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__ �.+iif...:.�t �..:, .. . a ••-�w.� �. aa�i._< i�.ws��:si,�.l:ae. w...�?�a�l`Y�.�. _� <br /> `..°f...�G:���a5:�r°d'�_i-.y—^_�.�,�n��c:�i.+.itt;�eutS.;N���,.�i�'r��'c'aSt: '[�,;:a��:c+a.ics,,a;Y�si7ti�iffi� _m.S-�e(F� ._ <br /> I . � � . .._ - � <br /> � . <br /> � ' <br /> I <br /> � ' . <br /> � <br /> r : , <br /> � � �.aos�$ <br /> advances raade by Seneficiary pursuznt to the ter�s� e�f this Deed � <br /> �� af Trust. <br /> Ontil eYpended or applied as above provided,,,_any a�bunts £n� the <br /> — • Escrow Fund shall �onstitute additional seCUxity�.f�r ttie Debt. <br /> - The Esctow Fund shall not constitute a tr�st fund an�:.�r�ay be <br /> eamming�� with other r�ezr�ies hEld by Hepefi�ic�sp. Nc�.;4r:arnir�gs or <br /> fnteses�'��on the. Escrow �nd sball be payabZ��:Ca Gran���r. <br /> . 6. `�riIIas�.at4�an. Grantor shall promptly� r�ve � � <br /> Henef�c�.�.�Ly not���� ��� '��e actual or threateaed _comruen�ement of <br /> anp��onci�lnnatic�: 4�,'��c-���:�nt dcr�;�in praeeedi�g ��d shall deli.tcer <br /> to� ;Hene;Eiciarp �gi�s o� any a�3� all paper� ����red in conn�Lion <br /> �r��h su�h proceedings. � Natwithstanding anp t�Tsing by any g�l��ic ' , <br /> or quasi-public authori�� through eminent domai� or o�herwig� ;,•;��,. <br /> (including but not lin►i�ed to any transf�er rnade an ii�u of o.r in � <br /> anticipation of the exercise of such taking�, ��ant¢r shal.l <br /> continue to pay the Debt at th�e time and i�a ti�� acat�c�,: �provided � ' � � � <br /> for its payment in the NQte and in this Deed c� firug�. and the ' � <br /> � Debt shall not be reduc23 until any awar�3 or payment therefmr � � <br /> shall have been actually receia�d and applied by Beneficiary, <br /> after the deduction of expens�s of collectionF to the reduction <br /> ar discharge of the Debt. eeneficiary shaZl mQt be limited to - <br /> tfie interest paid on the award by the condemning authorit� . ..t � :„ <br /> shall be entitled to reeeive out of the award interest at the <br /> rate or rates provided berein and in the Note. Beneficiary may - <br /> apply any such award or payrsent to the r�ductictz� or diseharge of � .;:y <br /> . the Debt whether or nat thea d�e and pay�ble. ��ny reduction of - <br /> the Deht pursuant to the terms of tbia paragra�� 6 shall not be <br /> deemed a prepayment of the Debt and no pr�pay�nt consideration, �. � <br /> if any, shall be due. I� the T�a�st Praperty i�. sol8, through � <br />- far�eclosure or otherwise, prior to tho r�eceipt i:,� Benefici.arp of �°� <br /> s�etn aw�rd or payment, Beneficiary shall have the riQn.t, whether <br /> or not a dsficiency judg�nent on the Nc+t"e shall have trc��en sought, � <br /> , reeovered or denipcl, to reaeive said award or gayment, or a <br /> portion thereof sufficient t� pay the Debt. � <br /> 7. Leases and Rents. `a� T�ustee and B�r.c�ficiary are <br /> hereby granted and assignQ by Grant4r t!�e right to eciter the � ' �� <br /> Trust Property for the p�*rpo�e of enforcing its interest in the �' <br /> Leases and the I�.cr;ts, this aeed, of Trust, con3.wituting a present, . ' <br /> _ ab$olute assignr�.�nt of the Le���s and the Rents. Nevertheless, <br /> subject to the terms of �ttis paragraph ?, Beneficiary grants t� <br /> Grantor a revoca�le license to mperate and manage the Trust <br /> Praperty and to ca3lect t�ie Ren.t�. Grantor sh��l hold the Rents, <br /> os a portian ther��f suf�iciez* �o discharge aII current su�::� due <br /> _ on the Debt, for �rse in the payment of such sums. U��vn or at any <br /> time after an Event of Default, the lic�nse granted to Grantor <br /> � herein may be revoked by Heneficiary, and Hene�iciary or Truetiee <br /> etay enter upon the Trust Property, and collect, retain and apply <br /> the Rents toward payment of the Debt in such priority and <br /> proportions as Beneficiary in its discretion shal?. deem proper. <br /> � <br /> .--,_�_-. <br /> -6- � <br /> � <br /> , <br /> � � <br /> � L . � � <br /> � . �s� <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> ;., _ <br /> � �. � � <br /> �rt� <br /> �::�_,. <br /> �� <br /> ��.. <br /> .:�.. �: . <br />