2� 17���33
<br /> L�AN#: 33142414'I
<br /> Section �2 or otherwise, �orrower h�r�by ass�gns tn Lender �a} Barr�wer's rights to any insuranc�
<br /> proceeds in an amount nat to�xcsed the amaunts unpaid under the Note or this 5ecurity �nstrument,
<br /> and �b} any other of Borr�wer's rights ��ther than the right ta any r�fund vf unearned premiums paid
<br /> by Borr�wer} und�r all insuran�e pvlicies co��ring the Property, insofar as such rights are applicabE�
<br /> fo the coverage of the F'roperty. Len�e�may us�th�insuranGe proc�eds eith�r to repai�or restore the
<br /> Property or to pay amounts unpaid under the Note ar thrs Secur�ty Instrument,whether or nvt then du�.
<br /> 6. �ccupancy. Borrower shail accupy, establ�sh, and use the Property as Barrow�r's principal
<br /> r�sidence within 5�days after the execufion af this Security Instrument and shai!continue to accupy the
<br /> Property as Borrawer's�rincfpal residence for at least one y�arafterthe date of accupancy,uniess Lender
<br /> o�h�rwis� agre�s in writing, which consent shall not be unreasona�ly withheld, or unl�ss ext�nuating
<br /> ci�cumstances ex�st which are beyvnd Borrower's control.
<br /> 7. Pres�r�►ation, Maintenance and Pratection of the Property; lnspectians. B�rrower shall
<br /> not destroy, damage or impair th� Prvperty, allow the P�aperty #n deteriora#e or�ommit waste on th�
<br /> Property. Whether or not Borrower is residing in the Prop�rky, Borrower shall maintain th� Pr�perty in
<br /> vrder ta p�e�ent the Property from deterivrating or decreasing in �alue du� t� its condition. Unless it
<br /> is d�termined pursuant ta 5ecti�n 5 that repair or r�storation �s no# economical�y feasible, Bor��wer
<br /> shall promptly r�pair the Property if damaged to av�id fu�ther det�rioration or damage. �f�nsurance or
<br /> candemnation praceeds are paid in�onnection wi#h�amage to, or the taking af,the Pr�perty, Bor�ower
<br /> shall be responsible far repairing �r restoring the Pr�perty anly if Lender has �eleased proceeds for
<br /> such purposes. Lender may dis�urse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment ar
<br /> in a series�f progress payments as the work is camp���ed, if the insurance�r condemnation pro�eeds
<br /> are nvt su�ficient#o repair�r restvre the Prop�r#y, Barrower is nat reii��sd of Borrower's �bligation for
<br /> the completi�n of such repa�r or rest�ration.
<br /> Lender �r its agent may make reasanable entries upan and in�p�ctions �f the Praper#y. If it has
<br /> reasonable cause,Lender may inspect the interiar vf�he im�r�vements on the Pra��rty.Lender shall give
<br /> Borrower nati�e at the time of or prior to su�h an �nterior inspectian specifying such reasonable cause.
<br /> 8. Barrawer's LoanApplication.Borrowershall be in de�ault if,during#h�Laan appli�atian pr�cess,
<br /> Borrower or any persons or entities actin�at the dire�tivn of Borrower�r wi�h Borrower's knowledge or
<br /> cansent ga�e materially fafse,misleading,or�naccura�e inf�rmation or statements to Lender�ar failed�o
<br /> p��vide Lender with material informa�i�n}in connection with th�Loan, Nlaf�rial representat�ons include,
<br /> but are not limit�d t�, repr�sentat�ons concerning Borrvwer's occupancy of the Property as Borrower's
<br /> principal residence.
<br /> 9. Protection of Lend�r's Interest in the Property and R�ghts lJnder this 5ecurity Instrument.
<br /> If�a} B�rrawer fails tv perform the co�enants and agreements contained in th�s Security Instrument,
<br /> �b} there is a legal pro�eeding that might significantly affec# Lender's interest in the Property andlor
<br /> rights under th�s 5��urity Instrument�such as a proceeding in bankrupt�y, probate,for�ondemnatian or
<br /> forfeiture,for enforcement of a fien which may attain pr�ority a�er this Secur�ty Instrument or to enforce '
<br /> �
<br /> laws ar regulati�ns}, or �c} Borrower has abandoned the Property, then Lend�r may do and pay fflr
<br /> whate�er is reasonable�r appropriat�to protec�Lender's interest in the Property an� ri�hts under this
<br /> Security Instrument,inc�uding prot�ctin�andlorassessingthe�a�ue afthe Proper�y,and securing andlor
<br /> �epairing the Prnperty. Lender's acti�ns can includ�, but are nat limited�a: �a}paying any sums secured
<br /> by a lien which has prio�ity o�erthis Security Instrument;tb}appea�ing in court;and�c}paying reasonabie
<br /> attorneys'fees to protect its in#er�st in the Prop�rty andlor rights under this Security ins��ument,including
<br /> its se�ur�d p�siti�n in a bankruptcy prac�eding. Securing fhe Property includes, but is no� ��mited ta,
<br /> entering the Property to mak� repairs, change locks, repiace or board up doors and windows, drain
<br /> wate�from pipes, eliminate building or o#h�r code vioiations or dangernus conditions, and ha�e util�ties
<br /> turned�n or off.Although Lender may take acti�n under this 5ec#�on 9, L�nder da�s not ha��t�do so
<br /> and is not under any duty�r o�ligati�n ta da so. it is agreed that Lender incurs nv liab�l�ty for nat taking
<br /> any❑r all actions autharized under this Se�tian 9.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under th�s S�ction 9 shall became addi�i�nal debt o�Borrowe�- ;
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument.These amounts shall bear interest at the Nvt�rate from the date of '
<br /> �
<br /> d�sbursement and shall be�ayable,with such interest, upon notice frnm Lender to Borr�w��requesting i
<br /> payment.
<br /> If this Security Inst�ument �s on a leas�hold, Barrower shall comply with a�l the provisions of the
<br /> lease. Borr�wer shal! nvt su�r�nder the leasehold estate and �nterests h�rein conveye� or terminate
<br /> o�cancel the ground lease. Borr�wer shall not, withou�fhe express written consent of Lender, alter or
<br /> amend the ground lease. If Sorrow�r acquires fee t�tle ta the Proper�y, the I�asehoi� and th�fee title
<br /> shall not merge unfess Lender agrees tv the merger in wri�ing.
<br /> 1�. Mortgage Insurance.If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a conditian of making the Loan,
<br /> Borrvwer shall pay the premiums required ta maintain the IlAortgage Insurance in efFect.�f,for any reason,
<br /> the Mor�gag��nsurance c�ve�age required by Lender ceases tn be a�ailable from the morkgage insurer
<br /> that pre�iousiy pra�ided such insurance and Sorr�wer was required t� make separate�y designated
<br /> payments taward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrowe� shall pay �he pr�miums requ�red
<br /> to obtain co�erage subs#antiafly equi�alent to the M�rtgage Insu�ance pre�iously in eff�c#, at a cost
<br /> subs�antially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the Mo�tgage lnsurance pr��iously in eff�ct, �rom an
<br /> NEBRAS�[A--Sing�e Famify--Fannie MaelFreddie IVlac UNiF�RIVI INSTRUlIAENT Form 3�28'I10'I
<br /> Ellie Mae,lnc. Page 5 of�1 NEEDEED 0315
<br /> �212 212 0 1 5 QH:28 AM P5T
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