2� 17���33
<br /> L�A N#: 33�I 424'!41
<br /> 2. Applicatian of Payments or Proceeds. Except as vtherwise described in this Sec#ian 2, all
<br /> payments accepted and applied by Lender shall be a�p�ied in the follo►►ving o�der of�rivrity: �a} interes#
<br /> due under th�Not�; �b}prin�ipal due under the Note; �c}amounfs du�under Section 3. Such paymen�s
<br /> shal�be appli�d to each P�riodic Payment�n the orde�in which it b�cam�due.Any rema�nin�amaunts
<br /> shall �e applied first ta la#e charges, se�ond ta any oth�r amounts due under this Security �nstrum�nt,
<br /> and th�n tn reduce#he principal balance of�he Note.
<br /> If Lender recei�es a payment from Borrawer for a delinquent Period�c Payment wh�ch includes a
<br /> suffi�ient am�unt t��ay any late charge due,the�aymen�may be applied ta the delinquent payment and
<br /> the late charge.I�more than one Pe�iodic Paymen#is outstand ing,Lender may apply any payment recei�e�
<br /> from Borr�werto#hs repayment of the Periodic Payments��,and to#he extent that,each payment can be
<br /> paid in full.To the extent that any excess�xists after#he paym�nt is applied to the full payment af one or
<br /> more Periodic Payments, such excess may be applie�to any late charges due.Voluntary prepayments
<br /> shali be applied firs�#a any prepayment charges and then as described in the Note.
<br /> Anya�plicativn ofpayments,insurancepraceeds,vrMiscelfaneous Procee�stoprincipaldueunder
<br /> the N�te shall not extend or postpone the due date, ar change the amount, of the Periodic Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escrow ftems. Bor�awer shall pay to Lend�r on the day P�riodic Payments are due
<br /> under the Na#e, until the Not� is paid in full, a sum�the"Funds"}to provrde for payment af amaunts due
<br /> f�r:�a}tax�s and assessments and other items which Can attain pri�rity over this Security Ins�rument as
<br /> a iien�r encum�rance on the Proper�y; �b}leasehald payments or gr�und ren#s on the Property, if any;
<br /> �c}premiums f�r any and all insuranc�required by Lender under Section 5;and�d}Mnrtgage Insurance
<br /> p�emiums,if any,ar any sums payable by Borrower t�Lender in�ieu of the paymen#of Mortgage I nsurance
<br /> premiums in accordance w�th the pro�isions of Section 'I�. These �tems are calied "Escrow ��ems."At
<br /> �riginatinn ar at any time during the term af the Loan, Lender may require that�ommuni�y Associati�n
<br /> Du�s, F�es, and Assessments, if any, b�escrvwed by Borrvwer, �nC�Sl1Ch�Ll�S,fe�s and ass�ssmen�s
<br /> shall be an Escrow�#em.Borrawe�shall promptly furnish to Lender al!notices of amounts to be paid under
<br /> this 5ection. Borrovrrer shall pay Lender#he Funds for Es�r�w Items unless Lender wai�es B�rrowe�'s
<br /> obligati�n to pay the Funds for any ar all Escrow items. Lender may wai�e B�rrower's o�liga�ion to pay
<br /> ta Lender Funds far any or all Escrow Items at any time.Any such wai�er may only be in wr�ting. En the
<br /> ��ent o€such wai�er, Borrower shall pay directly, when and where paya�le, #he am�unts due for any
<br /> Escrow Items for which payment vf Funds has been wai�ed by Lender and, �f Lender requir�s, shalf
<br /> furnish ta Len��r rece�pts e�idencing such payment within su�h #ime period as Lender may r�qu��e.
<br /> Borrowe�'s obliga#ion to make such payments and fo provide receipts shall fflr ail purposes be deemed
<br /> to be a ca�enant and agreement cantained in this 5ecurity Instrument, as th� phrase "c��enant and
<br /> agr�ement� is used in Secti�n 9. If Bo�rvwer is obl+gafsd to pay Escrow Items directly, pursuant to a
<br /> wai�er, and Barrawer fails to pay the amaunt due f�r an Escrow Item, Lender may exercise its rights
<br /> under Sectian 9 and pay such amaunt and Borrower shall then be obliga�ed under Section 9 to repay
<br /> to Lender any such am�unt. Lender may revoke the wai�er as to any or all Es�row�tems at any time by �
<br /> a no��ce given in accordance with Section 1�and, upan such re�ocation, B�rrawer shall pay t� Lender
<br /> a[� Funds, and in such amaunfs, tha�are#hen r�quired under this 5ection 3.
<br /> Lendermay,at anytime,collect and hofd Funds in an amount�a}sufficientto permif Lenderto app�y
<br /> the Funds at the t�m�specified under RESPA, and�b}nat to exceed the maximum amaunt a l�nde�can
<br /> r�quire und�r RESPA. L�nder shall est�mate the amount of Funds due on�he basis of current data and ;
<br /> reasonable estimates of expenditures of�utur�Escraw f�ems or o�herwise in ac�ordance with App[icab��
<br /> Law.
<br /> The Funds shal!be h�ld in an institutian whase depasits ar�insured by a federal agency,instrumentality,
<br /> or entity �in�lud�ng Lender, if Lender is an institution whvse deposits are s� insure�} or in any Federal
<br /> Home L�an Bank. Lender shal�apply th�Funds t�pay the Escrow�tems n�later than the time specified
<br /> under�ESPA. L�nder shall not charge Barrower fv�h�I�ing and applying#he Funds,annually analyzing
<br /> the�scrow account, or verifying�he Escrow Items, unl�ss Lend�r pays Borrower in#erest on the Funds
<br /> and Appli�abl�Law permits Lender to make such a charge. Unless an agreement is mad� in writing ar
<br /> Applicable Law requires interest to b�paid an th�Funds, Lend�r shal�not be required to pay Bor�ower
<br /> any interest or earnings on the Fun�s. 6arrower and L�nder can agr�e�n wri��ng, however,tha#inte�est
<br /> sha�l be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, wi#hau�charg�, an annua�account�ng of the ;
<br /> Funds as required �y RESPA.
<br /> If there is a surplus of Fun�s held �n escrow, as �efined under RESPA, Lender shal� account to
<br /> Borrow�r for the excess funds in accordanc�with RESPA.If�he�e�s a shortage o�Funds h�ld in�scraw,
<br /> as defined under RESPA, Lendershall nvtify Borrawe�as required by RESPA,and Borrowershall payto
<br /> Lender the amount necessary to make up�he shortage�n acco�dan�e w�th RESPA, but in no more than
<br /> 1 Z mon#hly payments. If#here is a deficiency of Funds held in es�raw,as defined und�r RESPA, Lender
<br /> shall notify Bvrrower as required by RESPA, and Barrower shall pay t� Len�er the amount neGessary
<br /> t�make up the deficiency in a�C�rdanc�with RESPA, but in n�mare than 1� monthly payments.
<br /> Upon payment in ful�of alf sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shal� prom��ly refund
<br /> tv Borrower any Funds held by Lender.
<br /> 4. Gharges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and impositions
<br /> attr�butable ta the Property which can attain priority aver this Security instrum�nt, leaseho�d paymen�s
<br /> NEBRASKA--S'tngle Famiiy--Fannie MaelFreddie AAac UNIF�RM INSTRUI�IIENT Form 3�281lD1 ;
<br /> Ellie Mae,Inc. Page 4 of'I� NEEDEED 0315 j
<br /> NEEDEED�CLS} i
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