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. EY��::i.::•1.,�._�:.:.Z,..• tir�:.-_i i��'r'.: C �'t:� -,LJ�-��:S,fYY:' '`�a'Y.�. S'i i_,.�.k " �, +s�v�..�n r --' ,i::[l`� - �tr•, y;.Ea-�y'� "is ___ <br /> .. ...:. . <br /> z�i.r:,;\= "!v A.�,:�1FiS.wa'�ri� - a .^ ,rs .,�.�i�a'a:��t_----—�--;�-ia• �S- 'i_z:' �'; 'LC�:Qt:a� ���'�y „�e..v.,�_ <br /> -1: •�^: rk3mt��JC� ��1�..��iA'I���craati .:'�;�=..ri.`St':t�i"en��4cK_=="� -�'l�S.��.-�—..� <br /> r.. � -_.._ � <br /> , � . .. . �--- - � <br /> � - , <br /> ' <br /> 1 ' . <br />_ � � �iao��� . <br /> suf€er and shali promptly cause to he paid and discharged a�� <br /> lien or charge whatsoever which may be or become a lien or chasqe � <br /> against the Trust Property, and shall promptly pay for all � <br /> ntility services provided to the Trust Property. Grantor shall � <br /> furnish to Beaeficiary receipts for the payment of the T�axes, .�;. <br /> - Othe� Charges aud said utility sesvfces prior to the aate th� <br />_ same shall beco�ae delinquent. <br /> 5. Escrow Fund. Grantar shall, at the opti�on of . <br /> � .Beneficiary, pay to Henef c��ry on the first day of each c�2�nd�r.' ;:;�',��' .�:,.:: :._ � <br /> - m�nth ��� o�e-twelEth af ��n..amount wh�ch wou1�3 be sa€ficient ta � � � <br /> paY tii�: Taxes papablQ, o�.:�stimated by Henefisaarp to be payable.. �:.`:'�':��� , � <br /> durfn� 1:he nex� ensui�g -tivr�l+�e �12) months and �b) one-t�rel�th of `�� � � � '' <br /> �n am�a�t�it wh.f.c�t wou2d ��� sv�F�.�cient to pay the Insurance Prera�uma � � � <br /> �ue �or. .ttte r�newal of the ��sterage afforded by the Poli�i�s upon <br /> �-�. �he expiration thereof (saiai �amounts in (a) and (b) ahove � <br /> . � . �terein��er caller7 the "Escrow Fund"). The Esrrow Fund and the <br /> . Paym�nt� sif interest or prinripal or both, payabls pu�suant to <br /> �' �he Note shall be ad8ed tog�ther and shall be gaid as an <br /> (�_. <br /> � t�ggregate swit: �il+ Grantor te �eaefi�iary. Granter hereby pledges <br /> --� to Ben�€iciar�. any aaiY..all monfes qcw or hereafter deposited in " <br /> t4e Escrscaw Fund as add£tional secu�if:�► €or the pay�r;�nt of the <br /> � Ltebt. Eeneficiary wil� appl�► the Escrow Fund tm •.���" <br /> ��xes and Inaura�ce Premiums �uired ta be rr.�de by Grantor� '� <br /> ,.;,:,; <br /> pursuan� to pa�agraphs .3 and Q' herea�.. . If the amount of the � ���� <br /> Escraw� �sind shall exceed the ancount� due for Taxes and Insurance� � "'� <br /> � � <br /> Premiw6g pursuant to paragraphs 3 and 4 hereof, Beneficiary ���"- <br /> shall, in its dfscretion, retu�n any exc�s� �o Grantor or credit <br /> such excess against future paya�ents to be made to the Esrrow -- <br /> Pund. In allocating such excess, Hen�fi�iary may deal with the <br /> person shown on the recards of Benefx�iary to be the owner of the '� <br /> Trust Property. 2f the Escr�w� Fund is not 3ufficient to pay the <br /> �tems set fortb in (a) and (io� above, Grantor shall promptlg pay <br /> �� .� ; t� 8eneficfary, upon demand, �r� amount whiah BeneEiciary shall <br /> : e�timatt� as suE�icfent to make up t�e deficiency. �3p�on tbe <br /> _ • � acsurre��e of an Event af Default (hereinafter defined) <br /> � BeneFi�fary ma�,, �ppZy �,�L�� �ums �hen present in the Escrow Fund to <br /> � the payatent oTc� ttte fo1l�w�ng i�ts in any or�,ipr in its <br /> nncontro2led cYiscretiar►� ' <br /> � :;.�:. <br /> (i) Taxes an� athar C�ia�ge:�; ;,�;: <br /> � ;:�,,. <br /> _ (ii j insurance Prem�uc�,s; . �,�.,,�"�, <br /> (iv) intereat vn the unpaid Zarincipal balance of the <br /> Note; <br /> - - t�) Amostization oL tihe unpaid prir�cipal balance df <br /> the Note; <br />� ' <br /> � Al1 other sums payable pursuant to the Note, this Deed of Trust <br /> ana the Other Security Documents, including without limitatien <br /> 1+wI <br /> _5_ <br /> �_�.�_-___ <br /> � , <br /> � <br /> � 3 <br /> � � - - <br /> � I..._ • l_ J <br /> h <br /> � <br /> � tz �� <br /> � <br /> : J <br /> � � � <br /> �� <br /> =�y:� <br /> M�S,� <br /> :�.�T°�..>' � . <br /> '-`. <br />