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2� 1 ��8843 <br /> DEED C]F TRUST <br /> �Ct]nt�nued� Page � <br /> and remedies set forth abo�e, with respe�t tv af f vr any part vf�he Property, the Truste� shaf f ha�e the �-ight to <br /> foreclose by n�tice and sale, and Lender will have the right tfl �vrec�ose by jud�cia! foreclvsure, in e€th�r case in <br /> aGcardance with and to the full extent pro�ided by applicable [aw. <br /> 5uc�essor Trustee. Lender, a�Lender's optivn, may fr�m time t�t�me appaint a successor Trustee ta any Trustee <br /> appvinted under this ❑eed o� T�ust by an instrument exe�ut�d and acknvwledged �y L�nder and reca�ded in �he <br /> v�fi�e v� the re�arder o� Ha1f County, S�a�e af Nebraska. Th� instrum�nt shail can�ain, in addition to a�l other <br /> mat��rs required by state �aw, the names of the vrigina� Lender, Trustee, and Trus�or, �he baok and page {or <br /> camputer system �e�erence� where this Deed of Trust is recorded, and the name and address o� �he su��essor <br /> �rustee, and�he instrumen�shall be execu�ed and acknowfedged by a!I th� bene�iciari�s under this Deed of Trus#or <br /> their su�cessors in in�eres�. The successor trus�ee, withvut canveyance o#the Prvpe��y, sha[f succeed tt� af[ �he <br /> title, power, and du�ties can�er�-ed upon the Trustee in this Deed v�Trust and by applicable law. This pracedur�for <br /> substitution o�Trustee shall g��ern to�he exclusion o�F all ❑ther pro�isians fvr subst�tution. <br /> N�TICES. Any notice requ�red to be gi�en under this Deed o#Trust, incfuding wi�hvut limitatian any notice o�default <br /> and any nat�ce a�sale shaiC be gE�en in w�-�ting, and shal� be ef�ecti�e ►rvhen actual�y deli�ered, when a�tua��y recei�ed <br /> by tele�acsimile {unless o�herwise required by law�, when de�os�ted w��h a nationaffy recvgnized��ern�ght caurier, vr, if <br /> ma�led, when deposited in�he Uni#ed States mail, as first class, ce�ti�ied or regis�er�d maif pastage p�-epaid, directed to <br /> the addresses shown near the beginn�ng o�this �eed ❑�Trust. Ali c�pies o� notices af�vreclosure from the hold�r v# <br /> any �ien which has privrify o�er this Deed of Trust shall be sent ta Lender's address, as shown near th� beginning a� <br /> this Deed af Trust. Any persvn may change his vr her address fiar notices under this Deed vf Trust hy gi�ing formal <br /> wr�tt�n noti�e to �h� ather pe�-s�n or persons, specifying that �he purpose ofi the notice is to change �he person's <br /> address. For nvtice pu�p�ses, Trustor agrees�� keep Lender info�med at a�l times of Trustv�'s cu�-rent address. Un�ess <br /> a�herwise pra�ided or �equired by law, i�there �s more than vne Trustv�, any notice gi�en by Lender to any Trustor is <br /> deemed to be notice gi�en to all Trustors. lt wili b�Trustor's responsibili�y ta tel�the others of�he nat�ce from Lender. <br /> MiSCELLANE�llS PR�ViS��NS. The following misceffanevus prv�Esions are a part a�this Deed ofi Trust: <br /> Amendmen�s. What is written in this Deed v�Trus� and in �he Related Dv�uments is Trust�r's �n�ire agreement <br /> with L�nder concerning the matte�-s cn�ered by this Deed a#Trust. To be effec�i�e, any chan�e o�amendment to <br /> this Deed of Trust must be in writing and must be signed k�y whoe�er wiii be bvund ar abfigated by the change or <br /> amendm�n�. <br /> Caption Headings. Capt�an headings in this Deed af Trust are �vr cvn�enien�e purpases only and are not to be <br /> used t❑inte�-pret❑r define the prv�isivns of this Deed o�Trust. <br /> Merger. There shall be nn merger of the in�erest ar estate created by�his Deed o�Trust wi�h any oth��interest or <br /> estate in the Property at any�time held by or for�he benefi�of Lender in any �apacity. withaut the written consent <br /> af Lender. <br /> Gv►►erning Law. This Deed o� Trust w�It be gv�erned by t�d�ra� law applicable �v Lender and, to the extent nvt <br /> preempted by�edera�law,�he[aws af the State v�Neb�aska w�thvu�regard�to its confl���s v��aw pro�isions. This <br /> Deed of Trust has been accepted by Lender in�he S�a#e of Nebraska. <br /> Choice af Venue, ff �here is a [awsuit, Trustor agrses upon Lender's request to submit to the jurisdiction �t th� <br /> courts a�Ha�l County. State o#Nebraska. <br /> Jain� and Several Liab��ity. All obligations af Trustor �ander this De�d of Trust shalf be joint and