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. .,�..._ � t - ..., :,:,.. - y�,�y� ,_ ,,��i ._.,. -.�x�ri�iw..�uL'.� �.�: .�MCaihi9` •a'�it•. a: fi _ <br /> - __crh..�.tu�.=k''ti ity�i,�y"•'�LC�s�.�l�f(61q�^� �:kQ3i4]��tl'i�•t�_�_ 2,t.���;. �.haY. ��'icT.C?S �rei3►, ___ <br /> �_ . � . . . . _ ' � <br /> ��_ � 1 • <br /> � <br /> (� � . �.�.aos3s <br /> � �bj the release, regardless of consideration, of the whole or any <br /> . part oF the Trust Property, or of any person liable for the Debt <br /> � or any portion t�iereof, or (cy any agreement or st'spulation by <br /> : Heneficiary extending t�e time of paym�nt or otherwiee modifying , <br /> ' or supplementing�, �l�s� terms of the Note, this Deed of Trust or the <br /> Other Secu�itg ��?�ni�nt�. Beaeficiary may resort for the payiaei�t � �. <br /> of the Dekt .to ai������G��r�security hel� 1�y Henef iciarg i:n. such <br /> order and manne� �:�:g�a�Ficiary, in its discretion, may> elec�.. <br /> � E�aeficiary or Trgt�tee may take action to recove� the Debt,� p� <br /> � aap portion thereof, or �cx enFrasc�e any �c�venant bereof withou�. <br /> �eiudic� to the right of.�.8�n�ffciary �s :Truste� tfiereafter to <br /> foteclose. this Deed of Trust. -.The rights an(3. remediea of . - <br /> B��i�-��ciary or Trust�e under t}�i� De+�d of �rri�t shall be <br /> se�ra�e, distinct and cumulatia��•and no�e �h��i be given effect � . .. <br /> to t�,�;�i���usian of the c�f;hers.��� :�7o act of Heneficiary or Trustee <br /> ` sha13���i�:��:�nstrued as an ���ection to pzaceed under any Qne , �, � <br /> : provisic�a berein to the ��lusion af any other provisic�n. <br /> • Tr�r��$e and Berceficiary shall not be limited exclusively to the . <br /> . rfgl�ts and remedies herein state+� but shall be entitled to every . <br /> right ans� remedy now or hereafter af�orded at law or ia equity. � <br /> 43. No Oral Chan e. �his II��d of Trust, and any � <br /> g��av�sians her�o � may not be mctd�fiea, amendeda waived. � <br /> : . ����nded, changec3� c3iaeharged or �erminated oraLly, or by any act . ... :�; <br /> �a �ailure to act on th� �art of� �rantor or Heneficiarg�� but only ' �: n <br /> i�� an agreement in writin�3 signecl by the party against .�rhom � ���:=- <br /> ei��orcement of any madificationo amendment, waiver, e��.��sia��„ #�u <br /> � cha�zge, discharge or terminatia� is sought. <br /> 44. �Liability. If Grantor consi9ts of more than one � <br /> person, �he oblfga'���nd z�abilities of each such person ; ' <br /> h��eunder sba21 be �oint and r���Pral. This Deed of Trust shall � r— <br /> 6+��. �ain8ing upon sr�� inure �+s ti�.� benefit of Grantor an8 "i <br /> Sec��ficiasy and their re;��c�i�,re sucaessors and assfgus. forever. • <br /> 45. Inapplicable Provisionsa If any term, covenanr or �' <br /> � c�xLdition ef the Note or this D��� o� L�ust is held to be <br /> �re�alid, iilegal or unenforceabL� in ang respect, the Note and , <br /> : t�iis Deed of Trust ehail be conetrued c�i�thout aucb pro�rision. '� �,�(y'`'' <br /> '�%RS�� <br /> � 46. Heaaings, etc. The headings and captions of - <br /> � vasiaus paragraphs of th�D d of Trust are for convenience of <br /> reference only an8 are not to t�e construed as defininq Qr . � = <br /> limfting, f n any way, the scope or intent of the provir�.zons � - <br /> bereof. <br /> � 47. Du licate Ori inals. This Deed of Trust may b� <br /> ex�cuted in any number of dupl cate original� and each such � <br /> ' dup2icate original shail be cleemed to be an original. <br /> 48. Powes of Sale. Should Heneficiary elect to <br /> Fn�eclose by exerr se of the Power oF Sale hesefn contained, <br /> , -21- ---_---=_ <br /> � � <br /> . ? _. <br /> l._.. � � � <br /> � <br /> �,r <br /> ». v <br />- � � <br /> _ -- - _ <br /> .�..,-.�.-..� -"__y .�:;_S'a.."__ _.. -_ <br /> "" _ � <br />