2� 17���33
<br /> L�AN#: 33'1424'14�1
<br /> or ground r�n#s on the Prvperty, if any, and Community Association Dues, Fe�s, and Assessments, if
<br /> any. To the extent that th�se �tems are Es�r�w Items, Bvrr�wer shall pay them in the mann�r provided
<br /> in Sec��on 3,
<br /> Bvrrower shal! promptfy discharge any lien which has priority v��r this Security Instrument un[ess
<br /> Barrower:�a}a�rees in writing tv the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner accepfable
<br /> to Lender, but only so Iong as Borrower is per�orming such ag�eem�nt; �b}con#es#s the lien in goad faith
<br /> hy,or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal pro�eedings which in Lende�'s opinion operate to
<br /> pre�ent the enfarcement of the lien whi�e those proceedings are pending,bu#onfy until such�raceedings
<br /> are c�nclude�;ortc}seGur�s fr�m th�holderof the lien an agre�ment satisfactory ta Lender subord�nating
<br /> #he lien t�this S�curity Instrument. If Lender��termines that any park of the Pro�erty is sub�ect ta a lien
<br /> which �an attain pri�rity o�er this Secur�ty Instrument, L�nder may g�ve Borrawer a n�tice id�ntifying
<br /> the i�en. Vllith�n 1�days of the dat�an which that n�tice is gi�en, Borr�wer shalE satisfy the fien or take
<br /> on�or mare of the actions se#farth a�aove in this 5ection 4.
<br /> Lender may requ�re 8arrower �o pay a ane-time char�� fnr a r�a� estate tax �eri€ication andlor
<br /> reporting service used by Lender in conneCtion with#his Loan.
<br /> 5. Praperty Insurance,Borrower shall keep the impro�ements n�w ex'rsting or hereafter erected on
<br /> the Praperty insured against Ioss by�re, hazards inCludedwithin�heterm"�xtended co�erage,"and any
<br /> otherhazards including,but no#limited to,ear#hquakes and floo�s,forwhich Lender requires insurance.
<br /> This�n�urance shall be main#aine� in the amaunts�inciuding deductible le�els}and far the perivds that
<br /> Lende� requires. What L�nder requires pursuant to th� preceding sentences can change during the
<br /> term ofthe Laan.The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to
<br /> Lender's right t�disappra�e B�rrvwer's choice,wh�ch��ght shall n�t be exercis�d unreasanab�y. L�nder
<br /> may require Borrower to pay, in connectian w�th this Loan, either: �a}a❑ne-time�harge for fl�od z�ne
<br /> determination, certifi�ation and tracking services; or�b}a one-time�harge for flvod zone determinat�an
<br /> and certification servic�s and subsequ�nt charges each time remappings or similar changes occurwhich
<br /> �easonably might affect such d�terminatian or certification. Borrower shali also b� r�sponsible for the
<br /> payment of any fees imposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency �n cannection with th�
<br /> re�iew of any floo�zone determinat�on resulting from an objectian by Borrower. .
<br /> If Borrower�ai�s to ma�ntain any vf the co�erages descr�bed abo�e, Lender may obtain insurance
<br /> Go�erage, at Lender's opti�n and Borrawer's expense. Lendsr is under no obligatian to purchase any
<br /> particular type�r amount of co�erage.Therefore, such�overage shall co�er Lender, but mEght or might
<br /> nnt protect Borrower, Borrower's equity in the Pr�pe�#y,or the cantents of the Pra�erty, aga�nst any risk,
<br /> hazard or iiability and migh�pro�ide greater or less�r�o�erage than was pre�iously in effect. B�rrawer �
<br /> ackn�wledges that�he cost nf the insuran�e co�erage so obtained m�ght signiftcantly exceed�he cost
<br /> of insurance that Bnrraw�r cau�d ha�e obtained.Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Sectian '
<br /> �
<br /> 5 shall become addit�onal debt of Borrower secur�d by this Security Instrument. These amounts shall �
<br /> bear interest at the Note rate fr�m the date of dEsbursement and shall be payable, with such interest,
<br /> upan notice from Lender to Borrower request�ng payment.
<br /> All insurance pa��cies require�by Lend�r and renewals af such pvlicies shall be subject t�Lender's
<br /> r�ght t�disappro�e such pvlicies, shall include a s�andard mortgage c�ause, and shall name Lender as
<br /> martgage�an�lor as an additional lass payee.Lender shall hav�the right t�hald the poticies and renewal
<br /> certificates. If Lender requires, Bvrrow�r shall pramptly�ive ta Lender all rece�pts of paid premiums and
<br /> renewal notic�s. If Borrawer obtains any farm of insurance Co�erage, not otherwis�required by Lender,
<br /> �or damage to,o�destruction af,the Prvperty, such pvli�y shaEl include a standard mortgage clause and
<br /> shall name Lender as martgag��andlor as an additiona� �oss paye�.
<br /> In the e�ent of loss, Barrawer shall giv���ompt n�tice t�the insurance carr��r and Lender. Lender
<br /> may make prnof of lass if nat made promptly by Borrnwer. Unless Lender and Borrower atherwise agree
<br /> in writir►g, any insurance proceeds, whether or not the underlying insurance was requir�d by L�nder,
<br /> shall be applied�a restoration or repa�r of th�Prop�rty, if the restaration or repair is economically feas�ble
<br /> and Lender's security is nat lessened. During such repa�r and restoratian period, Lender shall ha�e the
<br /> right to hvld such insuranc� proceeds until Lender has had an op��rtunity to inspe�t such Property to
<br /> �nsure the work has been campleted to Lender's satisfactian, pro�ided tha� such inspectian shall be
<br /> undertak�n promptly, Lend�r may disburse procee�s forthe�epai�s and restoration in a single payment
<br /> a�in a series o�progress payments as the wark is cample�ed. Uniess an agreement is made in writing or �
<br /> Appl�ca�l�Law requires�nter�st to be paid on such��surance proceeds, Lender shal!not be required ta �
<br /> pay B�rrower any intere���r earnings on such prace�ds.Fe�s for public adjusters,or other third pa�ties, �
<br /> �etained by B�rrow�r shal�not be paid aut af the insurance p�oceeds and shall be the sole obligati�n of '
<br /> Borrawer. I�the r�storat�an or repa�r is not econamEcally feasible ar Lender's security would be lessened,
<br /> the insurance proceeds shall be applied to �h� sums secur�d by this Security lnstrument, whether o�
<br /> nvt then due,with the excess, if any, pa�d to Barrower. Such insuranc�pr��eeds shail be applied in the �
<br /> arder provided for in Se�t��n �. �
<br /> i�Borrower aban�ons the Property, Lender may fi�e, neg�tiate and settle any avai�able insu�an��
<br /> claim and�elated matters. If Barrower daes not respond within 3�days to a notice from Lender that the
<br /> insurance carrier has offered to s�#tle a claim, then Lender may negotiate and settl�the cfa�m.The 3�-
<br /> day peri�d w�!! begin when the notice is�i�en. In either e�ent, ar�f L�nder acquires the Property under
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie Mae�Fredd�e A�[ac UNIF�RM iNSTRUMENT Form 3�28 1101
<br /> Ellie Mae,In�. Page 5 af'I'� NEEDEED �315
<br /> 1212�12�16 a8:28 AM P5T �
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