se�eral, and all <br /> refer�nces to Trus�or shall mean ea�h and every T�ustor. Th�s means �hat each Trustar signing �ef�w is <br /> respansibie far all obl�gations in this Deed o�Trust. <br /> IVo 1Na��er hy Lender. Trus�ar undsrstands Lender wii� not gi�e up any of Lender's righ�s under this Deed of Trust <br /> unless Lend�r does so �n writing. The fact that Lender delays or ❑mits ta exercise any right wi11 nat mean �hat <br /> Lender has gi�en up that righ�. �fi Lender dv�s agre� in writing to gi�e up one a� Lender's righfis, tha� does not <br /> mean Trustor will not ha�e to comply with the �ther prv�isians vf this ❑e�d of Trust. Trus�or also unders�ands <br /> that if Lender does �onsent to a request, that does not mean that Trustor ►rvil� nat ha�e �a get Lender's �onsent <br /> again i#the situatian happens again. Trustor fu�ther understands�hat just because Lender consents t4 one vr mo�e <br /> o�Trustflr's requests, that do�s not m�an Lender wi!! be requ�red �a cans�nt to any vf Trustor's futu�-e requests. <br /> Trustor wai�es presen�m�nt, dsmand fvr payment, protest, and nat�ce of dishonor. <br /> Se�erabiti�y, �# a �vurt finds that any proWision of this ❑eed af Trus� is n�t �a[id or sh�uld not be enforced, tha� <br /> fac�by itsel�wil� no�mean that the rest of this ❑e�d ❑f Trust wil� nvt be�a1id or enfarced. There�ore, a court will <br /> en�orce th� rest o�the pro�isivns vf this Deed a�Trust e�en i�a pro�ision of this Deed o�F Trus�may be found to be <br /> in�alid or unenfvrceable, <br /> Successors and Ass�gns. Suhject t� any �imi�a�ions statsd in this Deed vf Trust on transfer of Trustor's Enterest, <br /> this D�ed vf Trust shaff be bindin� upon and inure ta the �enefit o� the parties, the�r successars and assigns. f�f <br /> ownersh�p of the Pr�perty becames �ested in a person other�han Trust�r, Lender. wi�hou� notice to Trus�or, may <br /> dea�wi�h Trustar`s su�c�ssors wi�h reference to this Deed vf Trust and the !nde�tedness by way af forbearan��or <br /> ex�ensivn wi�hvut refeasing Trustar from the vbliga�ions of'�his �3eed af Trust ar fiabi[ity under the lndeb�edness. <br /> Time is v�th�Essence. Time is n�the essence in the per�ormance❑�this Deed of T�-us�. <br /> Wa��er af Homestead Exemption. Trustar hereby refeases and wai�es aE! rights and ��nefi�s of the homes�ead <br /> exempt�on laws❑f the Sfia�e o�Nebraska as to all Indeb�edness secured by�this Deed a�Trust. <br /> DEFINIT��NS. The�o�lawing►rvvrds shall ha�e the�ollawing mean�ngs when used in�his Deed v�Trust: <br /> Bene�iciary. The v►rord "Benefi�iary" means Exchangs Bank, and its successors and assigns. <br /> Borrawer. The ward "Bvrrvwer" means Ryan Steffen and M�che�le Ste��en and includes af f co-signers and <br /> co-makers signing the �redit Agreemen�and all�heir successvrs and assigns, <br /> Cred��Agreement. The wards "Cred�t Agreemen�" mean �[he credit agreement dated Decem�er �3, 2���, w�th <br /> credit �Im�t of $���.���.D� from Trustor #o Lender, #oge�her wi�h all ren�wa�s o�, ex�ensions af, <br /> modificativns o�, refinancings ��. �onsolida�ions o�, and subs�titutions �ar the pr�m�ssory n�te or agreement. <br /> N�TICE T�]TRUST�R: THE CREDIT AGREEMENT C�NTAINS A VARiABLE INTEREST RATE. <br /> Deed of Trust. Th� wo�ds "Deed of Trust" mean this Deed vf Trust among Trustor, L�nder, and Trust�e, and <br /> includes wi�hou� limitation a�� assignment and security in�erest pro�isions �-ela��ng tv �he Persanal Praperty and <br /> Rents. <br /> EnW'rronmen#a! Laws. The words "En�iranmental Laws" mean any and all state, �edera# and �a�af statu�es, <br /> regulations and ordinances relating to �he pr��e��ion a# human heal�h or the envirvnment, including withou� <br /> limi�ation the Comprehensive EnWironmen�al Respvnse, Comp�nsa�ian, and Liability A�t of �98�, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.C. Se�tion 96��, et seq. �"CERCLA"�, �he Super�und Amendmen�s and Reau�harizafiion Act �# �986, Pub. L. <br /> Na. 9J-499 {"SARA"�, the Hazardvus Ma�eria�s Transpvrtation A�t, 49 U.S.C. Section 'i 8��, et se�., �he Resourc� <br /> Conser�at�an �nd Reco�ery Act, 42 U.S.�. Section 694�, et seq., �r ather appficable state ❑r federal laws, rules, <br /> ar regu�ati�ns adapted pursuant th�reto. <br /> Even�of De�ault. The wards "EWent o�ae�ault" mean any of the e�ents ofi de�ault set fvrth �n this Deed vf Trus�in <br />