
<br /> any ma�erial resp�ct, either nvw ar at the time made vr furnished or b�comes �alse �r misieading at any time
<br /> thereaf�er.
<br /> Defect�ve Collateralizativn. This D�ed of Trus� ar any ❑f the ReCated Dvcuments ceases to be in ful( for�e and
<br /> effe�t {including �ai[ure o� any �ollateral dvcument t� cr�a�e a Walid and per�ected security interest ar iienf at any
<br /> time and for any reasan,
<br /> Death vr lnsoluency. Th� dis�olutian or termina�ian of Barrawer's ❑r Trustor's existence as a gaing busin�ss, the
<br /> insalvency o� Bvrrawer or Trustort the appoin�ment ❑f a r�cei�er for any part of B�rrav+�er's ❑r Trustor's proper�y,
<br /> any assir�nmen��or�the �enefit a��reditor�, any type af credi�or vvorkau�, or the comm�ncement a�any prflceeding
<br /> und�r any bankruptcy �r ins�[�ency I�ws by c�r aga�nst Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> Credi�or ar Forfe�tur� Proceedings. Cvmmencemen� a� fareclosure or �orfei�ure proceedings, whether by judicial
<br /> proceed�ngr s�(�-h�lp, repossession or any other methad, by any credifar ❑� Barrower or Trustor ❑r by any
<br /> g��ernmental ag�n�y agains� any prvperty securing �he �ndebtedness. This includes a garnishmen� �f any af
<br /> Bvrr�we�-`s ❑r Trustor's accaunts, including depasit accounts, vvi�h Lender. Howe�er; �his EWent ❑� Defiault shall
<br /> nvt app�y if there is a g�vd fai�h dispufie by Borro�nrer or Trusta� as ta �he �alidi�y ❑r �easona�leness af the claim
<br /> which is the basi� o#the cre�i�or or�arfeitur� prviceeding and if Borravver or Trustvr gi�es Lender written natice of
<br /> �he �reditor vr�vrfeifiure Proceeding and d�posi�Cs wifih Lender manies or a surety band �vr th� cr�ditor or forfei�ure
<br /> pro�eeding, in an amoun�determined by Lender, in its �ole dis�re�ion, as being an adequa�� r�ser�e or band #or the
<br /> dispute.
<br /> Breach �f[3ther Agr�ement. Any breach by B�rrawer or Trus�t�r under the �erms of any o�her agreement�e�ween
<br /> Borrower or Trus�or and Lender that is not remedied wi�hin any grace period pra�ided therein, including withou�
<br /> limi�ation any ag�e�ment cancerning any indeb�edness or ather ob[iga�rion ❑f F3orrawer or Trus�or tr� Lender,
<br /> wh�th�r existing novv or�ater.
<br /> E�►en�s Affe�fiing Guarantor. Any of the pr�ceding ev�n�s oc�urs wi�h respec�to any �ua�an�or, endor�er, Surety,
<br /> ar ac�ommodati�n party a�f any af �he �ndebtedness or any guarantor, endorser, surety, �r accommodativn party
<br /> di�s vr hecom�s in��mpet�nt, or revak�s or disputes the validity af, ❑r liabili�y under, any Guaranty of th�
<br /> Indebtedness.
<br /> Adrrerse Chan�e. A ma��ria� ad�erse change accurs in Bvrrawer's or Trus�o�'s financiai �andition, or Lender
<br /> belieWes the prvspect v�paym�nt❑r per�ormance of the lndebtedness �s impaired.
<br /> [nsecuri�y. Lend�r in g�ad fai�h beli��es i�tsei�insecure.
<br /> Right to Cure. lf any de#aul�, a�her than a de�aul�in payment, is curable and i�Trus�or has no� been giWen a natice
<br /> o�a breach af th�same proWisi�n a�F�his Deed vf Trus�wi�thin�he preceding twel�e �1�} mon�hs, it may be cured if
<br /> T�ustor, after Lender sends written no�ice to Borrvwer demanding cure ❑f su�h de#aul�: {�} cures �he de�aul�
<br /> within ���teen {15} days; or {�} if�he cure require� mc�re than fifteen {15} days, immediately in�tia�es steps virhi�h
<br /> Lender de�ms in Lender's sale discre�ian �o be su�ficien� tv cure the de�ault and �hereaf��r continu�s and.
<br /> c�mp�etes all r�asanable and necessary steps su��ficient to produce c�mplianc� as svan as r�asvnably prac�ical.
<br /> RIGHTS AND l�EMED[ES fl[V DEFAULT. If an E�ent af Defaul� ❑Gcurs under this Deed af Trust, at any t�me the�eafter,
<br /> Tru�tee�r Lender ma�exercise any vne vr mvre❑f the fvllowing r�ghts and rem�dies:
<br />