2� 1 ��8843
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> �C�ntinued� Page 4
<br /> any pro�eeding or purchase in}ieu af candemnat�an, Lender may at its election requi�s�hat a[[or any por�ian of the
<br /> net proceeds a� the award be applied to the lndeb�edness ar the repair or res�vration af the Praperty. The n��
<br /> proCeeds of the awa�d sha11 m�an �he award aft�r payment a�a!I reasonah�e �os�s, expenses, and a�tarneys' fees
<br /> incurred by Trustee ar Lender in conne��i�n with the condemna�i�n.
<br /> l�4APaSiTt�N �F TAXES. FEES AND �HARGES BY G�VERNMENTAL AUTH�RITIES. The fa!lowing pro�isions relating
<br /> to go��rnmental�axes, fees and charges are a part af this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Char�es. �pan request by Lender, Trustor sha�l execute such dvcuments in addi�ion �o
<br /> �his Deed of Trus�and take whate�er other ac�ion is requested by Lender to pertect and �on�inue Lender's lien an
<br /> the Rea� Property. Trustor shall reimburse Lender for a�f taxes. as described be�ow, tvgeth�r with al! expenses
<br /> �ncurred in recvrding, per�ecting �r cantinuing �his Deed �� Trust, including withou� �imitation all taxes, �ees,
<br /> documentary stamps, and other charges for record�ng ar registerEng this i7eed af Trust.
<br /> Taxes. Th� foffow�ng sha�� cons�i�ute taxes to which this section applies: 41 f a spec�#ic �ax upon this type �#
<br /> Deed o�Trust or upon a!! or any part of the [ndebtedness s�cured by this Deed �#Trus�; 4�� a specific tax vn
<br /> T�ustvr which Trustor is au�harized vr requ�red t� dedu�t�rom payments on the �ndeb�edness se�ured by this type
<br /> vf ❑eed o#Trust; �3� a tax on this type��Deed o�F Trus#chargeable against the Lender�r�the hQlder ofi�he Credit
<br /> Agreement; and {4� a speci#ic tax on alf ar any par��an ❑� the lndebtedness �r on payments a� principa� and
<br /> interest made by Trustvr.
<br /> 5ubsequent Taxes. if any �ax to which this sectivn applies is enacted subsequ�n# to the date of this D�ed o�
<br /> Trust, �his e�ent shall ha�e the same e�fect as an EWen� of Default, and Lender may exercise any or ali af i�s
<br /> available remedies �or an E�ent o� De�ault as pro�ided below unless Trustor either {�� pays the tax be�or� i�
<br /> becomes del'rnquent, a� {�� con�ests th� �ax as pro�id�d abo�e in the Taxes and Liens sectinn and deposits with
<br /> Lender cash or a sufficien�corparate surety bond❑r❑th�r s�cur�ty satis�actory tv Lender.
<br /> _
<br /> SECUR�TY AGREEMENT; FINANC[NG STATEMENTS. The �o!l�wing pro�isians re�ating to �his Deed of Trust as a
<br /> secur�ty agreemen�are a part o��his Deed of Trust:
<br /> 5ecurity A�reement. This inst�ument shall constitu�e a S�curi�y Agreement #o fihe ext�n� any �� the Prflperty
<br /> cans�itutes fixtures, and Lender shal! ha�e all v�the righ�s of a secured party under#he Unifarm Commercia� �vde
<br /> as amended�rom��me to�ime.
<br /> 5ecuri#y lnterest. Upon request hy Lende�, Trustor shali �ake whafie�er activn is r�quested �y Lender tv per�ec�
<br /> and cantinue Lender's securfi�y interest in �he Personal Prvper�y. [n addition to recording �his D�ed of Trust in the
<br /> rea# prop�rty records, Lende�- may, at any time and with�u� fur�her authorization �rvm Trus�or, �ile executed
<br /> caun�erparts, capies or reproductions o� �his Deed o� Trust as a financing sta#ement. Trus�ar sha[� reimburse
<br /> Lender fvr a!I expenses incurred in per#ecting or c�ntinuing th�s security in�srsst. Upan default, Trustor sha�� not
<br /> rema�e, se�er vr de�ach the Persona� Praperty from �he P�operty. Upon de#au��r Trustvr shafl assembl� any
<br /> Personal P�operty na�t a�f�xed to '�he Property in a manner and at a place reasanab�y con�enient to Trustor and
<br /> Lender and ma�e �t a�aiiable �o Lender within three =33 days after rece�pt of writt�n demand �rom Lender t❑ the
<br /> extent permitted by appEicable 1aw.
