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<br /> not initiate, join in, aequiesce in, . or ronsent to any chaage in �
<br /> any private restrictive �ove�ant, zoning law or other public or
<br /> pr3vate restriction, liatiting ar defining the uses which may be
<br /> � . made af the Trust Property or any part thereof. � If under
<br /> applieable zoning propasions the use of a1Z or any pvrtion af the
<br /> - Trust Proper:���..is or shall become a noncoa�arminq use, Gra�tor
<br /> , will not �,�.c���`�e�r p�rmit s�ah nonconformi�r� use to be
<br /> � discontinu��:�a� ahandoned wit��aout the exstess written comw�nt of "•'°��''�
<br /> � . Beneficiary. . . • � , . n
<br /> . . 9•. I ZliTl'EI�T'IOti�LLY Oi![I'1R'ffi)) , . � . .
<br /> ' 1(#::���'�Esta el Certificates. ia) A€ter r -� .i��: . .
<br /> . , e�Li,��� . •
<br /> ' Benp��,��sy, GrantorQ wi th n ten (10) d�ys, ahall Zc�;�i�'i��*�; �; �
<br /> � � � Bene��.�_�a�y with a ��atementj duly ��knowler3ged and ,�s���.t.�,���i,. : . ,
<br /> �, aetting forth {i) the aniouat.t�f the originai principal �p��t o� � '
<br /> ` the Note, �ii� the unpaid .gs���cipal amount of the Nat�e, {u�i) tt�,�,
<br /> ' � � �rate of fnt�rest of t�e Note, (iv� the date instaliment� of
<br /> �. inter�� ancl/or prin�i�aZ were last paid, (vj anp ofFsets or �
<br /> , defent��+�s to the payment of ttt� Debt, if any� and (vi) that i�ae
<br /> - ��ioke �:�d thi� l�eed of Trust ��e valid, legal and bin�ling
<br /> �c��fZg�.�ions a�i� have not been mo8ified or if modified, giving
<br /> �iarti�Q�ltars of such modification. • '
<br /> (b) After request by Beneficiary, Grantor, wittxf� ten '���;I'."
<br /> , �10� days, wi�r furnish Heneficiar with esto �':�.:�``
<br /> from any lessees under the Leases as required�byltheirlre pea�ive �
<br /> Leas�s. :;-�
<br /> 11. Chanqes in th.� Laws Reaardinq Taxation. IE ��ny
<br /> law is enarted or adopted os� �ended after the date of t��:� Deed � �
<br /> � of Truet which deducts the Deh�t �rom the value of the T�c�,���
<br /> Property for the purpos� of ta�ea��o� or which impo��s � ��, `—
<br /> ��, either directly or lAC�1r�CtZ�►s on the Debt or eenefici��y���s. ' �
<br /> � interest in the Trust PropertK, Grantor will pay such tax„ w��ith �
<br /> , intereat and penalties thereon, if any. In the event Hen���eiary
<br /> , is advised by counsel chosen by it that the payment of suci�� �tax �
<br /> or intereet and penaltfes by Grantor would be u�lawful or ��xable
<br /> to Heneficiasy or unenforceable or provide the basis for a. ,
<br /> r3efense of usury, then in any r�uch event, eeneficiary shaZ:� have '`�%�`�
<br /> i.�e option, by written notic� a�f not leas than ninety (90y aays� _
<br /> to decl�re the �ebt immediately due and payable. '
<br /> . . 12. No Creclits on l�ecount of the Debt. Gr�nto� will r`'�'.`!
<br /> . not claim or dQman or e ent tled to any credit or credx�s� on ����
<br /> account of the Debt for any part of the Taxes or Othe� Clx��ges
<br /> . asee�sed against the T��st Property, or any part thereofp and no
<br /> 8eduction shail otherwis� be made or clafined from the as�e�sed
<br /> _ value of the Trust Property, as any part thereof, for reaL estate
<br /> l:ax putposea by reason of this oeed of Trust or the Debt. In the
<br /> event such claim, credit or deduction shall be required by Zaw,
<br /> Beneficiary ehall have the optian, by written notice of not less
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