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<br /> tha� ninety (90) days, to declaze the �ebt ammediately d�e and
<br /> payable. � ..
<br /> � i3. Documentary Stam s. If at �r��,��.��ti�ae. ��a� �Tnited �
<br /> States of Aiaerica. any State thereof ¢k�::a��e':���:baivis���: a€ any . •
<br />-� such State sball require revenue or ot�i��r ��.�tq�� to Cc� ���:���ed ��,: _.
<br /> the Note or th.is Deed of Trust r or impo�e ara�:r�ther tax '��; �.�rg�' ':::... �
<br /> on the same, Grantor will pay f�} the same, wi�,h intere�t a�:.
<br /> ; pen�lties thereon, if any. � .
<br /> . 14. Osury Laws. This Deec� ��: �:r�s�:�ancl t;�e� �lo�� �ie � �
<br /> � subject to the ��ess condition that a� rto �� shall Gra��� be �� � �
<br /> abligated or r��T�.,.kQ pay interest ��, the �t��� at. a rate whi�h �
<br /> : could subjeet the hc��d�� of the t]ote ��ti'$ithe� ci�rf�.,°�� criminal �
<br /> . liabili��:�g a result �� being in exc��� of �.a,��r.aximttm interest �
<br /> � . , rate �vh��.�:,'� Grantor is permitted by app�icaie�� �aw to contract or
<br /> �.; a�#tt+�e �tca pay. If by th� terms oE this 9ee� �� Trast or the Note�
<br /> G�'�Ihtor '�� at any time reqaired or o�is:�ater3 to pay interest on ;� .
<br /> � the Deb� �t a rate in excess of su�h �ximum rate, the rate of�
<br /> interest under the same shall be deem�� to L� immediately reduced �
<br /> _ . . t�ro such maximum �ate and the in��rest payabi� shall be compu�+�rJ .
<br /> a� such maYimum �ate and all pz.��r interest pa�ents in exce��� of
<br /> s�ch maximum rate shal], 4z� applied and sha13 be deemed to have
<br /> been paym�nts in reduct��� of the principal �ra2ance of the Note. _
<br /> 15. Baoks and Records. Grantor anc� Guarantors, if i• •'=
<br /> ' any, shall ke�p adequate books and records of account in � �'`
<br /> aceordance with generally accepted accounting practices � � � -
<br /> coneiatently applied and furni�h to Heneficiary: (a) an annual �
<br /> certi€ied rent roll signed and dated by Grantor detailing the
<br /> names of all tenants of the Improvements, the portion of the .
<br /> improvements occupied by each tenant, the rent and any other -
<br /> charges pa�able under each lea�e, and the term of ea�!* lease; (b} _—
<br /> aa annual operating sta�cement of the Trust Property aTetailing the �
<br /> tQ�al revenues received and total expenaes fr��rred to be '
<br /> � psepared and certified by Grantor; (c) an ane�s:;aY balance sheet
<br /> � ' and profit and loss etatemes�t of Grantor, and of any Guarantor,
<br /> � prepared by or, if required by Benefi�.�ary, audited and certified �.
<br /> ' by a certified public accountant acce��able to Beneficiary wfthfn
<br /> ' nfnety (90) days after the close a� ea�ch fis�,.� year; and (�11 , `,,,;;�,:
<br /> ecs�h annual bala,r��� sheets and profit and loss statements ard
<br /> , ot�er financial s�ate�e��:Cs as may, froc� time to time, ?�e required :.���T
<br /> by Henefi�fary.
<br /> 26. Performance of �ther A reements. Grantor s�:a¢Z�. �
<br /> ol�aerve and per orm each an every term to be observed os
<br /> perform�d by Grantor pursuant to the ��r�s of any ag���ment or
<br /> . ; . recarded� inatrument affecting or pert�i:n3ng to the ��j�..��
<br /> Property. _ ' ,.
<br /> 17. Further Acts, etc. Grantor wi��b, at tt�e cost of
<br /> Grantor, and without expenee to Heneficiary, do, execu�e,
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