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<br /> a�knowlsdge and deliver all and everp such further aets, de�s, � '" �'�'
<br /> c�nvayances, mortgagee. assignments, notices of assignments, ���� ' ,����^
<br /> :,�.:..�<:;.,
<br /> transfers anc� assu�anc�s� as Heneficiary shall, fxom time to t$�e, �`
<br /> .:_:,.;,.
<br /> , � require, €or �he �et��r ��ssuring. conveying. assfgning, � : � '.=:=,`:
<br /> transferring, ana co:tf�riri��� unto Benefi�iary the pzoperty and �'`���'•��.'±::'�:�
<br /> _� � s�,ghts hereby mortgag�?� �;��.�p gr��feci, bargafaed, sold,
<br /> �.
<br /> � a�'�'����� ���$a�tea• ����'�3��. ��irmed, pledged, as�fgped and
<br /> ° ``'`'��fi��c��e�:or intende� �a�� ¢�� �,��eafter so to be, or which ,��'�
<br /> �rgin�or map be or aaay �i�r��g��z ��ome bound to convey or aseigri '° � �
<br /> .-:, ;;_;<
<br /> to Heneticiarp, or far carz�*s,��:�ut the intention or fac�litating ���� ''����`!
<br /> the performance of the te� �� �his Deed of xrust or For filing, �;'.�`.;;�
<br /> <:,
<br /> regis�ering or recording t�i�s Deed of Trust. .
<br /> w��.��:�s���ute and del�iver ��a�} .��reby authorizesGHeneficiarydt��d, • �:
<br /> ����t� �in the name oF ���a.��z �r without the sigaature of � , ��
<br /> ':�:�;.�,:�:
<br /> Gr�is��az to the extent 8�,,.�;������ry �Y lawfully do so, one or more �'r�
<br /> f2aa�c��g statements, ch�t��e�_ �ortgages or ather instruments, to
<br /> - ��'g���e more ef�ectivelp �� security interest of eeneficiary in
<br /> t�� ��ust Praperty. Grantar grants to Heneficiary an irrevocable � �
<br /> pa.�,ear of attorney coupled wi±3� an interest fos the purpoae oE
<br /> ex�recSsing and perfecting a.�� ��d all rights and remedies
<br /> ava3T�mle to Beneficfary afi l�w aa�d in equity, �ncluding without
<br /> lim�;��ion such rights ans3 r��.�i�� availab�e to Beneficiary
<br /> ' p�arsuant to this paragraph ].7. � � . . . �
<br /> � 18. Reca�clan �� D��� af �zust, etc. Grantor . � .
<br /> forthwith upon the execu+t an as�x3 ��:����y of this Deed of Trust
<br /> and thereafter, from time tti ti�ae,� wi�1 ca�se this Deed of Trust, q
<br /> and any sec�rity instrum�r�. �rea�t�ng a lien or security interest � �
<br /> or evfde�cing the lien hezes�� nga� the Trust Property and each
<br /> instrume�� of Eurther ass�:a�asace ��o be filed, registered or '
<br /> recorded �n such manner ��;c� in ���� p2aces as may be required by
<br /> any present or future law fn order to publish notace of and fu21y �
<br /> to protect the lien or security interest herea� �a�¢r�„ ��a the
<br /> interest ef Heneficfary in, the Trust Property. �;�aacit�s will pay ��
<br /> all filing, registration or recarding f�es, an�� ai� exp�nses �
<br /> incident i�m the preparation, exe��,�ioa and acknowledgment of thfs
<br /> Deed of ����t, any deed of �rust c�r mort��ge $uppZemental hereto,
<br /> any ee�urity instrument �:��I� resg�rt ta �he Trust Property and
<br /> any fnstrument �f further .assuran�e, an� all federal, state, � •
<br /> county and muni�ig�al, tax�„ ���3e�, impogt$, assessments and
<br /> chargea arisfng c�.�t of or ��e cor;:�e�tion with the execution artd
<br /> 8elivery of thfs� �eed of rnc��t, ar�� deecd �� trust or mor��gage �'-"�"
<br /> �� suPpleaaental herewv� any ser�rity instx�r.e�c� with res ct to h �!'�
<br /> Trust Propsrty or ��:y ins�su�ent a� Euff�i��� ��� � � �
<br /> whert prohibi ted b�r law so to cio. ��a�3�r �t�a�.3 shold�harmless
<br /> And indemnify Bene�iciary, its auccessdr� and assigna, agafnst
<br /> any liabilftiy fnc�sred by reason of the �.rar,positfon of any tax on
<br /> the �oaking and rec6�ding of this Deed �� ��u8t.
<br /> 19. Prep����,�, if permftted �y th� �7ote, the Debt
<br /> may be prepsid in a'�a�,�e with the te�m� th�reof. �f req�ired
<br /> by the Note, any por;��,� ¢�E �he Debt s�-�i 3 �e prepaf d i n�
<br /> -10- �
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