<br /> �..3.Jr ,wr. .�i '.si:+.t. zl' y. ^ � • _t- �'`� r�,•�.f o 4 t� y,:: l`r v:C )• 2 :4. 'nl _���1`t'w.::.�r�.:::_�.:..
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<br /> __—_— .SuwoF4G5e.'ssi:svT'��[�<` " .�� ?�(1'ffl��....�:a-�..+���ti:�t,:.,.�t ��:'r,+i i 1�Z.'•�^3�t`C 4S�•...�.-��i _ _ . - --�
<br /> __' . _ _-- _ - _AYl _ I 1�— —_ `a.�'�Y�sb�---_ — ���N1� t� lur"rG��F;�--
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<br />�` Beneficiary o� Truatee, as the case may be, aha].1 in like manner �
<br /> deaignate ia wkiting.
<br /> 36. Au�hority. (a) Grantor (and the u�dersigned �
<br /> _ � representative of Grantor, if any) has full power, aexthority and
<br /> _ � legal right to eYecute this Deed of Tru�t, an�d to mortqagej give,
<br /> � grant, barga3.n, sell, alfen, enfeoff, convey, co�rfirm, gledge,
<br /> hypott�QCate and assig� the Trust Property pursuant to the terms �
<br />� htreo� ana to keep and observe all of the terms o€ this Deed of
<br /> � Trust on Grantor`s part to be performed. (b} Grantor represents ' �
<br />_ : and �azrants .tha� Grantor is not a "foreig� g�rsan" within the . , �
<br /> �. meaaing of 144��,.(�€�(3� af the Interaal Revenue Code.of 1986, as � . -
<br /> : :�:.
<br /> amended and tl����relat�3 .Treasury Department reg�lationa, _ � -
<br /> , . iacluding tempvrarp�"requlations. � .
<br /> , .
<br /> -" ` � 39. Waiver of Notice. Grantor st�all not b� enCi�tied
<br /> -�;;�'`� to any notices of any nature whatsoever from Beneficiary or
<br /> Trustee except w�th respect to matters for wbich this Deed of � �
<br /> � Trust specifically and expressly provides for t�e giving o� �
<br /> notice by Beneficiar� or Trustee to Granto� and except with �
<br /> T . respeet to matters for which. Beneficiary Qr '�rustee i9 required •
<br /> - :'.; by applicabl��l�aw to .give notice, and G�aat�+r her�by expressly �
<br /> ' ' waives Cke rig�rt tio x��eive as�y notice from. 8ene�i�i:ary or � -
<br /> � Trust�� w3.th. r�spect �c any mu�tter for whi��i. �his Deed of Trust � `
<br /> `;�: ; does not speef�ically and ex��essly provic�� ��r the giving of -
<br /> - �'�°' ' notice bg Be���iciary or Trustee to Grantor. � ?�
<br /> �,;: I ,
<br /> . , i :•.
<br /> � 40. ltemedies of Grantor. Yn the event that a claim or �;-
<br /> adjudfcation is macle that Heneficiary has acted unreasos�ably or
<br /> ��� : unreasonably delayed acting in any case where by 1aw or under the
<br />� �1ote, thie Deed of Trust or the Otber Secnrity Documents, it has
<br /> an obligation to act reasonably or promptly, Beneffciary shall
<br /> , � . not be lfable for any monetary aamages, and Grantor's rem�dies :-,,
<br /> � � � 9ha17. be lfmited to injunctive relief or d�r:laratory judgment. �:
<br /> �:..
<br /> ' 41. Sole Discretion of Beneficia��n., Wherever pursuant
<br /> _ . s �o this Deed of Trusti, Beneficiary e�ercxse as� ny right given to
<br /> �,; it to approve or disapprove, or any azxange�zent or term is to be
<br /> ! satfsfactory to Heneficfary, the deciaion a� oeneficiary to
<br /> '-;;�� app�rove or di�approve or to ¢�e�ide that ar�a��.gements or terms are
<br /> �atfafactory or not satfsfactory shal.�. �� .��� the eole discretion ,.�.:
<br /> of eer.��iciar� and slt.all be final ar�� �a�cl�asive, exrcept as may -_
<br /> be otl:��wfse expressly and specificaY�.y pra�rided herein. � �--
<br />— � 42. Non-Waiver. The failure 4f t��neficiary or Trustee � �
<br /> to fns.��.�c ugon str c�t performance of ��� �r�rm hereof sha11 not be
<br /> f deemec� �o be a waiver of any term o� �2�is l�eed of Trust. Grantor
<br /> �ha11 not be relieved of Grantor's ai�ligati�ns hereuncier by
<br /> - � �eason oE �a) t�e failure of Beneficiary or Trustee to comply
<br /> = � wfth any request of Grantor esr Guaran�oss t� take any actfon to �
<br />� � Foreciose this Deed at Trust or othe�rwise enforce any o€ the
<br /> provisions hereof or a� the Note ot tile Other Securit� Documents, �
<br /> � -20-
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