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2� 1 ��8843 <br /> DEED C3F TRUST <br /> �Cont�riued� Page � <br /> costs and expenses of apera�ion and collectivn attarneys' �ees,to any indebtedness secured by this ❑eed <br /> ❑� Trusfi, all in such arder as Lender may determine. The enterin� upvn and taking possession o� the <br /> Prape�ty. the collectian �f such r�nts, issu�s and pro�its, and �he app�ication there�� shall not cure or <br /> wa��e any defaul�vr nvtice of default unde�this Deed v�Trus�vr in�alidate any act done in respvnse to <br /> such d�fault�r pursuant to su�h na�ice o�de�ault; and, natwithstanding the continuance in pvssession of <br /> the Praperty ❑r the co[�ectEan, receipt and app�ication o# rents, issu�s or profi�s. Trus�ee or Lende� shall <br /> be enti�led �o exerc�se every right pro�ided for in th� Credi�Agreemen�vr�he R�la�ed ❑acum�nts or by <br /> [aw upon the accurrence o�any e�ent o�de�faul�, including the right tv exercise�he pawer o�sale; <br /> �b} Cammenc� an action tv forecfose this ❑eed of Trust as a mvr�gage, appoint a recei�er❑r specifica�[y <br /> enforce any of the co�enants hereo�; and <br /> �c� ❑eli�er tv Trus�ee a wri�ten declaration o�ds�ault and demand�or sa�e and a written notice v�de�ault <br /> and electivn ta cause Trustor's interest in�the P�-aperty�o be sv�d, wh��h natice Trustee shall cause to he <br /> duly filed for record �n the appropriate affi�es o#�he County�n which the Pr�perty is laca�ed; and <br /> {d� With respect to afl vr any part af the Personal Property, Lender shall ha�e all the rights and remed�es <br /> of a secured party under the Nebraska LJnifarm Commer�ial Code. <br /> Farec[osure by Power of Sale. !f Lender�iects tv forec�ose by exerc'rse of the Power��Saie herein conta�ned, <br /> Lender sha�l noti#y Trustee and shall deposit wi�h Trustee �his Deed o�Trust and the Cr�dit Agreement and <br /> such rec�ipts and e�idenc�vf expenditures mad�and secured by this Qeed o�Trus�as Trustee may r�qu�re. <br /> �a� Upon receipt❑�such not�ce frvm Lender,Trus�ee sha�l cause t❑ be re�orded, pub[ished and deli�ered <br /> t❑ Trus�or such Nat�ce of ��fault and Nvt�ce of Sale as �hen required by law and by this Deed o�Trust. <br /> Trus�ee shafl, withou� demand vn Trustor, after such time as may then be requ�red by Iaw and after <br /> recvrdat��n af su�h Notic�o� Defau�t and af�er Notice of Sale ha�ing been gi�en as requi�ed by iaw. seli <br /> the Property at the time and place of sa�e fixed by it in such Not�ce vf 5a�e. eithe� as a whole, ❑r in <br /> sepa�ate ia�s or parcels or items as Trustee sha�1 deem expedient, and in such order as i�may determine, <br /> a� public auction to the highest bidder�or cash in la►rvful money of the Uni�ed States payable at th�time <br /> of sa[e. Trus�ee shail deli�er to such purchaser or purchasers thereof its govd and suf�i�ien� deed or <br /> deeds can�eying the prope�ty so sald, but without any ca�enant or warranty, exp�ess or implied. The <br /> reci�tals in such deed of any matt�rs ar �ac�s sha11 be canclusi�e prvo� ❑�the truthfuiness �hereo�. Any <br /> pers�n, incfuding without limitatian Trus�ar.Trustee, ar Lender, may purchase at such sa�e. <br /> 4�� As may be perm�t�ed by Iaw, afte� deduc�ing al� costs, fees and expenses o� Trus�ee and �f this <br /> Trus�, including costs af e�idence of titl�in connection with safe,Trus��e shall app�y the proceeds o#sale <br /> to �ayment a� �i} a[� sums expended un�ler the terms of �his Deed of Trus� flr under the terms of the <br /> �red�t Agr�ement not then repaid, including but nvt fimited to accrued int�rest and �ate charges, �ii} ail <br /> other sums�then secur�d hereby, and �i��� �he r�mainder, i�any, to the person or persons fegaily entitled <br /> �herefio. <br /> 4c} Trust�e may in th�manner pro�ided by [aw postpane sale of a[�vr any por�tian vf the Property. <br /> Remedies N�t Exclusive. Trus�ee and Lender, and each o� �h�m, shail be entitled �� enfvrce paymen� and <br /> per�ormancs of any�ndek�tedn�ss or ob��gativns secured by this ❑eed vf Trus�and�a exercise all r�ghts and pawers <br /> under this Deed o� Trust, under th� Gredit Agreemen�t, under any o�the Rela�ed Documents, or under any othe� <br /> agreement or any �aws now ar hereaft�r in force; natw�thstanding, some flr al� �� suGh indebtedness and <br /> ob�igat�ons secured by�h�s Deed of Trus� may now or hereafter be v�her►rvise secured, whethe� by m�rtgage, deed <br /> af trus�, pledge, lien, ass�gnmen�or otherwis�. Neither the acceptance o�th�s Deed ❑�F Trust nor its en�Fvrcement, <br /> whe�h�r by court action or pursuan� fia the power af sale vr ath�� powers cantained in th�s need a� Trust, shall <br /> prejudice or in any manner affect Truste�'s vr Lender's righ�to realize upon or enforce any other s�Gurity now vr <br /> herea�t�r held �y Trustee or Lender, it b�ing agreed that Trustee and Lender, and each a�them, shall be entitled�a <br /> en�ar�e this aeed of Trust and any oth�r security naw or hereaf�ter held �y"Lender o� Truste� �n such order and <br /> manner as �hey or either o� them may in their a�salute discret�an d�t�rmine. No remedy conferred up�n ar <br /> reser�ed t� Trustee ar Lender, is intended tv b� exclusi�e of any flther �-emedy in this Deed of Trust or hy law <br /> provid�d vr p��mit�ed. but �ach sha�€ be cumula�i�e and shalE be in addition �a e��ry other remedy gi�en in th�s <br /> Deed ❑f Trust or now ar herea�ter existing a� law or in equity or by statute. E�ery power or remedy gi�en by �he <br /> Credit Agre�ment or any �f the Related Documents to Trus�ee or Lender o�- to which either a� them may be <br /> o�herwise �n�itl�d, may be exerc�sed, concurrent[y or independen�ly, from time to tim� and as ❑ften as may bs <br /> deemed expedient by Trustee �r Lender, and either Q� them may pursue in�ons�stent r�medies. N�thing �n this <br /> De�d v�f Trust shali be construed as p�'ohibiting Lender fram seeking a deficiency judgment against the Trustar t❑ <br /> �h�exten�such ac�i�n is permitted hy iaw. <br /> Election o�f Remedies. A!I a� Lender's rights and remedi�s wiff be cumu�ati�� and may be ex�rcised alvne ar <br /> together. if Lender decides to spend mvney or to perfo�m any of Trustflr's abliga��ons under this D�ed v�Trust, <br /> after Trus�ar's fai[ure �o do sa, �hat decisEon by Lender will no� affe�� Lender's right to dec�are Trus�or in de�auft <br /> and�❑exercise Lender's remedies. <br /> Request�or N�#ice. Trus�or, on behal�of Trustar and Lender, h�reby requests that a cvpy of any Notice a�Dsfault <br /> and a c�py of any Not�ce vf Sa�� under this Deed af Trust be mailed �a them at the addresses set forth in the first <br /> pa�agraph of�his Deed of Trust. <br /> Attorneys' Fess; Expenses. ff Lender ins�i�utes any suit vr action to en�orce any of �h� �erms of this Deed of <br /> Trust, Lender shal! be enti�ied to re�over such sum as the cvurt may ad�udge reasvnab�e as attorn�ys' fees at triaf <br /> and up�n any appeal. Whe�her ar no� any cvurt action is in�oived, and tv the extent not prah�bi�ed by �aw, al! <br /> reasanable exp�nses Lender incurs that in L�nder's vpinian are necessary a� any time for th� pro'tection of i�s <br /> int�rest v�the�nforcement vf its r�ghts sha�� became a part a#the lndeb�edness payable on demand and shall bear <br /> interest a� the Credit Agr��ment ra�e from the date of the expenditure until repaid. Expenses cov�r�d by �his <br /> paragraph incfude� v►rithou� f�mitat�vn, howe�er suhject to any limits under appfica�fe law, Lender's at�arneys' �ees <br /> and Lender's lega! expenses, tirvheth�r vr nat there is a �awsuit, including attorneys' fees and expenses �For <br /> �ankruptcy proce�d�ngs ��nc�ud�ng efforts ta mvdi�y ar�acate any automa�ic s�ay or in�unctivn�, appeals. and any <br /> an�ti�ipa�ed past-judgment col�ec��an ser�ices, the cast of searching re�vrds, obtaining title repv��s 4incfuding <br /> foreclosure repo�ts�. sur�eyvrs' reports, and app�aisa� fees, �it�e insu�ance, and f�es for the Truste�, to the ex�ent <br /> permitted by applicable [aw. Trustor a[sa will pay any cour�cos�s, in addi�ion�o a11 flther sums provided by�aw. <br /> Ri�hts a�T�ustee. Trustee shall ha�e af!of the rights and duties o�Lender as set�vrth in this sect�vn. <br /> P�'WERS ANt] �BL�GAT�QNS DF TRUSTEE. The fallvwing pro�isions refating ta the powers and ❑bl�gations af Trustee <br /> are part o�this Deed of Trust: <br /> Pvwers o#Trustee. In additivn t❑all powers o�Trusfiee arising as a ma�ter of la�rv, Trustee sha�l ha�e the pvwer to <br /> take�he �ofivwing ac�inns with respect�a the Props�ty upon the written re�uest of Lender and Trustor: �ay �oin in <br /> prepar�ng and fi�ing a map vr plat of the Real Property, including the dedication of s�re�ts vr ❑ther r�ghts t❑ �he <br /> pu���c; tb� jain in gran�ing any easement vr creat�ng any restri��ion vn the Real Property; and �c� join in any <br /> subvrdina�ion vr Qther agreement a��ecting th�s Deed o�Trust�r the �nterest�f Lender under this Deed fl�Trus�. <br /> Trus�ee. Trus�ee shal� mee� al[ qua[�f�cations required for Trus�ee under applicable law. in additivn �a the rights <br />