<br /> Addresses. Th� mailing addresses o�f Trus�or �deb�or} and Lender {secured partyj trom which in�o�matinn
<br /> concerning the securi�y in�terest granted hy this Deed vf Trust may be ahtained {each as required by the Unifarm
<br /> Commercia[ Code� are as stated on�he first page vf this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT4RNEY-lN-FACT, The fvllowing prv�isivns relating �o further assurances and
<br /> a�torn�y-in-fact are a parfi vf this D�ed ❑f Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and �ram time to time, upan requ�s�a� Lend�r, Trustar w��l maker execute and
<br /> d�li�e�, vr wil� cause to be made, executed or deli�ered, t� Lender ar t❑ Lender's designee. and when requested �y
<br /> Lender, cause �o be fiied, record�d, refiled. or rerecorded, as the case may be, at such fiimes and in such af�ic�s
<br /> and placss as Lender may deem apprvpr�ate. any and a!� such mQrtgages, deeds af trust, security deeds, security
<br /> agreements, �inancing statemen�s, continuatian statements, instruments of further assuranGe, certificates, and
<br /> other dacuments as may. �n�he sole opinivn �f Lender, be n�cessary or desirabfe in order to e��ec�uate, comple�e,
<br /> per�e�t, cvntinue, or preserve �1} Trus�or's abliga�ivns under the Credit Agre�ment, thEs Deed of Trust, and the
<br /> Rela�ed aacuments, and t�� the Ciens and secur��y interests crea�ed by th�s C]eed of Trust on the Praper�y,
<br /> ►nrhether naw owned or hereaft�r acquired �y Trustor. Unless prohibited by!aw or Lender agrees t��he contrary�n
<br /> writing, Trus�or sha�l reimburse Lender for all c�sts and expenses incurred in connect�vn with the matters referr�d
<br /> ta in this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-Fa�t. �f Trustor�ails to dv any ❑f the th�ngs referred �o in the precedEng paragraph, Lender may do so
<br /> for an� in the name of Trustor and at Trustor's exp�n��. For such purposes, Trustvr hereby i�-re�vcabfy appoints
<br /> Lende�-as Trust�r's attarney-in-�act far�he purpose v�f making, executing, deli�er�ng, �ifing, recvrding, and dain� all
<br /> o�her �hings as may be necessary or desirab�e, in Lender's sole op�nian, to accvmp�ish �he matters �eferred to �n
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERFQRIVIANCE. ��Trustor pays afl the Indebtedness when due,termina�tes�he credi�line accoun�, and otherwise
<br /> per�orms a[�the abligations imposed upon Trustor under this Deed of Trust, Lend�r sha�I exe�ute and deli�er to Trustee
<br /> a request �ar #ull recon�eyance and shal� execut� and del��er tv Trust�r suitabie statemen�s o� �erminativn ❑� any
<br /> financing sta�tement an file e��dencing Lende�'s security interest in the Rents and �he Personal Property. Any
<br /> recon��yance fee requ���d by#aw sha�� be paid by Trustar, i�permitted by applicable iaw,
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Trustor wi11 be �n defiault under�his �eed o�Trust if any o�the �ollowing happ�n: �A� Trustor
<br /> ct�mmits fraud ar makes a material misrepresentation a# any time in c�nn�ction with the Credit Agreement. This �an
<br /> include, �vr examp�e. a �alse s�atement abvut Trustvr's income, asse�ts, �iabi�ities, or any vther aspects of Trustar's
<br /> �inancial conditi�n. tB� Trus��r does nflt meet the repayment�erms vf the Credit Agreement. �C} Trus�vr's action or
<br /> inaction ad�ersely affects �he collateral or Lender's righ�s in the collateral. This can inciude, #or example, failure t❑
<br /> maintain requ�red insuranGe, was�e or destructi�e use❑f the d►nre�iing, failure to pay�axes, death of a�l persans liable on
<br /> the accoun�, trans�e� vf titie or sa�e �f the dwel��ng, cr�ation o# a senior lien vn the dwelling wi�thvut Lender's
<br /> permissian, fvrec��sure by the hvfder o�anather�i�n, or the use v##unds ar the dwelling�vr prahibi�ed purposes.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMED�ES DN DEFAULT. 1�an E�ent o� Default accurs under this Deed o�Trust, a� any t€me �hereafter,
<br /> Trustee or Lender may exercise any one ar more of the�ollvwing rights and remedies:
<br /> Accsleration Upvn De�ault.Additiona�R�medies. ��any E�en#of❑efaul�occurs as per the terms v�the Credit
<br /> Agreement s�cured herehy, Lender may declar� a�l lndebtedness secured by this Deed o�Trust to be due and
<br /> payabfe and the same sha�1�h�reupan become due and payabie without any presentment, demand, protest or
<br /> notice of any kind. Therea���r, Lender may:
<br /> �a3 Eith�r in persan or by agen�, wi�h ar wi�haut bringing any action ar praceed�ng, ar by a �scei�er
<br /> appointed hy a court and wi�hout regard t❑the adequacy af its security. ente� upon and �ake possess�on
<br /> o�the Property. ar any pa�t therevf, in i�s own name vr in the name o�F Trustee, and do any a��s which it
<br /> deems ne�essary ❑r desirab�e to preser�e th� �a1ue, marketabi[ity or rentabil�ty❑�th� P�-oper�y, or part�f
<br /> the Property ar interes� in the Praper�ty; increase the incame �rom the Prvperty vr prote��the se�urity �f
<br /> the Property; and, w�th or withvu't taking possession n� the Prvperty, sue for or o�herwise co�le�t the
<br /> rents, issues and profits of the Property, in�luding thase past due and unpa�d, and appfy the same, f�ss
<br />