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_ :. __ ___ .___ . �, � _ _ - _ � <br /> - ..t ".S Hk. �, . ...:`�"' bt��.� c-._-c.r�y3��' . .. K� .�� __. . <br /> � L.....v �a. 1�t� ._.!`3en.z..a*r�3?,;�?�?i�t�ve - -- s:�d�8 <br /> .. -. ' <br /> . . . <br /> ,;_ . <br /> .-. _ <br /> •,.� . — - • . <br /> 1 ` ' <br /> ._Y.. _ ' � ..�_ . � <br /> _ � . , <br /> 4 <br /> f <br /> i <br /> r � � � 9Q-1�0638 <br /> (b) All Leases shall be written on the standar8 form <br /> � of lease which bas beea approved by eeneficiery. Upon request, <br /> Grantor sha11 furnish eeneficiary wikh executec7 of all <br />-- Leases. No material changes may be made to the Benefiaiary- <br /> approved s*_andard lease without the prior written consent of <br /> Beneffciary. In addition, all renewals nf Leases and all <br /> psogosed leases sha21 proviale for rental rates comparable to. <br /> eYieting locai market rates and shall be arms-length <br /> ,:�;�,, ; traneaetions. AI.1 proposed leases shall be subject to the prior � <br /> ' ..; : , approval oF the Heneficiarp. A21 Leases sball provide that they <br /> � � are subordinate to this Oeed of Trust and that the lessee agrees ��. -. � <br /> _ to attorn to Beneficiary. Grantor (i� shall abeerve and perform � � - <br /> all the obligationa imposed upon the iessor unc�er the ��ases and <br /> � , shall not do or permit to be done anything to impair e�� value of � <br /> � the Leases as 9ecurity for the �ebt; (iij shal�i promptly send <br /> � copies to of all notices of default ►ahich Grantor sha11 send or <br /> re��ive thereunder; (iii) shall enforce all af the terms, <br /> covenants and conditions contained in the. Leases upon �h� part of �. <br /> � the lesse�� �hereu�der to #�e observed or �erforme�3, shcri� �f .� <br /> ter�ainat��n �hereaf; (iv} shall not callect any o� th� L�ents more <br /> thar� a�e� fk$. mantt� in advance; (v�Z. shall not ex��jste a�y otheE � ' � <br /> , ass�ug�►.�enr. c�f les��r's interest ir� the Leases ar the Re�ats; E c�3�} � <br /> aha�l not aiter, modify or change the terms of the Lea��s without • <br /> the prior urritten consent of Heneficiar�, or cancel or terminate � t,�; <br /> the Leases or accept a surrender thereof or convey or transfer or = <br /> ; euffer or permit a conveyance or transfer of the Pr�misea or of ��� <br /> any interest therein so as to effect a �^�rger of the estates and � - <br /> . . rigbts of, or a terminaticn or diminutiQn of the obligations of, - <br /> lessees th�ceunder; (vii) shall not alte„ modify or change the - <br /> terms of ar�� guaranty of the Leases or cancei or terminate such -�— <br /> g11d��iZ�jF �rithout tih.e prior wzit�en consent of l��r�eficiary; (vii�) � � �� <br /> ahaTT ��t c��nsent to any �r��ia3�::..�_�,t of ar sublettinq under the <br /> Leases :�at i� aecordance �ry�h their ter�z.�y. without the prior <br /> wr3tten ca�sent of Heneficiary; and (ix) shall execute and <br /> deli.srer at the request of Henefi.�bary all such further f <br /> ase�a�ances, confirmations and as��gnments in connection with the <br /> Truat Prcperty as Beneficiary sh��:l fram time to time xQquire. � . <br /> �3. Maintenance .of Truat Pro�esty. �santor shall '�`.', <br /> cau�� the T�ust Property to be �ua:i.ntained in a c��oci and safe • � <br /> condition �nd repair. The Impro��ments anc3 th:e Equipment shall ' <br />— not be remc��red, demoYished or materially a�tered (except for <br /> norn►al replacement of the Equipment) witlicscit the consent of � <br /> Beneficiary. Grantor shall promptly co�a�y with all laws, orders <br /> and ordinances afCecting the Trusr Property, or t:he use thereof. <br /> Grantor ahall promptly repair, repiace or rebui�.d any part of the <br /> Truet Property which may be destroyed by any casualty, or become <br />� damaged, worn ar dilapidated or whiCh may be affected by any <br /> proceedfng of the oharacter referred to in paragraph 6 hereof and <br /> ehall complete and pay for any structure at any time fn the <br /> proceas of construction or repair on the Premises. Grantor shall <br />� <br /> -7- . � - _�: <br />� j <br /> . � � _ <br />� ' <br />� ' � , � J <br /> � <br />�l�i � <br /> - r <br /> : <br /> - ,� .. <br /> � . <br /> � .* 1.�. .� <br /> �j�� <br /> =i�° � <br /> ;i r+F�= <br /> �•,..- <br /> `.l yt , <br /> �,�: <br /> e <br />