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_ _.;�..:-�, �[ ���� . _ <br /> - "e.�J,is=a.i}i.tiu';`_�f.�iR�r 'Y•u:=•S�n)i_ � ..i�lr'�li�iQZ�C� �Y-",'� ,li.�t ia�'3iew�w:a.�i4�"�1waa5i��Sf;.QiueT`�a+�CaY t.larL4 _�2.`[t�2CA�4'�.w�+=��f4 f�.���iv':�`-:` S� :i:�.'.�. �.Y,iLCS�x'w�v�i��..vE�w.� <br /> _= - -- "'--�"�..,�=�-����if��c.- 5 y�S^� -� --- '��'�1�i1�.�'' �afY�*'!S ��` :�ti ex�-���--_- <br /> ���yVw;. �:�An.+�i—t�L.��,"�'iRi'�E Vt�=�"�' ��s .rg <br /> � � - � <br /> � � ` <br /> � <br /> t <br /> { <br /> � � 9�"'100638 <br /> Beneficiary sII�all notiFy Truat�e and shall aeposit with Trustee <br /> � thia Deed o€ Tr�rst and the Note a»d such receipts and evidence of <br /> expenditures.made aa�d secured herebg as Trustee may require. � <br /> (a) Upon receipt o� �aah notice from Heneficiary�,. <br /> • Trastee sha11 caWSe to lt�.:'�cecorded, published a�d <br /> deiivere8 to Gra�tor suG� Hetice of Default and .�otice <br /> � o� Bale as then re�rifred bq law and by this Deed o€ ' <br /> Trus�. Tru.stee s��Ii, w€t�out demand an Grantor, a�ter . <br /> such. .tim�°as may t�en be�.;r�quired by law and after : �,, <br /> . � nat#�c� having be�� givera as -req�s.i:rQd by law, s�li. the .� ;':: "' .� � . � . <br /> . Tru:��..Prope�ty at the t ime and F1ace of sale f i:�€�d by�.:��� ... <br /> it £� su�h 1Notice of SaZ�r eit�aer as a w�ole, ��i� �in -:�. <br /> � separate �.ots or parceis. o� items as Tru.axee �hall d��m : ` , <br /> �. expedient, and in euch orcler as it may d��:�ermine, at �-�.,�: ' <br />-- �' � pu�tlic auction ta the highest bidder for lawful <br /> money of the Onited Statea payable at the tim� c� sal�. <br /> ` � ; Trustee shall deliver to such purchaser or pur��.�sera <br /> '� ��.j, � . thereof i� good and sufficient deed conaeg�i�ng �t�� , <br /> � � . property gc� sold, but without anp covena�t or c�rranty, <br /> " express or iYapli�d.. The recitaie in such dee� �k any � � <br /> � matters or facts �lia1Z be c�nclu��ve proof e�. t�h� - <br /> � � � truthfulness thereo�. Any persc�n, i�1Cl�.d�.u�r. ��ithOUt "�,; <br /> , limitation, arantor, Trus�ee or H�neficiasy. �ra� � <br /> p�Yxahase at such gaZe and Grantor hereby cave�a�i�s to �:�� <br /> w�:�rant and defend the title of such purchase� c�r ;�}�;� <br /> , g�rchasers. � <br /> . ' , (b) As may be permitted by law, a����. deduc�ing �. . <br /> all costs, fees and expenses of Trustee arc� �f this �-- <br /> truat, fncluding, without limitation, cosCs of� evidence . „ <br /> of title in connection with sale, Trust�e shall apply � _ <br /> the praceeds of sale to �ayment of (i) �1:1 aumg <br /> ex�ended under the terms �►ereof, not the� repaid, with �� <br /> � a��rued interest at fifteen pescent (15�) per annum, or <br /> ; at the maximum interest rate whicb Grantor may by law <br /> t pay, whichever is lowet, (ii) ail other �ums then <br /> , secured hereby, and (iii) the remaind�rr- if any, to the . <br /> � person or persons legally entit2��. theretto. • •;1,:: <br /> < �:,;� <br /> (c� Trustee may in the manner provided by� iaw, �' �-���� <br /> postpone sa�e of al1 or any portion of the Trust ` � <br /> Property. - <br /> � 49,.. Concerning tne Trugtee. Trustee shall be under no <br /> dc�tiy to take any�on her�under exrept as expressly required <br /> + hereunder or by law, or to gerform any act which would involve <br /> Trustee in any expense or Zi�ability or to institute or defend any <br /> � euit in respect hereof, �nLc��3 properly indemnified to Trustee's <br /> reasonabie sa�fsfaction. �austee, by arceptance oF this Deed of <br /> . Tsust, covenants to p�rform and �uZfill the trusts herefn <br /> created, being liable, howev�ro pni� for willful negligence or <br /> -22- ;-- �- <br /> . i <br /> • f <br /> . l_ � � J <br /> �. <br /> ,� <br /> �, � <br />� � � <br />